and terminating witn a diance and card part), at Patten gym in Evans.toni is ini store for the Rotary guests. Dr. 6.95Up Tii. complet. sample. lins of America's. foremost m anufacturer of chitdren's coats at prices below thée pr.sen+ wholesale. There are no two aelike. LAý JEU NES SEmc. JUNIÔRS',anld GIRLS' WEAR WILMETTE I Ridge and Wilmette Avenues I~IPhione Wilm ette 4271 Let'a Go to Soeetheart Towni who liad held the position durîng the past four years. Mr. Speer conies %* nre Yv. - .ea* V '~iL J oir rnrai, goer-to tie couincil witn a weaitn .of experi- îîor of the 40th district of Rokairy luIn- e ternationai, which includes the north eie shorc area, will be gucat of lionor.. It :He lias been intensely i,îtcrested il. is expectëd tlîat>several. otheri officiais the movement forniaan years. lîaving ofthe internationial organizatton AVilIfÉrst ýserved as scoutmnaster in 1911. He attend the festivities. was one of the flrst 300 meni. to1 be coin- A block of seats at the football gaule nissioned by the national council. Sinice lias been set aside, for the l'oi.arians. that timie lie lias served in ii nîy <if- Iinm(--diatelyfollowing. the gaule they fereut. capacities including camping will witness a, swimming exhibition in chairiran, finance. chairman, assistant Patteti gym pool staged Il% Tom, Rob- camp <irector and camp director. For inison, N. U. swinminig ct acli. and sev- the Iast seven years lie' has l)een deputy eral of .lis stellar tank atliîecs. Jc~oual. scout executive of Region- 7, Next will cone a tuirkcy dinner in, organizin~g and administering council *Patten igymwl ein entertaiinnuent 'w iî activities.,ini the states of Illinois, Mis- iniclude songs In. the Nortlivestern ,Consin, Michigan .and Indiana. IGlee clu!),.,ex-hib)ition (of- football inoý-'Me. Speer*s flrst four years ivithi the tion pîctures,. ulerous 4otheër f ea-! regiotial- office were dev-oted to f urtiier- turcs. > îng the -intensive programi of growth D)ancing and cards wilI clinmax the' and cxpansionY of thé national -counicil, <ays programn. tud. lie completed 53 separate projects North shtore I<aarv clubs- participatý- in orgaiignw onisand extend- inug un the e-et iarc th< '%e i i .auttou. :lIg <iterSý. lle second period of his WImnette; inuelka:{1ec, Deer- .rie with Regioi 7 \was of an ad- field, Highland Park, Ni îrth Chicag(o. tinnstrati\ve_ clarazcter -. hich quite, and< Waukegan. nîrlvfloe the service he rén- <rdiltte urevious, 1.înr years, and > NIr. and M -*. Ecli lR 1<ickuson. va> spent itiidc%-elopiing couincil organ- 1514 Lztke veu art- the par ents izaticil, and prograin to the pretmt higli fa, soni borin C )t<ter, 9. at the St Ii-ficienecy. Whe h ainlcc i Ura cs i<spial ~I ~. ~esoî ujestablishie' the "Index of, Accoiî-plisi-, thîe balm -rettirlle(l tii thir 1Iilni 'ue ent," a scientific compreheu sive sys- C s te rd(a. tein of comparative ýprogress and.*ac- - __________________________________ oliiplisliment of local councils, Mr. SIpcer aiccejîtcd the task of adiiister- jnîg its use in Region 7 and enmployed The Y tty more extensivelv- in this region thanti The atty Shop e !i anv other the Unitced Bakery Specialties States. He made m'any valuable con- tributions to the index during thiat-'time. 1153 Wilmette Avenue Tirained as Executive Wilmètte 575 Besides being a- cf.llege graduate with, two yas otgaut ok r Speer is a gradilate of the Na\Ztionial Triigschool for scout exec utives. Prior 'to his work with the' regionalý - -officv lhe as for, several years ini the pesne wok ni îuý.ia'an oca Uot-pîu with nîs record as a husiness man, lie bas a %vide acquaintauce -with camping and scoutcraft acquired dur- ing mnany suniers speut iii the Cania- Fealint-tg t1 foowing SPECIALS during "TEKINI) THA T MADE MOTHER QUIT BAKING" Let'a Go to Sweetheart Toton lives iii Highland Park and 12 year-old daiglhtcr, Mr. and Mrs. Matbew Thalmati, 1616 Forest avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Phyllis, on Mon- day, October 3, at St. Francis hos- pital. Mrs. Thahtnan returned to ber homie'on Tuesday of last wveek froni Sthe' bhospital. . 4 * 1168 WILME1TE AVE. WIL. 312 Let', Go to Suethearýt Toin Golden Harvest Days "'Specials Tuesday-Saturday Men's All-Wool Sweaters, coat. style, Bradley make in. assorted each ........-9 'I wool, SIlip-Over Sweaters, .al-. $l'a95 and$3.95 1- I