Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Nov 1932, p. 16

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DUBSCHK'S 817 RIDGE ROAD Amwis.. Family Sopbas.. 24e FeuWe .Macaroni or IRA Spahetti. 3pgs Tolilet Tissu% c Wàil Hide Paints,75 RIDGE ROAD-1. PHONE WILMETTE 491 FREE .LIVERY a foremoat authority on the coniplete'eare of the handsand nmils, presents lber cxquiute SALON MANICUUE PREPARATIOINS W ilmette la cnairman ofthie seniors. Osborn Attends Session- Of CàtyManaàgers' Body ,Village Manager C. >M. Osborn ýat- tended rthe niineteenth' annual con- vention of the International City Man-. agers'9 association hast week lat. Ciii- cinnati, Ohio. * The association met jointly with the Governmental Re-* search association. "How CitieýsCan1 Best Meet the FinancialwCrisis" %vas one Ôf thetopicsof discussion. Magny leading. experts on- municipal prob-1 lnsfromn this countrv andf abroad;. participated. MEETING 0F CLERGYMEN The Church of the' Holy. Conîfort - ci-, F piscopal, Keftilworth,> is having the meeting of the. clergy7 of the Northern Deanerv of Illinouis Tules-: day, Ndvembér 1. TIhey wit? assenibtei at the church at 6:30 o'clock forJ evensong. The Kenilworth Union church bas given thein thc use of their guild room for the dinnier wvhicli wili be served at 7 o'clock by the women of the IEpiscopal churcli. Theyl expect about fiftv- to ttend(' this Meeting. i rs. Edward D. P'armnelec for.- inerlv of Kenilworth, lias gone te Utica, N. Y. to join her lhusbaid' and son. Slie experts' to be' there thi- winter. MNrs. G-'evilla Neulçranz' 12-n Ash-. land avenue, etitertaifie( at tea Suni- lday. KENILWORTH' BEAIJTY SHoPPE. Featuring HOT. OIL STEAM Marion Ortseifen, 337 1iLsex lýroad, Kenilworth, is imgkiinq her. i n>itiàd bon, at the Loyola. Co.mmn,- ty theater, in thte Cast of "ýSm iill' Throtigkz." Thc -pIay «'iii be.re7 /'cated for a iPccial bejewfit per- formalice for the . Convent of the * ,c 5~, A5 the1wcommunity theater, 1 321) I'.oyoluavne "Smnilli' ' Tlir ougli" '-as given as the opening entertainnia of 'the, season, October 10, 1 1, 12, and was repeated ýby special request for ýthe De Soto council, Knights of Columbus, Octo-, ber 15. Isabel Randolph, star of, rnany, Broadwvay and Chicago successes. plats the leading role. Miss Ortseifen is popular in littie theater circles on' the" nortli shore, be- >mng active' with' 'the groups at Kenil. %vorth,* Winnetka, and. Wilmette. She 'bas played tnany leading 'parts withi the various -groups, anmung which was the feature role iii H1elen Hlill's original play, -Close Up"' gîven by the "Barn- storiCr's" at 'the \Tihîfltte Woinan's club twvo scason's. ago. 'Miss Ortseifen was invited to take part in the Loyola cast upon the reommendation, of Eu- gene. O'Brien of :ýViin.etka vho vaS impressed with the work she had doue in plays wvhich lie lidi seenl on the noerth shore. STAIT LEADERS' IA g *Health week is being observed in thé, village this week, and Mrs. Burntsidc, at the request of the Wilmette Health department, -bas prepared the f ollow- ing article on the 'importance of keep- iig wvell andhow to do it: Habit$ Ipetn "Hea'lth is often conside red as 'only f reedoni f romn disease. It is; more than that. Health is.a' condition of abound- ing vitality in which the person, is caip- able pf making satisfactory adjust- ments to bis, physical', and _social sur- roundings. Success in if e dépends, largely upon health. Healtb depends much on habits, Habits are fornîed in youth. "Cleanliness is the first, rule. This. mean s fot only keeping your. face, hands and inger nails dlean or f re- qvent tub. baths, but refraining froin. putting pinis, 'mioney, pencils or fingers lini yqur moutlit. Do flot wet. you.r fin- ger in .,your . routh when turning the' leaves' of a book. In fact, do flot put aiythinig in your niouth except good f ood and pure drink. A dlean mouth, with, a sound,. healthy set of teéth, is ike a well-guarded, gate. it I<eeps mnaliy enemies. out of. the body and is thieréefore %vorth the best care yoù cani giye .1t. Nrq er N.jExorcise Potrexercise is necessary. No ûne cati rernain in good health long %vithout taking soine forim of exercise. If one's regular work does not com- pel hini to inove nearly aIl the ixnusckcs of thie body, hé must devise sonie plati. to' b ring- the muscles into action. 'Good food plays an important part ini our health prograni, because a prop- er diet does inuch in preventing sick- 'cs.Good foodl does flot niean' thé imost, eýxpensive food, but it' does mean that the. body' needs fuel,- bonce ai- tissue builders. A knowliedge of, diet is,'important, for recent studies have slhown that if proper attention were given to bone and tissue. bui*lders 'the people of this country could purchase, the' sanie amfount of nourishment as they take now for. $500,000,000 less an- nualiy than the present cost. The value of muilk, fruit and vegetables cannotbhe- stressed. too .tuchi, nor cati Phoe WEL 3 JMiss Claudess Bradley of Ioni'. Mich., arrived Sunday to spend 1a week with Mrs. Richard Hôsking 0f'ý 818: Park avenue.

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