Evanston for Titie Twoof New Trier's eading or-. New Trier stepped into second ganizations voice the following plea place ini the Suburban league .Satur- in behaif of hungry children in 'the congested city districts.* day, October 29, by defeating Morton TeNwTir il'cu n of Cicero, M3 to 8, at Plelps field. the Tri-Ship club again ugeyot While New Trier Was downling'Mor- bring sandwiches. The.supplyhasý ton, E v'anston was séverely trouncing been- increasing ekyee ic Oak Park to the tune, of 19 to 6. scbool started, but the demand' is. This made 1Evanston the only, team imounting rapidly each day. IDon't that1 bas 'a clear record, and New forget:. Wrap the -sandwiches separý*, Trier the, oày eleven with one defeat, ately; don't use rubber bands. Can- so if New Trier subdues Evanston dies, bacon'.'drippings, in glass jar-s, Noemer12 teywil ot1 b te and an supplies which your family for the ciam.Pioliship... canniot use are more than, welcome.. E, ar 1y, 1inii îe iast quarter, jo rteti, "L4es make .thirty .boxes Our. scored two points on, asafety. Seiler ~el ut n hw asHr punted on his own 15-yard Une an e ita andNotwsenUi Matkovcik blocked the kick. The bail fversity -settiement, that our thougbts bounced over the goal line and Seiler ar elywt te.Rmnbr recovered the-oval for a.safety. Ai" sandwviches next Wednesday, the ter an. exchiange of.punts, Dai nade week following, and cvery wee-.. fiast down on a Iine, plunige; tîten 9nly.400 students have been bring-: Seiler iý t 15 yards arotund right ing them-cant'tail the 2,200 per-» end. Weliustoclç aan 120 ~yards on'rwfa sons in New Trier remember 'to cross-buck. The next plav , seîler i bring two sairdwiches to schoel every. passed to Weinstock h charged \Vedtcsday mnorning? , Let's do if over for the fiast touchdown. DjahI 1antd do it ri.gbt " kicked the point. New Trier Scores Again New Trier miade its second touc i- aut A e br down ini the second quarter. Afier' neithea- teami had been able to. o ts o[o be achieve any first downs, Newv Trier -\Vc students ail have our various startcd a drive, making three ia-st hobbies and weaknesses which are ge4i- downs, and then Weinstock grabbedj erally known. to people,". observes the the bàil and ran 15 yards for a inquia-ing reporter, "but the hobbies of touchdown. DahEls try for the extra the faculty- are a deep, dark secret. point failed. At least, they were until three teach- Neitlier teamn scorçd ini. the third ers cnfsc to the foilowing weak- quarter, and. it was well into the liesses :" fourtla before Morton foied over. F. Donald Frishic is neyer happier for. its louie touchdown. De Ratîgo, than wh1leu traveling. even if ol o Morton's captain, threw along pass two r h01 dy. V on-wfor, to Soukup for a 15-yard gain. Sout- he once tauglit scîIitol-in - particular, upcarnied the bal over nt tCtand the WNest,, in ge.neral, are bis f a- plav. The battle ended a fceN nin- Torit spot fr trvelinig. Utes later. Miss Wrigh distat ler:chief Statistics of Gainerereation, and hobby is tose a good New Trier had nine, first dovi n to draia on the stage, but. niovies do flot Morton's eight. Morton coniffleted particularly, appeal to bier. four passes to New rrier*s two. Mr. Windoes regrets the passing of Morton' had eight. ilconiflete passes the trout season. Ht iah psso to New Trier's one, but tis was for trout fishing that as rtatsio Campeigu Io LauncIed by New Trier Before They Vote Girls' Club for Benfi~t of Soholar- A ain Mock iEIection mlAsia fittirig elose to the stirrinig The Girls' club of New Trier addcd camipaign inl New Trier's imock elec- $100 -to its scholarship fund bV tilîtio fpesident 'and governo r, ali sale'..of, magazine subscniptions last assembly was held Monday sliornuîxIg.' year. Practically every, home on the when' speeches were made in beliaif north shore subscribes to at least *o.j of the Democratic and, Repu blical, magazine. If, ail the students W'ill candidates for president and gvr- bringin renlewals -or subscriptions for nor, namely: Franklin Roosevelt and magazines to the Girls' club,. they Herbert 'Hoover-; Henry Horner ani . will be taken care of promptly, it isLen Small., The senior, clas 1 tre 1si- promised.dent, Bob Seiler, presided over the promised.assembly and introduced the s)eid.- The Girls' club. issues the followv- es aeFtgrl pk o in satmetregarding the maga- Republican presidential candidate, zanecampign:President Hoover, and centered lier "There is nothing to lose-in this attack on the main issues of the calnai- miatter, and there is certainly some-ý paign. The - talk by William Rav thing to be gained.' The price. of in favor of GvrQ osvitt the mnagazine reinewals or subsca-ip- Detiocratic candidate for president, tions are the saine as -those OIiC dealt nmainlv, with the governor's life. would ordinaniiy pay, or one milay -and fituess.for the position. even get theni at the special: club Roy Warslxawsky spoke for Lien price which we are able to off er bec- Smnatu and J udge Henry Horner was cause of the large number of si")- backe'd by John Mathiesot. \Var- scriptions. shawsky brought out Smali's excel- "The Girls' club receives a, comis- lent record, as road builder -andi Sion on ail these subscriptions which "friend of the people" in lies former wili help pay the tuition of Somle un- termns of office; and Mathieson. told fortunate girl. Prices and informa- of Horner's emine nt work as j udge tion regarding these subscriptions of the Probate, court. may be obtained at the Girls' cl" b The speeches were designedý to desk in 215A or from your advaser etetr room Girls' club representative." githetre characteristics of ecdi _______________man, and when'the memibers of the audience left, thev expressed inde- !-aweleys Give Part y cision as for whomn to vote. since ail the candidates showed such iikei for Girls' Glee Club qualities for holding office; to quot'v The Girls' Gîce club party at.ý the John Mathieson: "ýYou wiil ail prob- home of Bren-na .Hawley, in. Keiil- ,afy ore ousardtspu ehes." worth 'was a ga-cat success, it is an-foeyuhadtesecs. nounced. The îîew girls in the club- The weck. before, stirringtak furnishied the enteatainmient. This were given ina ail the adviser roonîs consisted of singing, piano playing, The election was held on Tuesday. rcadings, nîonologs, ditties-speciql November. 1, but the returns were niot recognition to Sue Mitchcl's-and a tabulated in time for publication Mi dance solo by Mildred Mullen.who is! this. issue. in the ballet of the Chicago Civic Opera company. She gave the [DSnelave pIs C"'ge Dance" f rom "Aida." Dacjru ~ oe Other new club mlembers who par- frGrs lbB za ticpatd n et.rtgnig wreRut jThèdane raln hnzn nr 1ý- i.n leme ýgrupp nQsçnlor .Ume, en- *Mortoa,.-Orafit for 9( -for Richter. and Larac Offiéal,: umpire, Co( mian, D. D. Rogers; re SeoeeIyPe New Trier ........7 Korton ........... 2 or; hea4 uines- ree, McIIwain. West 6 0 0--13 0 .O 6-8. or1 ag sraI' t8 Uo uIo U iC ig, are in for good food the reporter is sure. ;into six cars H koekey as! ýrst course, they in. Winnetl and good fun, Country D Trier field. 'ý-enPr hall. iTne play a team f rom n the Chicago Field on November 19, r at North Shore I1 or on the, New lxu u&