many questions are put to the work- ers on duty. Woenen who have served at head- quarters during the past week under the. chairmanship of Mrs.- Charle.s Pynchon, include: Mrs.' Philip Moore, Mrs. 'Vernon Welsh, >Mrs. Joh n Manierre,. Mrs. Walter Strong,. Mrs. W. W. Darrow, Mrs. Rawleigh War- ner, Mrs. Alfred Freeman, Mrs. Cor- nelius Watson, Mrs. Bruce Mac-. Leisb- Mrs.. Howard .Q'Brien, Mrs. John Hcoker, Mr s. Ernst von Ani- mon, Mrs. Morton, Cahn, Mrs. James W.. Marshall,, and, Mrs, George Cal- kins. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sheliman, 707 Washington: avenue, announceJ the birth of -a daughter, _Bernice! Gladys, Saturday, Oc tober 15, at the i Evanston hospital. Mrs. Shelimatn. I the former Gladys Kuelzow, is the1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kue- zow of 611 Greefleaf avenue. CARD PARTY A card and bunco party will be hel(d by the Wilmette Rebekah lodge, Past ' Noble Grand club Wednesday eve-î ning, Novemnber 9, at Odd Fellows'ý hall, at 8:30 o'clock. Tbere will be prizes and refreshments. Ilrs. Niat-' die Kurz is president of theý Past No- ble Grand club. HONOREDAT OBERLIN Miss Palynia Burpec, daugbiter ot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Burpec. 815 Linden aven~ue, Wilmette. haS been elected secretary-treasurer tiîý. Johnson house, dorinitory for woniciu at Oberlin college. Miss Burpee. i a freshman ini the Conservatorv Music this year. STUDY CROUP TO MEET The Pre-adolescent Study group: will meet Monday evening,' November' 7, at 8 o'-ock, with Mrs. C. 'Herbert Jones, 1514 Forest avenue'. Mr. and Mrs. DPavid F. Hall, 8W' iêoaenat lunchçeon and contract i- Priday, October 28. M.and Mrs. Robert Tarrant, 1250 Chestnut avenue, will give a hridgcý buffet supper IFection night., the Soeconomicalads SPICIAL TERMS ON T. IIOt WAHRS FOR LIMUTED TIME Adown payment of only, $2.50 wi!li p one of, these new Thodr. electric: washers in pour home - at once :,You cao pay -thé balance . Little "by littie'> $ni 4.1i0 a month. (Cash price is.$69.50.) A big wéeeks wasingcosW lihtlemoetli# $1 -VBn while you are stil1 paying for the. machine What a savingi And it's wotiderfully easy to wash with a Thor. Agitator action tubs dothes clean, gently but firmly,' without preliinary soaking, touch the hot sudsy Your hands harclly waterA Loveil wringer gets dothes rcady for the line Let us demonstrate how you can do. an average weel's wsshing in rwo short houm, E I -J s . 1