Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Nov 1932, p. 10

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much ie as possible. The' Invita- tion is not oiy for e mer. fthe guiid, and con)tgre-gatitibn but for amY 00e ln th...ytii1agt-%who n&Y bie interested.. . tî 1..i.'i .riehAnit, Gury sale auîd lazaaî' iil l î~d iith àiu room and 'wili ineliude a. grvait va.t4'týtY of ufui and attistc îrclai.'ra Wii bhoserved land, ln tihe,*cv.'îiiîgitre- wili. hc an. entertainnlt. .1.. l, -chool11 f ietais uspal t -9.5 and thé udd4 se<'iol of ile Chueh nf the Hoiy Comforter. wil ho guemte thiq week. Dr. Danforth %v'ill mako the Addrese.. Methodist Church Thë ministers sermon themie for uSunda-y mor lag will bc *Ali~f.ctv ritanity- e music for the Il' Clockwo'ii as foliows: phonie"............Digglo The Anthenm--Praiso the Lord, 0 j-ru- The Ottertory Anithem-*"The Bilenit Set' * The Organ Plostludeý-'Fill" (Fiirs,. The High School Îeague will dae "HIomo tTalent- iwograin Sundaiye'e nlng. at 5 :30 at the home, of Helen :n Annarnarit' Booz. 919 Forest avn. ÂAl mnibers of the group will pmti.* t Tho First divibqiol will nieet foi- lunicheon on Friday, Noveniber 18, at the home of Mrs. E. B. Snyder, 1444 Lake avenue, at .12:30. The Young Peop)ieR. group wiii hhavk a party at the church* on Thur*sdas' evening, Novemiber 17. The sociail CI air- men promise a.,splenidid programn, and al young p.'opIo ýare cordIaIly InVited, to attend. SJohn's Luth eran Wilmette Herman W. 'Meyer, X, A.. pastor 40e Prair , e avenue. telephno 1396 Church telePhotîe 5.179 S~ERVICES' Twetity-fiftli Sunday afte r Trfnity P,:15 -a. 11-17irst service anid sermon. 9 :30 a. ii.-S4uiid.ty scliool :and. classes. 10 :45 a. m-ofsInI*(crvhefor il a. n.-Secondsei.' and Holy Sermion : "-TgUlieve ini tiih, our. tion of tho BodY MEETINGS Sunday- at 3 .n..uirriya Inimianuel's, Waukegan. Wednvslay at 4 p. ni---Cristimn cuýl1- catton of. cblidren. Saturday at 9 a.n.Cise for chil- dr~en. In the daus of Christ .therr, .cxistlvd a large ad nlun ;a e(-t m,1hioh a.- ma pe s . . . .. . .. . Quartette:, "H-eat' Thou My Prayer"l Poetincle: "Grand Choeur", ,..Rogers The Wilmiette Suinday Evening clulb meets ln. this church at 7..30. Next Sunday. the Hon., Vithaibhla J. Patel. formeriy mfayoe of, Bonribay and près- ident of the >Indian' Legisiative Assem- bly, will, speak on conditions l In idia As he -sees therni. The officers and teachers of. the Wii- mette Church sehools will ýmeet lin a united feilowship service blonday. No- vember ý 14. ln the '2Nethodist chureh. .Pinner wil be served at 6 :30. Prof. Frank 'M. NfeCKbbon of Northwetera unfiversity' will ho the, principal speaker. Fivechurches %011 part-1cipate Iln this unique andinspiring occasion.. We urge ail of our Church sehool faculty and staff ta take advantage:of this oppor- tunlty tn partîcipate in a commuTity, service considering nîethod.q of Improve- nment ln our prograin of réligious eduva- tion., Our ammaal Fil Tlank-Offerlng <in- ner wili. be hela in thbe ch'èlWed- nesday, 'Novemiber 16, Dr. Georgo Il. White, secretary of the Amierican Nfis- *ionary assoelatioih, will speak on "The Future "f the Chrietian Progràm f? WOrld ervce. The dinner wiii hoý served at 6 :10 by the Enst End circle. Reser-vations inay be inade through thoý churcb offie. The rozular w."k-dauat1iiýy o asfcd Ilw bIrdaI. Our friendas and inembers to atteýnd th<.ý outlook seems to be thiftthsiiexo. ail of oui' other fine <innere ini ever' respect. Ml rservation,, arct- t h.- made by dy nocon (thefuterh Caîl the parso11ageý Wilmeétte 427!9. An hour spent ln the IfolîFe ne, il, Lord »on* Sunday will, make. yotr w. moro' Joyous. Iu reîspionso te the 'proiclamation1. . the Presideut cf the Uniitedý States t.. set asIdb Novenaber 24 as a day of Na, tional Thankqgiving, to, give God ci011" most hearty tlîanks for His hles.sing._ of the past, year, thé CO-0pe r.tinjý Protestant chuî'ches 'of Wiliîette WflV hoid a Unioin T i.nkqgiving service . w the Wilinette Entglish Lutheran e (hur,b. Greenleaf at-cîîu."and Seveth itstre,..i Thaànksgixvig ,,.',riinig it 10 Wc tl:i,.k. Tu oi'dt i Iolbe patriotié citizfeus an" <iledient chiidrt'u o! (md, we -shc'uld s asîde this lînur to w'.orhip and pîu*a i-- A3. dtai program xwill apa thcb, nexi. Issweo.ofthe..Wimette Lif,. st. A ngustine's. Sunday, Novenîber 13, will ho the 2,itl. 'unday aller Trinity. There *,,Ill1, Hfoly Communion, et 8 a. m.. churcla shosand Bible classes at 9 :15, anit niorrig prîrr ith sermon at 1l n. fw: Monday. eveuing, November 14. Bi>liil Stewart, and w*- holie Mrs. Ste-witrt. mWi Ibo the guest of St. Augustine*,,; . Thi.. uL-Tr The Church school meets evory. Sun- t~bd whielî experaen.ed the Inie- day morniug et 9:30. There are classv4 , 1vec ttae1s of the hèathen wrld for ail ages. ýThis lias reniained.s o. Yt thl~is IS lie o f the principal teaiiings of the. The M.Id-WVeek servie of fellovshil, i Christian churui to thld day, and i.>o fopr prayer and! praiseý wlll lie lie]i ole of the most hopetul. It is basud Wednesday eveiîîg at S <"dock in tii,,(,il twmi; clear pass.ig.-s f tielt) h' Junior moont A1l1 mcmbers and fr;, nd- It býcanie a vitail îrth le lui the ftrst of tii..' clînreli are lrge.! tO 14,w*' pî - .confussioti the ciîurt h --er had, thé I ApoRstle,' Creed. PasIt tC. Gockel will The Thîrd. division willit,,t : t a ttii deliver i - srmion îîext Sundav onthi churciî Tuesday it. 10 oYnkt.s' itce<f the? Christiani laitiî. You anid for tilt Fair. . -S yUl' frieîIds arjje mi tt-.! to NworjSiîip îvIthjj Choir rot arsak >art. beM !4;aÀL iu 7. . Friay3 Ili . .- -RBrownie-S. 'lhome hcannot attend the diriner au. Friday-7 ::W0p.nî-Snl r 'amFire uirged to corne 40the' meetingIn the, Girl. ~ . ~ coîî~ uarsh houIse at 7:45 o'clock. -. . The womien of the parish wili hol.! The Nefghborhood (_Iclc wilI meiet rulMmage Sale In the. par[ h house neýxý Tue.-daiy, Novernber 15, at tueo homne cf oor to the parish office Thursda1.'y and! Mrs. H. R. Hitchcock, 9o6 Greenflenf Friday, November 10 an.! il (tnday and! avenue. The asqsisting hoi.t4ssts . ye tonmorrow>. Parishioners are. urge.! tc. Mrs. GeorgtN Harbaugh. Mrs 1). IL. 'ýnd te tire parlsh house everything they Nicholes, and 'Mrs. Hlerlwirt Calidwell.. "an coileet which can be sold. Mrs. C. Lunch eon at 12:30 wiill-, 'fiAicwod h-v T. Douglass, 209 Woodblne avenue (tel aafternoon of! aýeu-ng-. . Wil. 138) ls iu charge cf the sale aud _____ - .-Wiiiar'range to havé anythng calied for Bean and'Mlis's 1ort-.ite:Anîi. Kletziin ,. orthwet Circle servixig and th,,eCOzy day at 4 iVclock. ci s;ukl o tth gSnatiovnim Study Bock: 11.iss Arax Bei îjia. pregraini. TeReverend a'l.îxg On Thursday, 17.~îi, tlt, 1 11) ..Iiî iext Sîinday eveniîîg In ilie auadi- G titar 8electiolis: MI. Jeës' î H; Ium -le. <of t t Church of the Gocd Siîeîherd aan b soclèty will Bt et < ia 'i il ge t0rluni of the First Congregatioia' phreym. New menvbers will lie reecewtîdin Cthicago, wiil be the sPeaker for thîs at 1 o'ciôck and! se'.'for thu t' E iiceî.' y hurch wvil e hv tu11011. Xitllaîibiîai .j- The oma's Hme is~onar. -' I i ad a group of singers frim Relief. Please jbrîng yiui' "'tahose..- a.'i orirr îayo Bo'miîav î Th iiii', om isoavs-jthe church wiii prescuît a urogran of îng nmachines. We 'Ian . îa ke iîspesdn f thtN India> 1 fiti'e.":1>- viet%, wili mee'tt Tusay oeubi imusiî The'afer,'n' e-%iing wililie nother <omo, t 17 he e.vIigdatys senîbl.v. dos a~I t

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