.thsgroup of pupils from the Betty1 Townwhc is to be presented in the eral spec'altv.numbers. The musical for the shôw, tomrsn loatet, loncs School1 of Dancing, who have Wilmette Woman's club auditorium comedy is sponsored by the Wilmette are now on sale in the business plaèes had a weath of stage experierice wiII: Mondav and Tuesday-nights, Novern-., Chamber of Commerce and proceeds of the village. Capacity. houcare tugnient the . production -Sweetheart ber 14. and 15. They will present sev-' A-Ill go ta Wilmette char:ies. Tickets arîticipated for this charitv event. I I i~iWILMETTE Il. <num wnein ine min-west. %% ray [ t." AVENE Aadew S. MIiaV the scales at 220 potinds'. He also AlI-. Americaii, andS.ill Rilev, present i mdmy neets fgh aqurd fnereuat 1asaPurple tackle. This 1I-,hi...first va Acaderny in the feature battle on both ha ain lear euainasaottesud hvi en-al teams' schedule. Ail proceeds f rom fihiglae. Hack, who is also a 1' h.sud hvn enal thegam ae t betunedove ~star track man for Culver. is onlv suiburban choice last year at Ne%% lslightly smaller, weighing 19-1 pouinds. TirHg cil \loi h charity. weid lhave beeni Austin high*ý cap,- Heading the ist of Chicago boys' Three other' Chicago boys who wl are respective captaîns of both teamts, be in the Çulver starting linieup Sat tcanthi ei ar, ui a uo tt rilev . Park Wray, the brilliant St. john urdayare Ed Klich of Riverside a bcln.bteinr sint h hrr o _244-pounder appearing at left tackle; Irwn vasOakPakan e a bi bo'es Perfect Your Coatract Game Ir.in- van-,Oa. Pak,.an nd;-a1 lPhn. WU. 32 M rs. Chris Johnson,. 1215 Tet- third street, is convalescing from a i