Pred~'ic- C.Dressil, for years. Pt'sid.',it 4'f -Tu'C1tirt1?-century l>ress, lias becrom.' /'re.e4dent of Poisad. 1hir., îwhich has j#~st ýbee11 f~ruî' bsptcctializ.2' j» creation and. dis!ribiutioii of varîiîvs types &f. ad- l~rinj t ('riâtI.l i ia rsdn potion to the -prinices,;.Thecrcupon i Clash This Saturday ber sou! eçnters the brcast of. a 'I fat old 14ake Forcst-Beloit foot- nightingaWe But afterwarils the: po- a!! feuil will break, out. aga-an this tiontist given the nightingale and the! Saturday at Farwell field, Lake For- prînc*ss' sou! srestored to lier. to est. Theyve been at it forty-cie: the oy f te pince Ths pay vi; years. lit that tinte Lake Forest ha$ continue every Satiîrcay until Dec- Won eleven gantes, Beloit has won nime , ïember 24. "Jack ani the Ileaustalk,, a d six have. heen tdes. Tt's Home- dramnatized by 'Mrs.. C. B.. Chorpeti - 11 ning.ofEvanton wih ïetue extconiing at Lake Forest Saturday, whlch play fer the childretî, which -wil 1 open means a scorchilig good game will be on December 31. The regular per-pae yht em i rn fta foýrmances by thie aers of the At Hneoigeod Institute school .of dranta, wil!! be resuffied onu1I)erembleé 5, for four a rnitince on the 8th. The play W! nights, -the 5tIi, 6tlî, 7th an(1 8tIi, itIbe Ibsen's. "Pillars, of Societv." Juin DeWitt G'ray, alsot4pf Wilniette, advrtising and inercflani(ising expert assoiatd itth large natiopal adver- tisfr, ùit-', Virecskfeit anditreas- tirer. I larold \V. Gibbs, formewr!y of I),ort»iinj and coinpany, and like Mr. I)ressel, Nwel! known on LaSalle street, beconii<s secretar%. M'r. Dresse! bas aiso heen elected vice-president of Com- nmcrctf Clearing House Press, lrac., and, the t%%-,-) ther menmhers oi the firini are 1 ikewi',t associated withi the latter com- lvamy. (f %which NVWiliam Kixniiler is I hlead. l>usine,..ý; of Posad, lue., %vill bc; carried on in offces adjacent to the -Y Su t th0 Oe nation s rMost prorni.tient advertiscrs, s-peciali 1zes - particularly ln '.ales promotional. .camfpaigns. MIr. I)re.ýsci is now in the prcess of mîakig Xi.w York connections for Po- sad, Tue., as well as Commerce Clear- ing Ilotise Press, lue. M rs. Charles Fuller and son,.1)7î Indian Hill road, inntetka, loit Fri- day of last week for Etiroîpe to 1)( r4ever. before hots if been possible to purchas.D REM.. Texas Crystal Wax Bermuda Oflh@As af THIS SEASON of the Year. Just anotlwr outýof-s*ason d.1;cacy, mode possble by refrig.rati@. Thes. Crystal Wax Bermuda Onions are exceptionally sweef and mild. Th.y cati b.e efen raw or used in salads. Dolicbous, no matter 1,ow you use fh.m I Miliinery Salon-Second F1007 P. I -EVANSTON The Last Word En Sophistic ,ation!: 'q.. Imm- ý5 ý