IW iooCadets <6 à*_Parade ýThrough Evan ston, Befor. î 04i try PReview on Field at 1:45 I.,M. -* 2 Bande. TTIT I L ITA R Y CULVERA C A D1E M Y vers tts Novemberl1, 1932 -2:30 P.M. -IE STA heini fotindation wvas an arrivai at Curtiss airport la'St *ekin i bslock- hleed Air express. Tlîaw had the ship radio-cequipped hy thc 1ear1f- velopmient companyv. 'wliclî ha, Il, hieadquarters at ,Curtk, 1I.T plane lias. atop spjeed ci abot r190 miles an hour and a fwkig ped oi. 155 mniles per hour. PlWýaukeePilot Bu'ilds' Model of Good,%ear,,Blimp cliff Conit. the Pal-W\a.ik-t.7 air- port pilot. who bui i mi del lane. inm his spare tinie. is w rking C'il. milniature x elica oitit- ,4fva blimnp'. Ptir;tati, which iis k-ejtin à doc!. erectcd peia ,,n r the "d vear cml anva a-\\ak' a C.'urtiss .irpo)rt Staff Holds Dinnier Nýleetiig MNenber,ý oi the Clirîins airpjori staff held a "e-orehr.ditimer andl meetinig la,ýt Fridav ighIt. Prob-' Iemscontruîingva'ièu îîîiîîer~oi tice taîï ;%ure dcî d.ArcP- tiu1 also aslield recentl\-. for 1Ra"II1 Hall. the ne mawager at Curti- tihMr, Hall t'ane ere frnmlh iWinnetka Plane OwNver whictx wi open in C(Micago on june 1. Three of. the midget 'planés that wiIl take part. in a national tour for the world's fair *were flown. to thù exposition grounds. last week f rom Niles, Mich., their. .pilots, bearing a, inessage of good will .f rom Gov.. iI- 4ur '1. Brucker --of- Michigan to'Ru- fus Dawes, president of thé expo- ito.Mai. R. \%.,Schroeder of Sk'ý ilarbor wvas.,in charge of.the lighî. The pae are Hceaths and hiave a wing spread of'onIîx twentiv-five, fet.> They are painterl in world's fair cicd- ors, with blue bodies andt silve-r w The. Centurv of Progress e"mlleni .2nb1az7oned on thie fuselage. \Vhen the fleet- of planes arrm'vvc at SIcy Harbor nxtspring. h - olanned to devote one month'_, limne to training in formation flying. Teii ~tative plans .call for the scpaadron to inake a tour of 280) cities in tîwenî\ - fouir stateeS in tîhe Mississippi -valley' in the interests of the fair. l'ri(:t,,ir i's schcduled to' start in April. Fly -to Wisconsin. and Bring Homne Somne Ducks Wa ' ne King. tItefliving orcliutr:î le.ader. atnd Cliff ('ondit, Ia-akt airport pilotmadle a trip tlu iortII crn Xisconsiii la't.%-éwckiiM Kine'ý- Don't Miss This BIG CHARITY GAMIE! huning Hedidmio îîaktthe ti niiier hoie inear Rhinulimnlur i n his plane,f ivevur. fDr. Pont 1il, j, t a inl>l0r oi l -tht1Y rîtï'i pRt eturns toSky Harbor h mîl, Cî~'a~'. rom Plane Trip East i BUYSA LDLN ter of theîx e oIcphMedxli l'ativrtýoi-. Iralnk N à . arrmer stidemît am returned to Skv Harbor airpuîrî trx j lme untssFl~im, s&hol..purhatd ew Y -rklast week, ralnakirman un. aFledgling. at Cni.anutr sclhedtle(l stop at Toledo. ()liîl.'(-o ýeritly, miexnbers nf tlme staff M-'t lîc the w-av back b)ccaiise of h)ad çt ir'pori report. p.\isPatterson llflic, a Lid Otto K. ifel, Mgjr. I Mrs. Louis C avenue, spent tl cinnati recently. 1' rie . so tr' ruruIsiFr'e - F. Koli', 6()-"S lciatrcüt: 01 Oakçwood J. Krruscli. 17.;4 F<irest a%, enld 41 CCm- M 'F. J-. Kir;îînmen-i, 1229 tiîw ,avenue. .1 ,VIF.. Nfrs. F. ue, and