A Cmmunty nai~ S*rko Thie Year's fo eitens-ive. f ùîd. carp'aigln of the ~ l-> Wimt ïô~nty Cbes't as, sociation>Wbh .get under .way Sun- Naô. N ebe' 13.- h«en- workeèrs wilIin a hrough .camvs g ft Village »:qùest of conatributi.ons .ili Boar of Loal harities. Two bther recgtize aence .toward, which, Alie Cè,mmunity .Chest hscn tribted *unÙaVIy arc the. Infant Welfare society --nd the Arden. Shore. Rcs§t camp. The$e,, with the Board. li Locl -haritid&, Wftl rf&i-v the~ fi rst. $25,OW. collected - in the current camxpg the *fund to be divided as folfûaws -$SI5, 00 for Local Charitic%, ;Ind ffl,000 divided between the In- faut XVelfarLc society and Ardenýi sh.i)rrý Of thie ,$5ffl) quota ini the I IMPORTANT NOTICE I lia.e aninua1 public imeeting 'of the \V~ lnett Conmnunit,., .Chest asso-j Iciation. whiclh 1', opl-- 211 a------ -r-- scriber.. to the. animal unified. vil- lage wi nd drive for recognized charity and wehiare agencies, w~il1 be ieId àt the Village hall Monday cvunniiig,.\ovieihbr 14, at 8 co'clock. drive, Il iinoney collected Ill- excess iof;$",5,000 w111- go into 1lt-e coffers- of tlic'Cook comity EwgnvWc!fare *Face Starvation Nvcdlc>s to. say, the nced this is greater than ever bcfortý in history of the village. Tie situa is extreffi grave 'with thôusi the atio n1 4 1Th - - - -- w a k e e i!r a d i l l b e r e q u e s te d to i tierect a shelter at the northbound plat- r Workers- Meet Tonight f1r-o is Keniilworth avenue stop in for: Carnpaign .Advie I<enilvorth. This was d ecided, at the Mrs.L. . ites ,presidentof the reua othly meeting of the-Kenil- Wintt On muity Chest asso- wortb Village board Monday nigbt,> fciation, bas'Calle(l. a* meeting cf the we rse otrFox, chairman ii entire c:10lmpain orgaization to, le Ofi the special North Shore lime f ran-1 *held* tonight (Thur.sday, Noveni- Chise comÎnittee of the board, was ap- 1" ber 10) 'at ilhe.- V llage hall'. at .8 POinted to take the flatter u p with ôffi- al odc..Ail. Workers are. earnestîjy cials dif tbe railroàd,. requested to 6e present as- the list 1 Sometimie ago wvhefi in dividual citi- of . 'anes and. other working- mat-, 1zen sked that the Kenlot or erial-will be handeci o t to the or- 1 ak sep to brlng about. the etrection i ganîzation at this. timfe. of a,ý shelter,, that body. decided to g to theKnilworth Neighbors for anL George Reddilig, chairman; D opinion, on the matter. The Neighbors Alle, Jr, Llyd lolliterrecommended that shelters>be provided Chapmran, Conrad Frymn wgh tteKnilworth avenue stop, especi- 1s rkaand Mi' ally at the northbound platform, which to E ei.is located just south of Knlot Listed 1) districrtsthe wk,krg p ý <avenue. flsone »tecmag hpsU)a The Village board thereupon decid- hc follows cd to take the tniatter up Svbte al Wotklng Personnet. road officials. i terl-U Area A. Çolonels Mrs. XAlfred JRuby, _________ of Mrs. Harry Jacobi. District 1--Capttain, .Mýrs. j. J. John eeca~Bos our so:worke.rs: Mrs. D. F. Wlley, Mrsp D. L. Taylor. %jree. lVilliiam Èrippet,,. *Mrs George Evans.1 Barrel Pro ject Here t District 2 -C«aptaIll in. M. Iar3 iletebu)nssmin a1wl taha Jicobi; woî'keris: E. %j. Stafford, Na-ebsiesnin a el sa than Elson. Mrs. Edwatrd Lllienfied, thieir custoniers, are cooperating in, si( Mrs. Harry Jacorbi. * makingthe food barre! project spon- M Di-ctrict 3-,.Captan rMrs. C.H_ Kfl TZ1--t.'_ kiayson. . -offering ';frod barre! specials s, ch111V!r, W.l as an extra loaf f bread or some det,>c Area *B. Colonel, Mrs.. WV. A. Bockiuý. oteritem for one cent. In talcîng vteto n harls District 5-Captain, AMrs. Harry Barn- po e drs, too, the merchants a rej didate, a bill, workers: MJrs. Elmer Claar, . cooperating in a similar manner. The .,r Robert Fyfe, Mrs. W. A. Kendrlck, Mrs. Smptent A. V. Gruhn. Mrs. R. A. Sirnith, contents of the barrels are emptied an pso W. E. Montrose. regularly by the Wilmette Board ofadWe District 6-Captain, Mfrs. John Cullen; l Local Cliarities an(l distributed-amongc workers: Mrs. Hubert C arlton, Mrs.1 needy- families of the village. . Mrs. Ai F. E. Fike, Mrs. W. E. Richmond,Mr... .ntare R. H. Nason, Miss Ajiniee Drake, Mrs __________________________ J. _J. Kutten. New Trier Goes Stroug for Hoover But Gives Horneir, Courtney Big Majorities. >In the largest vote ever cast, Repub-, licanl Newý Trier. township raen to for., ruesday of this w'eek In gîving? Herbert [f ove 12261 votes, or a majorety ýoS about 2V2 to i1 over Frankin D. Roose- A coniplete ,ta-bulation of elec- tion returns . ini the instance of* the, Principal canididates will be found on Page 4h of tîxis issue.,I relt, for the P"rcsidencéy of the United ;tates. Mr.' Roosevelt. polled 5,399bal- lots. Favoi, CourIuey In the race for gover'nor of Illinois, iowever,. Republican N ew' TrierC ;werved heavily tu the Democratic col- mn, giving Henry Hlorner a total vote )f 14,326, as against 3,300 for ex-Gov- ýrnor Le Sinall, his Republican pp- ment. Also, in the instance of the battle for be post of statc's attorney, New Trier iain ývcnt nver tn the eiocrt - li ~ îNa r,. P-nurch, Inciepen- inlg heavily into Simpson Ps get the runner-up position. *Weber, the Democratic can- third. The tabulation showed 'ith 8,139, Church with 5,086, r witli 3,834.ý ee inicludes .1 o: me 6.