Dux lias chosen some obscure worlcs (if Richard Strauss for.rlier vehicle. j As* Mr. Stock is presenting an ail1 Strat 1 ss programi for his symflîony' patrons this choice. is altogether f it- ting, although. it bas caused'the orch- estr a1 management1 some.bad môments. The difficulties met i ii procuring the mnusic for somùe of these works- are- legion. Madame, Dtx will sing two excerpts- fromn the I;trat.i.s opera OdElektra." These or any *Ipart., of the opera, have never been. play.ed hebcre by the. orchestra., Thus it .becaine necessary to cable, phoîte, and. writ.ý abroad to rush such needed s core%- and parts to this tounitry. Thlis -ha,, been donc and the mu.-ic is on, its ,%way ta.Chicago. The rest of the programu consists of the Prelude to "Gunitraini.',,fouti ,no0venments from the Suite forVi-N Ii( -Instruments, Opüs 4; th~e siiiie froint the music to "Der Buirger alEdI înann i;" the "Don Juan" toue pocuIII and the waltz from "Der Rosenkaval-, ier." Only the tone poein lias been p)layed with any due regularitN. and the four movements of the indJ Instrument suite and the "Rosen - kavalier . Valtz" 'have 'iîît beetn played since 1913. Madame Dux as soloist, %\il not ou>sing the two: excerpt, froin Claire Dux, sbôram'. piiiiw lbe the sOlo ist this P rida %- aie,oonwith hIe Chicago ,Symîpholît'v Orchestr- N1 iss PDux was lIuard aI. NczkTrier~ seç,cral yiars a ' jozj),<(itc (f th,, lI'inzetka .lit-Recital serics. Shr wiIl glivze un <41.SriD'UUss Profgrain oit Friday. and of the perioxls in IVii whch the%, 1 seasuri>y trme months *Nis year. lived; 'ThIe stories of the musician'; I Ne%?erthieless, there are prospects' of are acconivanied bv illustrations op~ a brilliant music season in America their, workîi. this' winter* and a prohability thai I ast Sunday leti bu ah more money - wili, be spent in, the sup- li antpaydth d aabutach ort a nd promotion .of music ttîaiat chorale arranged for the, piano by an%, tîme. in the past liimself. 1-Fle described the life 'and Decrease in music in thé larger Iworks -of, hie French, composer, Dan- mntetropolitan centers, where mnusic. dricu, and briefly tÏold o f sixteenjth lias depended chiefly on. rich patron.s and séenete enth century, music in and the element of, fashion, for. stp- Francée. lie played Dandrieu's "The port,-,wilI be more than compensated. Counitry.NMaideii" arranged by : Go&- by the inceae of music in thé cities owsky. nie also played "Toccatto" of average size. This increase -is a, by Irahns, tbrec Chopin etuides, two resuit chiefly of the*.advaticemtet o01.î etudes hy Paganiri4<izst. 'and co . il the Civic. Music moi ent. 'Fifty-twc'e clided with a supe'rb- arrangement of Icities which have nev'er before had tie. Stas .Blue. Danube."i a regular music season have orgari- last January 1, and, each of these ivili AMERICAN OPERA 1 hear from three to six artistconcerts. 1 The, Aincrian Opera s.ceity of î In many of the cities whïch_îiav-ëe Chicago presents the first of this sea- hiad Civic Music Associations for sou 's operatic concerts, with excerpts! some time, the memiberships are in- from "Quanga" by Clarence Cameroin creased this year, and corresponid- White, Sunday afterno>on, November! ingly increased sums ivili be availatile 13 at the Three Arts club, at 3:30. Ar-i for the presentation of civic conccrt-ý tists particlpating are CIeo W\ade, on01 those places. John Greene, Mischel Fanik, and The Civie Music Plan was oýrig- Fred Frrel.inated eleven years ago I)y Miss, - - ~-Deina F'. Harshbarger, Chicago htusi-. IlneSs Womnan and patroness of the ~c on erts arts, and bias been adopted by 257 Direts. oncets. eading cities of. the United States Quintet by Oldberg ( The George Dascli enisembile w il i( have ant interesting progr-aîn titis Suan- r day afternoon witlî the Quintet,1 Opus 24 by Arne Oldberg of E-aius- %, tont and a Beethoven quartitet. l'le C concert will be given iii Ftillerton hall of the Chicago.Art lustittite ah 3:1.5 o'clock and also at 4: '30:.4Th , prngram in full is annountced as fol- loivs I. 4uartet, Opqs 18, No. '2 t.thvi one to be gisven by Katherine LTam- iltoni of \\iunietka, violinist, .and George Hôwerton, orgauist, on Wed- nesday evening, Novetuber 16, at the \Vinnetka Congregational chiurch, of wvhich Mr. Ilowerton is orgý1'xist. Thei concert is being sponsored 4y the' Winnetka Mfusic club. The prograir' s announced as .follows: 1. Choral ln A Millor ..(1890) (Cvsar Fvo ;îek Mr. Howertim a ca goaîm iîaceipiiia opewra 1floîî'ýüs. IN RECITAL recitàl Wednesday evening-, Noveni- b)er 30, at 8:30 at Kimbal hall. '.\is, Nieniack, who is stili in ber carl% twenties, has toured hotu the Uuited States and Europe and lias appeared with such leading symphony orches- tras as the Berlin Philharmnonic and fVI. Iai'lfc i l~11 V dL jýp i ,pre sepnte (j e prograni. 4