reiteve Sheridan road and other -norti south Une of Niues Center, ïs corn- ,horù streets of niuch ofAthe througli plete. traffic ÙoW flowing over tbemn.Potg"rd Poes îli. c.n1(eenation suits involvedqin" From -Jarvs av enue to Oakton connection with .the unpavcd skokie s treet, a distance .*f three-quarteirs route strips have bet.n settled, ýit is o ie uajsmn ftecs annoucecl andcontactsawared fr oftwo grade separation projectsi- Uicpavmen, xcet fr wo aps fvolVing both the Chicago and North onelu hicgobetweecn Wilsoiia,,dIWestern Railwav coînpany an<l the Elston avenues and theotiier in Nîlies Skokie Valley Uine of the Chicago. Ceniter, between Jarvis avenue -nîot hr and Mlw e aira Oàktouî street, eacli of ih liinvolves radoa crssngproîcxi am 'i~coinpaniyi is now in court. railoadcrosingatidi.n The payement us conipleted f rono %vhch,ît isannouicd beili, b aon street. to Lake avenue. Vi1 .n case of exçtendùcd delay iii the eta(ian fthcadom- cout-pocédiligsin cou iection w~ith lialf nîilcs". cortprcedîgsBetweeu; Lake avenlue roaci and the 1Nies Ceniter section,. the State Wnek avenue. ditance of one Highiwav 'department, ih is pointcd out, Plans to provide 'a satisfactory and one'haif iles, there are two un- Acour tntil the matter is ;arîîuIstt A. paei gaps, cach only a feW hundred WoimIid Pemiali InoboShof these pueces adjustiuets haebn arAihtt Surveys aIrcady completed art now j owNvers of the property, ai as soOOf being checked iconruection wt sthe tmonev ean bc paid ()ver, con- plan~s to continue the road to thýe:tractors %vill proceed with the pave- stateu fne ln 1933, subject to, aceluisi- inint, which, .according to 'Mr. King- ti'on of the necessary righit-of-wNa 'V. ery, xnay be completcd tis falli i ithe l'le Chicago Regional Planîning,:wéather remnains favorable. associationi propôses to mnake Rou Front Winnetka avenue to the 57 a higliway of boulevardl character, ' Lake countv fine, a distance of four Nvitli appropriate planting of trees and one-hialfutiles.thie pavement is and shirubs tlhrouighout, it is aiuiiîoluic~ couuplete. with tue exception of the ed. It is also planned to relocate west hiaif, just inorth of 'Dmndee U. S. Iligliway No. 41 froint Shcridatiiîroad., for a distance of 250 feet. j extei feet WIEDOILDT'S NIASEMENT on DavisS. Kingery ad The exception, be ex-: plained, is fromn Wilson, to Devon avenues, wbere the pavement omits a ,center 20 foot strip whicl is reserved' for, street, car tracks to be-laid, in: the, future. WVbil a tcn-foot* striot of comcrute ias, bèee Collloleted,>onil either, side of theý street car traclc area, wbich is finished -ini crus*hed. stone, the ultimate *plan will be, wben 1 the: total right-of-way« of 100 feet us., acquired to *iden ecach of. the ten- foot strips of. pavement to 20 feet. with a parking Jane of ý eight feet on. the outer sides. 1 In that section of the uî.ew higli-. way between the Cook-Lake county: liue to the .OId EIm road, west ofi Fort Sheridan'# thire 1 to bc a 20-foot: strip of parking planted iu trees, on either side of which will bce-;0 feet of concrete pavement. Il EVANSTON .Wofe.t. 1100- "IBROWINS for. Autumn and Winter." the dimaimi for bwown eoiovs and sbades Si» oiet that <tboléeh WB HAV, THEM!t Weeks Showing, Special Values S oli d 'colore. Beautiful mixtures. 'Every Conoeiv. able shade, tone and colo,' combination. goods, rough sturdy tex- tiles. Whatever your tante or the. requirements of your personality, you. will 0nd' it lier. in our Million Dol. lar Stock of Fine Woolens. I .1 '~ M ý ý ýi L.,