Civics, 'theetiltimate purp)o'eiof whose study is to make better citi- zens, is the themc of the next mecet- ing of the NVoniian's club of wVi1mette on Wednesday, November 16. ..11 presentingthe program the Xilmette League of Vomen Voter%, meeting jointly Withi the Womnan's. c1ub Sii , a ,norning. session, bas .collaborated' iii arranging dt h orning prograin., Guests of thic leaýgue wiII ýbe gue:ts of the clul) for the afternooni session at 2. Luncheon at 1 i fs the interini. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy of Win- nletka, Mirs. Clarence L. Clarke of Wilmettc,' and. Mrs. Walter Evans are the» speakers of the morning. Dr..-Horace Bridges, eminent authc'r t and lecturer is the speaker of: thc f afternoon. XMiss MiIdred Gerbier, so- prano, wvill provide the. music pro- grai, off cring contrast to the talks. 1eag30 o'ok. For itM rs. Frank Churchi, chairmnan of the chib's cvic departient, and Mrs.Lei B. Erme- ling, prograni chairmnai of the leagiie. have worked out what is annoiiicedl * to be a most interesting prograni. with Mrs. Langworthy and irsý. Clarke, president of thue league, as- sieakers. TheP resent tax situatioît Thinking Womnan" iste suojecI (.-, lire. Evans' talk. and lirs. Clark':, will discuss "Local Lecague Opportun- ities."' They speak at 10:.30, 12, andi 12:30, respectively. Members of the League of NWometu voters will bc admitted to the meet- ings upon presentation of tlieir league membership card. oh< f' lui' sf. îlinctc >t/1fl dwtsday. wcn tlie Liea gui' of Il Woman's S ociet y 10 Meet A one o'clock luncheon and nmeet- ing will be held tomorrow by the Xoan's societv of the Congrega- tional church. At the prograi in the afternoon the Rev. Harold King$.- ley, pastor of the Churcb of the Good Shepherd, wili be the speaker and a group of singers f rei that ch urch ivill give several musical ilnmbers. I2:30 Monday, atternoon, Novemuber £1, witlu Mrs. Pèey 'Eckhart of 206 Cuin- bérland road, ,Kenilwôrth,. as, hostess. G1uests. of h oiler WilI be Mrs. D. J. Peffers, staté.eieget, Mrs. C. E. Her- rick, vice-President-general for. Illinois, and regents of local chapters. - Mrs. E. L. Schetidenhelm of W ilnuette will speak,on the subject of "High Lights of- Skokie Valley and Local*.Histôry.'* The regent, Mrs& Charles S., Jackson of fubbard Woods, and.other members of the cliapter niotored to Glen Ellyn Friday of. Iast week- to attend the Fourth Division mneeting, *hich, they report, was very instructive and en- tertaining. Memibers are urged 'to 'attend . the. tnontlily division meetings 'the second Friday of cadi nuonth at the Hotel Iudsale n hiag. Thon eomeetings are in(-rning and afternoon, beginning a10 o'dlock. "National Defense Em.. bodyiiîig Patriotic Education" is the 111îprning :ubject, and "Americanisut" îsiste tqpic discussed in, the ,afternoon ~~.<' ~c.~iutî. Regents' round table, witlu hinclhcon, is at 12:30. It is announced 'e to be that ail mnenîbers are welcome and that club of intg-estinig speakers will bc heard. >S meets D~. A. R. programs are broadcast fanto,,,s over station VBBM at 3:30 to 3:40 News From Star's Is Neighbors' Prograrn l'he NcigIîbor- <of Keiiilwvorth att laetNe%%,, fron the Stars," 1wv George C. Bilakesc, sta tograplher of the Y'erkes ubsc as toit! fi p wi- Settlers" ;. Novermber 28, Dr. Paul A. Wolf e, "Religion and Patriotisuf"; Novemuber 30, Mrs. George L. Cragg, "Gerard, Our First French Ambas- sador." Ail radio programs are sub- ject to uiiavoiçiable change, of course. but substitute prograins of equal in- terest ivili be offered,, it is planne(L. Mas. C. P. Berg Next te become it ',.augnters- .of start at 1 :,30.