Su f ar this seasôn, Hloward E-3 has I hadabout the best football gaine rec- ord in E class of botultoarland Stolp schiools. iE- 3 bas won three, tiud oîiu:, and hiasn't lost any. 'It shotild have one more gaine té playy titat beïîng jagaisist Bill Spinney's teai froint Stolp. E-3 won its flrst bti gis Stolp, 19. to 0; the'second, gaine, bow- ever, %Vas tied, 6 to 6, Hlarold Kuni- J îner's teain f rom, loward- pi oviding the icompetation. T-ie real reason for * that uncexpecte.dscore ,vs "too înuch horsing arouild." The1 next gane that E-ý3 playcd svas in frnud. Stolp, whicli: surcly lîad a strong teain was the oppoitient. However. thie final score %va-s: H ard 12. Stolp 6., This.Gaine I.-a CIaSic Then came the gaine of It À 4wS against Howard F-2. 'l'litefirst' threc quarters went aiong fille. t- * leading, 7 to . Then ail oi a stid- ýen, E-3 started goiaîg 1own the field like a waterfall. E-3 scored another touchdown. Grahamn droî-kiced for the point. but it was Iow. We had about tvo iiiiiitites> to play before the gainevvas over. E-3 kicked to E-2. Bob Smith receîved the bal. on about his own 10-y ard line. It was a beautiftul kc.Smith enjoyeci an advantage necause iu nan six men 'in the Une and D-3 bac! only four.. D-3, the team I 'arnt on, sur- prised. D1Iby -passing. on thefrs play.. The pass ;vas comiplete. Thii Don Specbt, ont captain, Went. arôuond, right >end for a toticlidow,.iî. Don made the point, too. Doug. Huck, captaini tuade the toticbdowiî for D-1 and Paul Wipper- forth. nmade the point after touch- down., No scoring wvas donc in'the last haf.-Bob Lyons,, Howard MA Pupils.-in Fourth. Grade Arç Making Decorations. Decorations for thc fourtb 'grade rootu are plants, pictures and papers. The naines of the plants are tiger cacusgeranruml, begopia, ivy vint, depression garden, and japatnese gar- den. W draw ail kinds of îictures; papers are ail kinds, joo. Wü bring Colored leaves and pictuîres -,%- inake at home. - Arthur Green IIowardt fourth grade. Current Season Begun by Wihnette Acro Club The Vilnette Acro club openediC., i n the cîgnîn grades. twppuux- Mately ten persons wil! be'select- ed eachb month. Very few.indi.. 'viduaIS get 'their; naines'ini the world's "Wlio's Who$;" so very few will get lun this one.-Gordon Boling, Howard 8A, A rt Students, Make Aith/mëtie Foldfers lil art the eighth grades of How- ard arc. înaking. folders for arithine-ý tic. W 'e are designing ail-over pat- terns usîng numibers, figures, or aritlîmetic siga.s. :We inake several designe, and Miss Donnelly, our art teacher, chooses'the o .ne wbich is the Otheurs arc colored with crayolas and a %.-w are, drawn with i»ic. . 1 ±hh1k they are very attractive. A few pupils are rnakiiig posters for the Wihnette WVornaui's chîb, for the drainas to bc given hby the Ju and Tilli ptayers,.-.j cat ic' HIoward D-1 Encouniter., a~ Stubborn D-3 Team Ai-i-lle Lya ehetee licvuar< in Athletic Test 'The 8A grs had tests in volley- bail kicking and throwing, at How- ard school on Wednesdav. 1'Nie rùý suits are as follows: E.Cdna Baughman threw 49 feet and kicked 48 feet;, Bessie. Bouchikas', threw 71 feet and kicked 85 feet; Grace Centifanto threw 42 feet and kicked'40 feet; Dorothy D)avis tlrew 79 feet and kicked. 116 feet.. Dorotby. Eisler threw 50 feet and kickçd 61 feet; -G loria.,Gôtizalez thre:w .50 feet, and kicked 43 feet; Marjorie Hi threw 50 feet and' kicked 78 feet; Jean Macdonal..threw 47 ,feetand kicked 74, feet. 1Virginia Marsh threm, 63l feet -anîd kicked 76- feet; Louiqe Svhreibèr threW 63. feet and kicked 50 feet;- Atice -Wagner thrcw 80, feet and kicked 66 feet. - 1orothy D avis. ,Howard SA..ý Wihnette f eavywigtts SGet Three New Plays 'I'lîree îewplay s '% er-t.givîii to the Wi1nette hieavytwcigl t s rccently. 'rliise plays were practicc.d alid î wýc can .put thcîin'over lbig.- X\' hiavc a total of approxiixately twulve plays. W~e are to battie at the ViL lage Grc.en, Saturday at 9 o'clock. Tlhursdaý, %we of I{oward 8A had oUr first speedball practice. Two teais %were picked; one of thém had tlilk most oftheic credit shouIl go to >3ob Smith for bis inarvelous riînning. The extra point was îîot miade and t * he final score was 13 to i', -with E-3 on top. Before the gane .%a over. hiow- kever, E-2 bad started on aiotlhcr at- tack and soon would have gone over for another touchdown, liad flot the whistle blown for the.end. of the [hope everyhody W%01 JoUi. *~U~ -,~ensaNvme . Drickr, Hward C. .were pretty confident of tbe gaine. D-1 OSESCH .ILLYGAi but oiv succeeded in tying our op- D-1 oLoseS D-2 LedY CaME.No-ponents, 7 to 7.-Paul \Wipperfurth,, vember 2, in kickbail. Because h _______________8A. was cold. we played offly tlîree inn- GILSOT VEPA ings. Ini the first inîîiîg the scorej GILSOT GVEPA was 8 to 4 ini favor of D)-2. In tlhe ThVe Howard school had its flirst second jnning. D-2 was abicad, 9 tco auditorium session on October 31. A 4. D-2 beat us, 9 to 4. We hopc scout plav was given by the Girl DOUGHNUTS BRING GOLD The Howard and Stolp girls' gece club bad a doughnut sale Monday, Octobet 31. We received. $9.94 but had to takec $4:220 away from it, and. titat leýft clear profit at $5.74. We are very proud and happy at getting tItis ilion y-oise Sclireibcr, Hoý%- ard RA. q to Win all Howard.,7B. le v~. êt'. -Alice schoo1 and t sec -if 'it I ought to be asharned. Let's burry iny since tbey attended. ' and beat the eigbth grades.-WNilliai ier, Howard 8A. 'rfayt. Howard, 7B. .4 q