sands of friénds through the advcn- tures of the bear Pooh as. set- forth in "Winnie-the-Pooh" and, "The Hjouse at Pooh CÔrner." and Eyore, D.~rhr1ifr alr Piglet, :KangÉa, Tigger and. Roo as: well ýas Pooh will remnain at the li- wie u riso tNrh brary al duritng Book, week to imeet esrnaivrtywlIsek t ther amicrs Ithe Young People's .11,eting at the' Iibarywil pîy îostss o al jwiImette Parisit M etàhodii Er>s, oftlie ' School cbildren of. %vilmee. oplc/ec/ u dye'nigN- aý da' being set aside for the. classes i veber 13, at 5:45 o'clock >reced- of the parochial, public- and district;.t* upe n oca or schools to visit the library, view the displairs and sign the guest book. Card noneSre There will alsoc be aà large B3ook rd A no ceSrs bouse, which wîl serve flot onîy àsi of Talks -on. Europe Book W~eek headquarters, but. also rfs.. Ralph E. Farweli1, 180 deWindt. will display the jackets of the nev road, Winnetka, has sent out cards say-î books- for young. people; Althoughi ing that she presents. Mrs. Charles'F. the libraryasfobenaltopr Ferguson in an entertaining series' of Chiase as many new boot)ks this year iaIks on Europe. The fir t -ne- wil :ês it did last year, stili thcre is a be Tuesday morning, November 15, at ,itlpriiiglv ifteresting range of th e one c<f Mrs. Donald Brcck, of tit les. I-Ivre are some of them: the sanie address. FOR TUHE OLIJER BOY The subjects treated are: "Historic. Daniel. Sword and Shuttie. adn" (2 "CtiealFs- Eïgan, Flghting for"; ( ) "ConalTipes nl Cs- 1 iarpf-r. Ijus excellency ,and Peter. tvals;in3)theusal Tps";(4 "nd Ço- Lod.Tracks Across the Sea.tuesiteBakn" (4 Md- B1~~.lran the Bronze-smith. terranean Lands"; (5) iLHarbors." FOR JUS SISTER The sanie series wiIl be given lateri Beckur. Under Twenty._ in the different suburbs. Thcse will * Farntan. Suvanne of Beliglurn. ibe announced again. Mrs. Ferguson! m.asikùll. Katrink.t Grow.sUJ>. t bas traveled extensivcly adkisle mýais. jzandchand the Ring. andknowtbe *Alce. . Road to Carolita. jsubics ana .Miss Marie Jruchmian. -one grandchild, Dorotby Mary -Littie, four sisters and three brothers. The funeral-services ,were beld. Wednesdav noon at 'the chape! at. 2701 'N. Clark street, Clicago,'and burial took place et 1Montrose cerne- tery. out in the picture of the tax situation in Cook county during the past feu, years, Mr. Jacobs stateçi. Toit. Why Cci.m. ol ag The: causes for the Iow péeentagc of tax collections-70 percent in 1929> and 54 percent in 1930-,av been f ound first in ,.diability to,pay and ýGolf lub Sléctssituatioon onaccount of inequitable dis- GolfClubSeleta tibution of taxes and the wasteful ex- Seven ýNew Directors Cenditures bcf solrego&idef.,n Three Winnetlca men, C.*T. !)avis, Efforts. are being -made'to correct George L. Martin and R1. V. Robin-th son, were among ~theseedieos situation, Mr., Jacobs said, by de- clected for. the 1933 season ' by the vsn rcia lno pedn h iWilmette Golf club Monday night at tax burden and. by effecting a drastîc the club's annual meeting ini the rdcinh vrmna xpendi- North Shore bo6te!, Evanston. tws Other directors elected to 'serve Say$ Faim... I.lit n wvith the three froni Winnetka are: Mr. Jacobs sumumarized his general ~Naf1àial & Artmel of Chkcgô, -w1o jWpSIiI mfor£Cok. eony th WI thef was the club champion this year and statement that real estate assessments also in 1931,. C. N. Cail of Chicag, and personal property taxes are ta be C. W.; Seanor of Evanston and made on an impartial, equitable, mi- George E. Wells of Chicago. personal and uniforni basis. The quad- Tbe officers of the club for the rennial assessnlent on property for 1931 1933 season, who, will be elected by bas been completed, and tax bilts will the directors, will be chosen before be in the bands of property ttwners by january '1. J. H. M1illiken of Ev- March r, 1933. Between March 1 and accton was president of the club dur- July 1, property owners will have the ing the past season. opportunity to air any complaints be- fore the board of appeals. If the coi- I3rewn. >oIJys. Sho: I)alglelsh..ItelleV's1 Eiwng, Timothy's S Ilint. L:ittle flouse mnith. Bee (4 the irî CIIIUJEýN 01F P.cst. Garram the1 * De Leeuw, Rika (A tion in 3~a eker. Dem. Green Valley. etis Country. TIIER LANDS Linter (Af rica). )utcligirlUs vaeat- alKrIIuuu, iNUVVIIIUVU i/, EL -/U -ciucic, at the chapter bouse ini Evanston, 618 Emerson street. Mrs. Martha Meeker Mittelbusher of Evanston will review a current book.'. Host- esses for the afternoon will be MIrs. Otto F. Seidenbecker ofGlencoe and Mrs. William flancfiett and Mrs. Robert Martin of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Grant -Ridgeway, 207 for Girls at VassalDoro, Maine, rnis September. In recognition of Miss Beckler's fine cooperation and, friendliness bher. Sophoinore class- mates elected ber as their secretary. Miss Beckler is distinguishing ber- self academicallv and is taking part in the musical activities of the school, having been elected as one of' the pianists for the choir and GIee club. IMr. jaiCobs emfpnasizea. iThe next rax bill can bc aîTected by .two means, lie added-first by reduction of governý- mental expenditurcs and second by legisiation wvbich will do awvay with overlapping of govertimental iunctions and will make for centralization of the budget. MlssledHi.Tin ýers DiM. Mr5 visitin Mrs. road, !1 Warmick road, to Milwaukee on returning on F14i'- Iast Bryan. I