Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Nov 1932, p. 45

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~1j exPctnsive ChristMas gîfts will he. on F' ach day a, moderatelyr-priuýed lunch- coil n md cinnier. will be svirvcd. There wiîli also bce ntcrtainmnents each eve- -nnf. ùhùl general chairmnan of the. enter- prIste is Mrs. J. ý Robb . harper, Mrs. Jlhn D, Kinnear is vice-chairinan, the 'Ccrittary is NArs. Walter*F Shuand NIrs. huýtther W. Bens'îi is ,treasurcr alid pulliCity chairman. [fi the near :ut.ire, fùrtl,.r &I)lOUIIce-, mieritS.will >give in detadl the various fcatures of the "House ileauitifudl" wvas présented in the last State Leg- islature as a sort. of' trial ballooin. IPresumably realizing that ibis bill was defective, legislative leaders froirn the Chicago districts. have been, mak- ing investigations for several . ocntbs with a view: to meeting objections that mtay arise. Unfortunately lnu..thi, movement the suburbs 'and thr smnall..representationi in. the legisla- Aure have not been consulted.1 The upshot has been resolutions ofý pro- testin soine of the suburban taàing bodieS. *projet-t, the di ffereni exhil ,its andi Recognizing thât one, way of re- btWand those in chbarge, hit i an- ducing. wastes in, taxation -will be 'to n~ unt*. ring about the righit sort of conso-, -*-lidations, among the .416 tax 'bodies in .RumMage Sale Nov. lii the.county, the Mihnette Civic league and Il Guild Betiefit ai its regular inonthly luntcheon I 'meeting Friday. Novemnber 18.. ai * Thtirsday and Eriday, Noýoin1)ér WU' 12:30 P. . in ~MâËrhà1Iield's StateH :îïi1d 11, are the dlay of the ruhîÎii ge;L street restauirant will, bring up this " .aie the circles of the Wonnsgi!iY i alter for thoroiig1i discussion. Prof. oi St. Atigustine's EicalClïiîrçeh Auigustus R. Hatton of the Political are lding-iii the panisii 110u. Science depariment of Northweselmm A-rticles of ail kinds ifiat 11;î' u universiîy, wvho is perliaps the best ~eVed their (lay 'ii lionc.îfmum iiformeci specialist on this specifir 1bers of the ,parishi, opcidvui, issue. wilI b.e the principal speaker. .r<\\iI clotiiing for school chilrun, This meeting iilibe puirely infor- aru solicited., For a ve~mîail >tuniviative, withotit ans' view to political 1 le -v mnay bsccoiie a ve-rý ~mmm action. On this occasion the i- Mi~d needed wardrobe for 1nme bu' etteCivic leaguie is glad to welcome - r girl in homes wheûrc inconia r, i a.ny civicly inieresied ictizens of \Vil- worsliip at the shrine of mammon i~f from Winnetka, Mrs. }*allett Thorne, it is profitable for you. but do- not Susan Miller, Margaret DeLay, Éar- forgt yor weklypaper isý (and s. ne Leonard, Amy Bygrave,* and aire you). sustained by us, thle readere. 'MargotAtkin,'on the first team:.and wýho are. more >or less the. suffering. on the second,:, Mrs. William11cr- pepfle of this .commiuniy-of: Which rocks and Nancy.Waiduer of Hub-. .1 aül one I .bard Woods; Mrs., Sanger H-inch- Your articles and comments 'are 'man of Glencoe; Mrs. Errett Gra- not only an, insult to the intelhigzencs an fHihand Park; Margae of your readers, but unethical ande Kinm4rk of Evanston;-:'velyn Boüs- niost of ail, un-Amierican caren; Mrs. Ronald Cleason, Mts.ý 1 have been a- subscriber for seven David Corkran, Elizabeth McKinn 'ey, yea rs but .herewith 1 cease to be> a and Loretta Anderson, of Wintietka:. reader -of your paper. anýd Grace Cooke of Wilmette. Wilmette, November 4,, 1932,. Naine Rakul" laer Mrs. rma V. Betzlmanti. The ranking of the *reservesiss Hibbard road, Wilmette. in. ollows. forvards. Virginiia Onder- P. . Will you dare to p'rint. tîiis donk .-of Highland, Park, Elizabeth letter aQ. vmt ared to nfute.orjenkins of Wilmette, and Manjorie voters? Case of ChicaRo; .and backs, E. i,4.aitscloî DesPiaines, Dothy Cole- Editor. ~I.ErELP:iaiuf vasîcn.and Virginiia Seug-- Thse letter. appearing ini the Forum ik in last week's issue about the bulld- Representatives sent by the eiglit ing' of the waterworks is very timely. schjools allied with the Nortli Shore We hiave a large number of building 1Field Hockey association played ai tradesm«enio f which 1 arn one. resid- New Trier high school Saturdav ing ini ibis village. The work in Our i morning, resulting in the selection oi line lias heeni very slack during thé'lthe following: past tw(e ycars. in f act, has been non-.1- Forwards-Nora Roughton. NMaiî existinig. 'Most of ils are married and T loNnship 111gb school; M ary Lyofl mmagec sale autndtose iaviigii- ! on iiav be ma(](-witli the imider- tributions to 2nake :may comiie:,' cafsigned. ,.witli lier. If doiiors, uilîlv le . eave ,n IL .Reddilig. thecir>articles. vill motifv is hw r ium ~newCivicelaguie, hias., she will arranige ffor îht*r ct- 1516 Elimoo av Wej\imette. -- ------ diior, WiLiEI'TE LirE: Room TeIonGael the face of a liatioîmwide econo - Mothers November Ili m .ccrisis, iinenployinent, huniger and want yôu have the audaciiy, ofj Friday, November 11, a rooin iv:i openly urging the re-election of Her- \%Ill be given for mnothers and tec.c- beni Hoover. Mrs. John M. McFarlin hasî re- Herbei tprild to her home ai 102 ElmwNood admini avneafter a two nionîh' is~tl the coi New York.,. by en 1 ihink and say: LET1 .1) XOW! Yours trt1ly, -CytGistave Kroschell, 613 Illinois. road. Mrs. Alico Sauer IHess' Taken by Death Tuesday Mrs. Aliet, Sauer «t ~~iresident 1and i'our fellow iuen. dingý of ig tiose wncannotSon. j(>nte Cannon, Mendoisi 'ownship I ligh school; Carolyn Buck. Royce- iiore; and Romneyn Hess, Evaîisicm TIowmmshlip 1High school. Arrange Cames Backs- .;Deborali Leonard, Northt iShore; Muniel Parks, Evanston; DorthyRicheni, Mendota: Hen- *ta Boal, North. Shore;. Georgian Werner, Kemper Hall - Iremie Bud- anothier inembers in classý at. tht

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