upon AnyQne wvho is so apparently lack- fig. in knôwledge 'of history and eco- nomic conditions lias no right to "break into" print. Following cvery %var there have been depressing, reaýI Lions, which in > turn, have beemi foýlio%,Vcd 1.y ,prospert., A çlhild.' of elementarv atge, real.zes that -eteîM.Hoover nor a ny one man côuld be the cause of: this wvorld- vde(i)ression. Allow nie to suggest.'that M rs.: Betzl- ruian ilot on1ly continue to stilscribe to the 1î~v 'rELIFIE. but iiiadiin she is s relv ini ne(lo(1 a national cur- relit pub)lication. \:'aniceSoulé, E.itur. W I I.-Nîil lF [Eorttunatclv foir the rirs of coin- iiiiiit\ hi teeare differclnt types of Herte ar~e two exý-i aIIIIe'ý M joint: 1 >revimus to thu l1)31 înay'oraItý' cain- paigniiiM Chicago the Betteýr ve- Iflelit ass>iaiii, ticip)ating the nom11- ination ini the Jrinlaries of Ihompjson an(l (.frina~k ad lthe coseqenth i- tof otChoice M the election to twvo )a(l c.iil(1(lates. called tupon civic and busnc~ oi.~nîatînsatid leaders to c ý-ope)rate im a pro'grain that would in- sture. the caiididacv of s <niictstand- ing, bIhùs'esmnn> iildefint of nnUi ent among us to public, service. To this purpose I Most hêartily subscribe;, as vvill, I think, a, great tnany Ôf our CItýizen1s ,Who have become wéary Qof the undignified and- unpleasant can- paigus and electionsthat have beetl so rnuch. in evidencein the' past. I camnot refrain f rom offering niy congratulations 'to: the civic organiza- tiois, meritioned, anid expressing rny ap- I)reciation of their action. It is a real civic service that gives unmnistakable Vîdidece (À a real civic spirit. -Civic MIilded:,Citýizen. ksgivîig] ,week. Miss Helen Sears of Kenilw or th is in, Chicago for the winter. She is living at the Allerton hotel. .GOLD We buy oie! gold, silver and 'plats- nua, jrold tcotb and broken, >0w. eIry. EIgbest pneu - trie aU Vates. D. PAGLIARULO JeweIer 1188 WILMETTE AVBNUE PAUL. KRUPPA Pouting * Decorating 141Z Elmwood Avenu. Wl.ea Read.tke Want-Adà carne t10 natugit and ic voters were forced iiitu a choice lbetweeni two evils as thev saw it. tir vour iýssue of Novemnber 3 thère appeared .a1lis t fcijcorganiiz4tionis of. \ilniettu whili i ave co-cuperated, to I Wiinitte BATTE RY OR TIRE A Eertrir Servire OPEN 7 Ai.M. TO 9. P. M. .Nwr. anai Plaines. Makeà a. note ýofthi1S p H# ONI -NU M&IER: Phone Wilmette 691-696 wihnette 2997 it«. wit m