zS lFOR RENr-APARTUmENTs CHOICE APARTMIENTS Corner Elim St. and Arbor Vitae 1 Four roomn (1 bedFrm.) 1 Pive room (2 beçrms.) GRETL IEDtCED RENTALS SMITli- & GOSS, INC. 725 Eim St. Winnetka 142 ________56LTN19-î fq J-' IXl IoiSANI) *iJN ~t u~,t n . ra~.Lîgt' lgh t îoolîns. $1 11per îi<nth' *3411 Lindes*i A v. ".ilmctte 6s ADANýDY 2 RM. APT. 'WITH'LARGE liv. rmn.. bedrm., closets', tueé bath, shower, elec. refrig. Plenty of sun- shine and iight. Reas. rentai. Cal Winnetkaý 1800. 56LTN28-1t 5 ROOMS AND SUN FORCH 1N RESI1- dential neighborhood.' Good proposi- tbon for 2* aduits. 'Winnetka 1127. SGLTN24-tfc: FOR ItENT-TWO ROQM KITÇUlEN- ette apart'reni near transportation. Steani heat, electricai refrigeration. (ail MWilmette 1800. 56LTN9.tfc ONE 2 RM.. ALSO ONE 4 ICM. KITCH- enette apt, Humvhrey building. Win- netka 9R or .1.29. !1;I1N20'-tfe lAl.~ APIl'. ANI) I L A.GE .W. heat. $25. '20,39 Laku Aye., 'Wilmette. li. innetka 397. 56LTN2S-ltu 57 FOR RENT-FURN. APTS. FOIZ RENT - REDUCED RATE ON attractively furnished 4 rip. and 1 fln. ava rîrents. Convenierft-iy ocated. Ph. Wili.ette 21,99 or Wilmette 2427. Near Lake ATTIA"PIE ffIOE NWITII LA I'G P grind.*oveiy ratvilie. 7 roons, 3 tiit.- battis, sun rom. Reasoniab pice<1 l'ocated in choice seý,ction of Ilatvinlia. Truslee illust hiave actioIj 1 ~aIrril W ir 10471 kd -.tig lb OUR BEST flOUSE XEALIY For Rent .NÉRL.;NEW 9 RM. BRICK HOUSE3-, 3 baîlis, 2-cat* garage,: recreatton rip., on 100x200 ft. lot. for $125 a mhonth. Might take iess. Agreeabie 10 rnonthi-, tO-flU)fth rent.. BILL4S REALTYT INC. wilinette 2-492 Wilimiette 3"440 60LTrN28-lte P R ACT1C A L LY NEW 'tNCLISII ibrick and stone 7 rip. home in south Winnetka. .2 bksý *10 ,transp. and shopping district. Wooded grounds, abundance of flowerg. 4 bedrmsg., 3 baths, o11 heat, 2-car garage,.'attached.' This property is equipped, %vith al miodemn conveniences. Rentai very reasonable., Cail Winnetka 1800.. 60LTN28-1te West Palmi Beach, Florida 11FENT FPOR WINTER. SEASON-6 RM. FOR RENT-6 RM. HOUS ing porch, sunroom. hot garage. 2111 Wimette Wilmette 4518. 61 FOR NENT-FUUNIBNEI ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM Fi house. sun parlor, sleeping ag>-,. Winnetka 1781. HiAVE MO%1DERN 7 RM. BRICK HOME ivitii 4 bedrms., oil heat;> well rented, in .1 E. W'%innetka. Want vacant property ln Kenilmvorth east 0ôf Ridge Road ln exehange, Write :A42, Box 40, Wlimette, Ili. 85LT28-1tc 06 FOR SALE-HOUBElIOLO 000DB BEAUTIFITL SOLID MAHOGANY 9-piece dinlng roomset, with painted decorations. Practically new. '$150 cash.. Ph. Wimette 2458. 86LTN28-lte, 08, FOR SALIC-ýMISCELLANCOUS GLAZED STORM SASH $1 EACH 1066,Spruce St. Winnetka 505-J, 88LT28-l.tp KROLL ENGLISH CAB, PF1RF]eC1r condition. Phone Wlnntetka 2998. > 88L28-Itp tQ determin. the three best t.pellers. Last year the school- was represented in the 'WBBM contest. by Dorothy Dittmar, Pearl Mountain and Evelyn. Borre. Evelyn :finished her grammar scho0l. wôrk Iast y'ear, but both of the other girls àare back in school this year. DorothY.ranked next to the two win-- tiers in last year's WBBM. contest TRAVELOGUES The series ,of talks on Europe in. Iwhich Mrs.. Ralph S. Farwell of Win- netka. presents, Katherine C. Fer- guson,. will be given in Kenilworth as foIllows:. Wednesday, November 23, at 10:30 o'clock, at, the home of Mr.George. P. Nicholse $19 War-- wick road;- November 30, at 'the res- idence of Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207' Cumberland avenue, and December 7, at the homeof Mrs.*L. M. Alleui, 258 Ifelrqse avenue. LEEP- boy 15-16. Must be in good condition r eat, and reasonabie. Winnetka 2144. Nfr. and Mrs. Ira C. Darling of Ph 89L28.ltp Kénilwortb leave next Wednesday el MUISCELLANIËOUS for Da-,ton, Ohio, to spend T'hanks- ~ WOLD LKE UE 0 PIAO F01 gving witb theior son-in-law and -storage. Excellenit care guaranteed. daughter, M. and Mrs. George V. SHED IVili pay cartage. \Vlnnietka 1925. llollornan. They vill be there over b, gar- SUR I EMO]RIAtm .' r. and Mrs. Leon M. Allen, 258- FOR 1 DeLong-M.Nary Louise DcLong MlQeaeuaelaigKnl 14H. ]i loving niemory of our dear niother MloeaeuaelaigKnl r28-Itl) and sister who passed away one year Nvorth, Tuesday for Hartsdale, N. Y, Sago, INovetiber 13, 1931. to spend Tha'nksgiving with their Ynr memory is as sweët today a, children, Mr. and Mrs. Dwitinell inthYor ovin s(he aay. miv.Siater, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Allen, LS E orONigqnCalsadfmland Leon 13.Allen. Near Lake 5~tf~11(.iOhl4 .\TTI'.ACTI\VE HOME NVITI LAR(;I' pronds loeiyravne,7 ~ 3 ~>~ A (hIaughter, Barbara Javiue w~as tatlhs, sun room. Reasonabiy. prie(I. bori 10 i\r. and Mrs. \Villiaîn A. Located in choice 5section of Ravini. I Sitti ng. 1321 Maple avenule, on1 Tr~on)îtt have action this weAk. i 'îîrs<laý Noveniber 3. TÉJ) - ~ira,1 XV.imDF H. Sînvtîe, 43 Kéùilivortlil (Iiî'oe 1554 1(171 Skdde Mlidge Dr, .Geno 154Iavenu-te, spent iast wevek ini New Yc 72LTN2-îù 0,1busilleSS. '.r-k Mrs. Théodore E. Moritz, 236 War- wick road, Kenilworth, returned M\on- dav froni a three weeks' miotor trip e.ast. MIrs. Charles Mock of the Georgian hiotel, Evanston, formierly of Kenil- worth, left November 8 for Cali- fornia for the wintér. * FOR 20 PAPER ( THE COMM~ 20 PAPER C THE CONMI ào 0 * 0 FOR