out vocal approvai of suçh. taxes when they. are before the Illinois leg- isia.ttre' othcrwise real estate will hbave to pay. In explaàining the h ur- den. of :taxation borne by real1 estate, she showved the difficulties in the wav. of getting personal property declared *or properly, vaiued. partly due to itls': generàl. intanigihilitY andýl partly, to! Our archaic sehiedtule also the %%eight' our taxes is increased bv, the narrow- ing of' the base. The -large tax-ex- empt properties increase the load on the rest. Plans for tire 03Vorth Mhorc Mscfesrtival.-zchich is tli' Silver Ju!bilce festival -hie 251h aà;tei- versary of the' foinding of this muotnzsical instituItioný-are al-- readiv u>nder u 'v. -Ile'mbers of Iast ll*d)*ýçrlolilç - 7m44. e h rný Explains Taxation Rate ;'ounii:, i-------------the She explained howý the raté.of taxý -rs i iehsov. of u ation is fixed in the coutv . clerk's tiz'aI ;,ý ict itli Dr. Freder office lw, balaicing the levies of.'the Stock a,îd Gl(,) Ciii lfe 1 Baimi .Varions taxing bodies against the as--; rdriu sisatcnutr sesr'svaluations. for the district. Fisk hall, .ot~etr nvr Then the township collector maâkes i on the evc-ning of Nv»br9 ont the bis and collects wvhat lehe ad a ca-n easili, the rest is senit back to the countv for collection and if not paid the -propertv mnav be sol.( for Ahout 250 ne\% voices wiIi 1)he taxes. to the chorus and voice trials for The reassessmient ordered lias i have been called hv 'Mr. Bainuni proved. our taxing inachinerv- and we îsepced that at least twvo rehea are on the %%vav to a real solution of Wil] be held before the Christmias our difficulties thougli hanîpered hy dv. " ha eulrwekyr the hurden of the nîonev remnoved sa],s xii hegin ini January, a rr wl:eno taxes würe c-ýliected. The e arlier than ini previous seasons. unthinkini- people wlîo are on a tax ýi because of the ambitious choral strikc for.-et that le are stil :grain planncd for the Silver jul ing' the ble ssings of a tax,-paving, This North Shore festival is the \ùlV. e who Conîplain of fiuh major mnusical undértakhw ii the fes- rick at ity, and wel tare wvork-, structs. .C>t\ cleanili- i that its reputation as one of the gr( PUMIC ubic institltionS, and tlhc like. 'choral festivals of the country- shoi Talks on Leaizue be firnilv maintained. Dates fort Mir,. Robert Philiips. sp~eon festival wiil coincide with the i.naugui 'ewhat the T.ea tie of \\oitein Vot- of A Century of Progress, of whi ûrý Offers the 1'l~inig DVnnn"1r. Stô»ck is the musical director aiý rie league wvas ormanîzed ini 1920) after the Nineteenth -\niendînent DM NTAE AIL pass.-cd and voinsjob ini govern- DMNTAE AIL nient w2as just beginning. Front the Miss Chriçtine NMcKinniev- of Chicai first it lias heen' n')n partisan, with ýexpert ini facial massage, with ma a triuddle.'of-thie-r4oad policv working 1 vears* explerictnce in Chicago, is givil thei drg tore in the Middle of the block LUNCHEONS SOUP, MEAT, POTATOES, SA LAD,' VEGETABLE, COFFEE, DESSERT d40. Plone WILMETTE 4500 PERMANENT WAVES $5.00 and up Schciol Girl'a Shampoo and Set 75c 1 Il - - 4-- - % - -l IN CONINECTION WITII WINBERG'S DRU2G STORE 417 LINDEN AVE. Phone Wil. 40 SH4AWNEE FURRIERS - TAILORS venient Terminal District* for values and,*satisfaction. SPECIALS f.or.THANKSGIVINGý CAMPFIRE MARSH. MALLOWS, 1.1b. pIcs... SWANDOWNCAKE. FLOUR, 2 /;lb.,pkgs,.... BAKER'S CHOCO- LATE, 8-oz. pkg.... PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR, 24!/Z-lb. sack... 59~iC NONE SUCH CHOICE PUMP- KIN, 2 Large No. 2!/ 9 cans ..............19 Cmlii oria Budded WALNUTS, per, lb ........ 22e Any Garaient Cleaned and Pressd AT CASH-CARRY PRICES à34 LINDEN PHONE WIL. 93 i. Ilse 20c 19c I