înittee. Last vear the mnembers Of the ýassociat1inhCI( their meeting îin EVanston, as1 gue st S of- the Nationial College of Education. Mi ss1 .lîzal)eth E Packer. dean of girls at NÇew~ Trier' High school, .willI attendi the sessions. At Atlantic City, in 1921.ý this asso-i ciation vas organizdl) iss Mary' Rose Potter- of M.\oinmoutt college. Miss josephineé T. Alun, of Engle- wodHîgh schol-). . Chicago,., Miss Caroline 1 Grote. Western Illinois, State Teachers' college,,aàt \Iàconib., i Sss Jua'Henlc. then' of I)eKalb. and MNiis 1Fanny R. S iith_ fthen of \V endell P1hillips Highi school, ýChica- go. Present othicers .of the state asso- ciation are: president. Mliss 0. LiUfian Ilarton. (lean of omenat Illinois S'tate Normial universitv: vice-pres- jdlent, Mis, M ari R. tscl3ler. dean of uonien at Rockford college; sec- .. .... retary, Mis, Grace E. -ix. director of Willistouliai11, I)eKal.b); treasurer..... Misi S. Cornelia Pierce, dean of girls at Mounit Vernon High school. * Addressus on the progra iNill be deliverc<lhv lDr. Johin A. O'Brien of g. Urihana, NMiss Th'lvrsa XW. Amos, dean .....I. * of womecn froin LUni\-ersity of P'itts burgh. M\r-s.XW. XW. Rainsev. Ci cago. and D)r. Norman Richardson -ofà tw esbteraii Theological senuni ....... Mario nettes Will 4% Perform--at flazaar'. .. The Sule Hastings M arionettes. wvhic i l)C lreseilte(t iMthe audi- torjunof the National Colle-e oef cember 1, at 4 o'clock. ivili be an outstanding fuatuire of the holiday ba-I zatar No\venîhler 30-Decermbctr 2. "The'j Gooseherry Ma\-,ndarin.," "At thé Xish- ing Weli" and a clever Puppet R e- ""ue, have ben chosen for the pro- grain, \which wvIl he gý1iven unitder the direction of Mrs. Hlastings. In coin- rnenting on the entertainmçflt 'Miss Children's school, called attention tod th mcl k u eln oy the edutcational value, of puppets, and their increasing us e as à means of * dramatic p1eentatiofl of subjects in the elenientary graders. Dinner, with No lyat J- L..te 2e& omxtn- a special menu for chlidren~, will be » 1LCpiiO l sered at 5:30 ,arid 6:45- on Thirsday a si#g*t<*1 evnig.Miss 4abel Crns isin chage lp oe sf T u asigecl oaraneents for the Marionette performance, and tickets for this, andm yb w rhm n tm steleryc for the d û1 iii r nay;bc secured at the all parts ofgre cout ry i nd iou ueuns lolis nisda,][eCri itherdiaeyçtifsi e booIsaitso nchlde pen hvh ae bmin c fen i Paerentssaoe differentragesnandeiter- the Parents' council are stocking and are some of the nianv uses that make manning the f ood booth and tea room which' wilL be open during theiexes eetr tlre day period. The Bond Retire- an iepnieetatlp o edsrbe ment fund of the college will be the recipient of the Proceeds of the baap _________________________________________________