Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Nov 1932, p. 28

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men wno cener their interest on theni and on their faniilies who are in need, the. colimiittee for friendly' cooperation with ex-service men of the 'Woman's. Club.of Wilmette'.is sponsorýin'g a benefit on Satiurday evening, Deceiîîber 3. The beautifutl new homie of 'Nr. and, Mrs. Carbon P. Dubbs ,a t 10»4 Michigarr avenue -will be its backgrounid. Departing from the type of enter- tainiment the committee lias given i the past. a carnival has been chosen for the diversion ýof those, eagýer to help commnittèee members continue spreading bappiness as the y fuifili' material1 needs. A crystal gazing bail, games,- and contéets wiIl be divertisse- ments to be found in, different rooms throughout, the bouse, and 1refresli- mients xiii be served., ,Emphasis is p! açed ulpoi Qpes,e- ciai stipulation whichi is that no tick-- ets -wiil be sold at the Dubbs home the night of the entertainmient.. Thev must be purchased ini advance fromn miembers of the conîmiittee. Mrs. Knighit Blanchard is chairinan of the carnival. Assisting lier are the other mienibers of the ex-service conirnittee, .\Mrs. Willis Hutson, lhon- orary chiairnian; Mrs. R. M. Camp- bell, chairmian; M\,rs- H. O. Weishaar. M-is. .Wiliam Holmes. Mrs. S. 1. L<awrence James, Mrs. DuI Alice Hattermian,1 and M.f Rensch. Elizabeth Hunt Is Engaged to Chi( Mfr. and, Mrs. Wiilis R. the Orrington hotel, forn Sheridan road, Winnetka,, the engagement of their( ~ÀJ Mlrs. J'. Robb Harpe r, as ge>zeral chairmlail of "The Hotuse Beau ti- fui," the Yuh'tim-e bazaar 'of the W,"imette Parish Met hodist Etis- co.pal, v&il be amongtg Jose acctivelv ,hrcsi,'nt ditripug ifs three- day" session. Many wecks of busy plaimng zç,i/1 bear tan-giblé resuits at thse Chuc/iJinuse 1J'Vediicday., Tiurisdàvi,, and Pridav *of .next Vis ta del Lago Musicale Bene fit for Junior School jbs, M-Niss del Lago lvonday afternoon, Nov-, rs. Pauli ember 28, at 2:30 o'clock. Others in- terested and assisting in the work of this group are: Mrs. William H. Colvin, Jr., Mrs. Horace Capron, Mrs. Lansing B3. Warner, Mrs., Ai- Cagoan fred S. Benson, Mrs. W. C. Winton,- Hunt of Mrs. J. N.. Wooiiett, Mrs. George S.' nrirv of Channer, Mrs. Ezra Taylor, Mrs.. L. annu-c S. Tuells, Mrs. Beery iliams, daughiter. Marshall L. Doty.. zocarDoruVI LIUn LI1IIL-iYuU son, -IN. ,.iI Miss Rich attetnded the Roger Aschamn schiool, the Masters school, and- is one of Iast .june's graduates from Sarahi Lawrence college. Mr. Kenvon %Vas' graduated froni Kenyon. college and attended the graduate school- at Princeton,. uni- ver-sity. Turkey Dinner, foi Fort yClub iSaturday f r. and Mrs. W. G., Morgan, 925 Forest avenue,:xviii be host and host- ess to the' Forty club at a turkey. din- iier and cards following this Saturday eveiniig. This wiill be the opening meeting of the seas.on. There. viii be five tables,- and ,probabiy a guest te, Menibers tome from Lake Bluff and the west side in Chicago as weli as f romt the neiglhboring sub- Urls. 'Befo+ -'the, social 'meeting, on Saturday there ' viii be a business session and election of officers. At the present time the offcers are Mrs.. W. G. Morgaun, president; Rov Hop- kins, treasuirer;' and Mrs. Hfopkins, secretary. The next meeting of the- club, onl New Year's eve, xvil! be hield at the Roy Hopkins' home. Ways, and Means Bridge' mittee for the benèefit of ' the club bluilding fund. Woodi-inlav nmaga- zine hoiders were given as priz es for eachl table and tables at one end of the lounge displayed the ot-her attrac- tive prizes which were donated ï) % members. Coffee and delicious hiome- made cake -were served at the close of the game. Mrs. Aldo E. Nessier xvas chairman -of the evening. cember 10U, at 9 o'clock, wiIV be traný,- formed into the streets of Paris for "Shadows of Paris," as this season', bail is called. "Boulevard cafes andý al the joy of .Parisian night life,? the committee aàn nounices, w be, there, and. the "amnusements Will rival, those of 'Monte.Carlo." A midnight fashion show and suppçr,. fortune- telling and numerous. garnies«wilI afford amusement and iii thereu of French s tyles this segson's debu- tantes. will be inodels. The comnittee Miss Eliza- beth, Alger of 154 Warwick. lane, Kenilworth,, president of the Chicago Arden- Shore committee; Mtrs. Char.le, Brown of 809 Lake avenue,- chairmiaî of invitations, -and Mrs. WVillîarnson Barckus of 2710, Iroquois road,, both of Wilrnette; Miss Chloe Watson oi 700 Ardsley road, Winnetka; Mrs. James M. Hadley- of 926,-Valcy road, Glencoe, chairman- of invitations: Mrs.. Richard Oarnbrilljr, director- at-large, and. Miss Jean Spens, chair- man of debutantes, and botli of UE'- anston; Miss Peggy Glidden. NMiss Welthyan Harmon, and Miss Louise Ruffner of Highland Park, inember- ship chairnier. On the board wvithi Miss Alger are M-\rs. Charles E. Bonsecretarv; MIiss Elaine B'lack- mani, treasurèr: rsJohn 1B. - Lean, advertising chairman; Mrs. Laurence Nelson (Suzanne Balv and Miss Helen McNair,, ticket chair- reservations for the bail.. One of the newest memiber> of the Chicago committee is Miss Miriami Martin, daughter of -.\r. and Mirs. F. S. Martin of 39 Indian Hill roa, \Vinnetka, forinerh- of Omaha. %vhc moved-to their new hom.e ini Septemi- ber. Mi'ss Eleanor Litsinger, ý Miss Elizabeth Bunting, ancil M\iss. Rosa- mond Baker, Lake Forest débutante. are aiso new miembers of the general. conirnittee. - reIl cnurcn was entert- ýter the home of Mrs:' ce- Mohawk road, with nes as co-hostess. 4 ~,. ~ ; **il ** i..l ie o o i n>a L1yV U4)' id Mrs. E.. W. K. iRoe, 835 Thanksgiving at hèr home, 1045 Eim- venue, wiii keep open bouse wood avenue. After spending two y in honor of Dr. and Mrs. hours in search of, the treasure a ose of Wyanet, lit . buffet supper will be served. ~.A. E. i PI ~1 4 Thonm

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