Chinchilila S Navy blu. chinchilla in sizes 3 fo 6years. Coats bave *2 -pock.ts. bon. buttons amd tan flanneltte iing;, I.gginlgs bave zipper fastening. and rubber initep. sfrap;. helmet is lined and has adjustabi. chin sraé. M the.IBoys' Sectiôn--LORD'S-7'Pirst Floor $5. DARLING BABY DOLLS ail dressed Up: in pink and, white. PrIlIy bon- net. -Crier if 3,ou want lier to. $1. EFPA, IVBE E DOLLS with love- Iy real broun >sir. She ta11ks àasù slee ps. Beautif ully dressed in modern style, SI.95. O#CIUYopensI TEJDY B, EA RS, soft and cuddly zvdth silky, yellozvfur. $1.95. F R~D< mOr"9 8 the verY strok* of O'COCktuem a9 cg'es of LORDS o0l,î oy~" 1 ldi opfand Then what a silhtto bhl el n 1- .L .and F Yýe"ryhi t a L . KALAMAZOO FLUY BLOCKS out of which you can make puzzles and spell words. In twuo colors, w ell flin ish ed , -'SO c .zand $1. Upon request charge purchases made during the. balance of Novernbr wilI b. ent.r.d on December statements payable January lst. Start your Chriimas shoppng todayl SALN*rA AWV41- BE HF-RE