viiie, an Ir<vanstonian, îS an Outstand- le.JIcltv 1'lis style, It was My intention to review. oniy inig volume of national appeai, as is He i$ something of a wizard-and afe of:the,,new:books for chlrn Gertrude H-lartman's "Thiese United there 1<' only oe-eof -him. Much Of but, as I.1.write, this' I, cannot beip: States and How They Came to Be," the. secret of bis wiiardry lies iii, bistinigoth bos redaa whiüch will undoubtedly, be a bidder own 'înfailing enjoyment of what- child-of the care and feeling wi th for the Newbery me'dal. ever he, is -ui tô. He has- such a tre- wbich they weref.selected, and«of the Last.year Children's Book, week mnendously ,good time of it! Wheth- tbougbtfuîness witb which* my mother ,,was. orga*ed as- the "Around' the er heïi org2,0 etu na read the first ones aioud te us., "John- W'orld's 'Pair."' Stoeies Of 'the chli- aïerpiane or descendiug to incredibleéyCo' adnwsanvred <reiî of ail landsý_were the "Books o~f depths of the sea in bhis '"bath'y- inig delight, for what chiid of four the Week." shr, rfiigit o-oe i a couid tire:.of "Pthe lion with bis green It is.tirneiv that this is the centen- Pam jugeiaqusfoth anad yellow, fie on? Then came> ary 'of the ixnmortai Alice' and aise pock, or hobnobbing, with the Dyacs "oterGoewibAtrRa- the Alcott, cent enniai. Macmillan- bas in Borneo, always and everywliîre hm s fsintà illustrations, that an imppsing list ,of Lewis Carroll heéishaving. sucb *a, good time. wonderfui potem, "The Pied Piper of itemns and numerous editionç;cf .The making of this volume is a Hamlin," tbe fairy-ta ,les. of Grimmn Alicee s Adventures' in Wonderland. happy idea. It is a coliection e0n1 Hn hisinAdesn n Littie, Brown's juvenile catalog ispiums frein several of bis. recent 1 The Cbildren's, Horner" by. Padriac published 'in tribute te Loursa M~. AI- books; a-seélection made. according te Colm.Codngur heecm cott. the sub-ti.tle, "for younger readrs- "The Littie Lame Prince," Boutet deý Thisý fali brings a stunniug début of itbat is, with the omission of the more Monvei's "Joan of. Arc,'* Charles juveniles ini brj.gbt jackets with the tecbnically scientific passages of tbe Kingsley's "IPater Babies,- and a re- newst thing ïin ëtiôptha-e. ls-t~"butit ~will hé euallty markable book called '"i& W'onder- adornied are the Ibeptlar editiônsf pein t rars of an1ge u Adventures of Nuls» b\ Selma the classics., The dollar-conscious j Iýacb selection is cemplete in itself : a Lagerlif.' And -Peter and ed. book publie is. treated te amnazingý detachied gem. He bas drawn miost and Chaucer's "Canterburv Tale-s." Values iu Blue Ribbon and WVinstoný heavily upon bis "Galapagos" (whicb and - -But I can't go on.' I bave books. The new volumes put out by i is not SO readily accessible as the Ieft out se many favorites that. it the Garden City press are uîusuallv: other books) and uipon' "The Arc- seems quite %vrong te atteînpt a brie r attractive and 'include the first inexJ- turus Adventure." Tbe othiers are summiarv! pensive edition of Kipling's *"just S.; jungle rDayýs." "B eneath .Tropie oe huhb n en ic Stories." Seas," and -Pheasant jungles" (Ber-these books bave been supplanted by 'Teggv an'd Peter," tliè fascinating ueo).I neu, and equaly delightfui eues. Pic- collection of photographic illustra- ture-books bave never been.more col- u i prnPs M nit beau- grae ilt Usd on actuai tiîia" s an eld Porto Rican foik-tale' Il ult thle newbk, And there is reports froni over 100,000 chiidren in hc a be adddonb vr jTonv Sarg's clever *Wh'Iere Is $00 different schools. The book list. of mouth for generations and w~hich, T ?inn.v covering the reading cf chiidren -,u lrtapeaan i1 Egi1. Is j For thlit, otinger set it Is going te ranging fremi pre-school througb jufl 1 charmingly illustrateci Fft-n be a Pop-up vear. Tlhev are real 'or was cempiled by a group cf :ew Nurserv~ Rh,,rnes" b\ Rose Fv le- pop-up bocks. wvhiclh have illus;trai- the children's librarians cemmittee.of a- vI eranyfsint n ii tions that stand up ant i ~nost seem the .American Librar ýassociation ani viIichil ofouascnte liS- alve vcrking in conjunction with the re-agatechd for:ndtrei alivh eprtenef.heWin. aamost unusual picture book called search uepartrnent c the " h.ABC Book of People" by Walter PUBLISIl TITLE LECTURES public schools. Cl nwihec etro h l " lesuis After Nineteen Centuries." Books are grouped first by Colglu phbetsd'fracb naeteronfre I- the Yale lectures ou preaching by and then .divided . in te. ge, ph abeto standsanderachnation ri Dr. E~rnestt remon ins le. ostorof zvini1thefirst. serabceoZld, andach atin i - 1724 OSiNRî«ToNý AvEN I orriigton flttel ie E vanstoa FRI. EChrist w~onv l.p.M i public; te is a unatv ui rovicence abl.e otlv in tuns series. The "ages- d the aupthor of, "\Vbite indicated are very tentative. 'Most .a. volume cf poems iwhich of. the books wouid stand reading Scritical attention uipôn its aloud te an entire familv. after the n lat ver. . babies bave gene te, bed. For the, CU LBERTSON'S 1933. Blue Book wiII b. releed December S. If ord.r.d now wUilb. Cha.ider mS Fourfain Square Evansfon