1'o~lud-MaèheTriomphiale.... TIîhi> aiternoon (Thursdav) at 2 o'clock, t le ona socitety wvjll iieet at th- chutrch. ýOt!cel-% fur the enSu.ihg yeatý will be elected. 4 ~~ 7 1 lock. Cook County, council -williimeet.Fni- dlay, December 2, at 1.:30 o'clock in !he Palm room of the Great Northern hotel. Unit presidents and delegates are urged to attend,. Mr. and Mrs. John Law Wilds, 244, Oxford road, I{enilworth, were guests Tuesday at a dinner given by Ms Zenus Potter, 715 Shridan road. Ev.- anston, in. honor of Mary' Syno n- C hi- c~aôatoes ISanei~m~?ufdav Devemiber 4_hiark Girls Telo:risiàg M, ndMr. 'W ou aillanc wtPth10oga,11,T ilofé'Mr ad rs alter B. A' ll en,i Ou nma ol 'I.We hope that Gc2nWlet vne a hir ail of ç )ur nieibers will be pres'eft. Thfis Gifts a.t"Frencn Booth 1310 ilmhtead wil tý()bi a orHôy (n1 neofîh outtilin.-eaUrs dinner guests last Thursday the for-. IfUi I.the Girls' Club bargain l)azaar, to bt e' rte.n fiiyteToa 'rhe htwc èçineilwill ldi ts ireg- held Saturday, Decemnber 3, t. len o cao,1. tilar nionthl busineneting Monday- New'Trier mess hall, is' the French'* .adMs~Rbr . ite i ev'riIH Duni>e'.i a ob c. th. he ilshv ptmanSxh tet, motored to St. Paul îast Iw~eek-enld to visit with fùiends. at 4 o'clock. and the result, is an, array of very;______________________ c.harming trifles that make delightiul xnie Imier .missionî society' of thRe, ci- Chrisitma s gifts, it is aninounced. In Cago Area - of the United LUtii! epn ihther;thvýeme of aCdepres-1 --Ehtt;Çf in AÀnierica wili dedicate t sonbarohngotsmetan_ N neýv- t'enter building t 1212 South !Ash- I w D C othig, DIlmoreJ A land boulevard Suniday afternn(, De r- a dollar, and the 'work of the girls BY P 0 P U L cember 4. Serviuces w~il be held ltiii"he and thleirmothers>Ji lovOy, declare ..- Third Pi'esbytertan church, Ashland the persons in charge of the event. T U boulevard and Ogden avenue, at Th il'cu asteflo3ii o'u 1() (- . The îprinuipai address wiii1w Te ils cu bsth flo!u delivered bjy the Rev.' Roy G. Catiiin, to sav about the French booth: l ).D).. president of the Illinlois $ynod. "The French tlîeinselv'es i . 0f Economy Followirng ths"' the assemblag 9ý' 'hic(.' Hence we. make this our by- m-ill proceud tri the new Center b)uild- ing w,%here the act of dedication -ç%ill ie \\'ord and carry this idea throughottt. O coo yand Stand performed by the President of the inner The section devoted to .haridlcerchief.s Mission society, the Rev. E. F. Val- is particularly delightful. XX hi bvltbuying for your friends, consider D R SS S -s youir ovvn tastes, as iveil as theirs. IWhat makes' a niicer gift tîian two Or Any Combination Leio A uxiliary' or three dainty handlkerchiefs" A .nd Cleaned anc Cranet Paper., arct$ Giff Boxés ......07 2 PLAYING CARDS eautiful D.signs d Ô Specil a+ t. .. 2ýcks-69c AIRTH, mc. DAVIS 2400 1627 SH'ERMAN AVE. opposite Postoffice 1 N G ... R D E MAN D tIT LE dard Cleaning Service J]TS m COATS of Three Garmeits gion .Auxi'iarv, mwill be hield a h Ilo0Me of Mrs. Russell Johnson, 2.31 Si.Kteeiith street, Thursday nighti De- cemnber 1. AIl nmembers and friends of the Auxiliary are urged' to rouic .and lhelp) us inaintain our reputation! ot Supplviýig layettes Nyleuever lC- ed by the Departmeut-! Our Unit wvas eventh district )resented the requisites oM tue Lliristîas pes-* ents you give this year. "Lovely lingerie and dainti- bed-. pillows are onlv two exarn.ples of our mnanv wonderful b)argains,-. So cli eck over ,our Christmnas list uow an(, flli in those gaps with articles froni the French booth. Be chiic-di scrirninat- ing people are."~ M'vr. and Nirs. Walter F. Shattuc:, 735 (Greenwvnd avenue. Glencoe, en-1 Single, Garments, W ~EacIi SmalI Additional Charge for Al FbPhoePa R 1 I4s Insurance, 45e Pleated Germents. VP 1 ,1 tee and Co*e Amu I 1-