ix iorain lu I *ialvin .iiarr .vi- im en, ue stronlg- (1uor.. 16:1. l)righIt, iorînerJx of \Viniietka. are Axnong the citations -which corn- also workiic.g ott plans. for this gala prised the lesson-serniot was the fo0 - hrsmas celebratiOn. following from the Bible : ".Finally, f Ch it Aspectacuilar dlance progr.am lias M brethiren. be strong in the Lord, been arranged fçattiring . 1.udiilla! and in the POwN'er of bis might. Put - Speranzo-àa-of Evansto.n. fornier' on the whole armour of God, that : dancer at heis' a npeilte ve niav be able to stand against: the ater. and ineiner of the first wiles of :the,,dev.il. Stand therefore.; Ciauvc -Souris conev. Su hs aving yvour loins girt about* with ... been io0ane(l h)v the. Chicago Art the- truth. and hlaving on the breastpflate; atr.of righteousniess". (£pIesiansý 6:10. Thwee nti i gsponsored bj I- 14) illo st (il thé ponnient artistsaià The lesson-sermion also, included art 'overs .eotfChicago and s. br1s.the' following, passage from the' Cati Mount. the ncretic director Christian Science textbook, ."Science of thlis fanita'stic hall. -r mssa li-..and Health witi Kev ýto the Scri'p- lareu~ vein t eer iîîî>tnttures." by; M\ar\-Baker: Eddv <r arh wo is\1isMtian watchful._sJber. anid'iigilanit" (.324). cousins. TIt îrl e w il "o to a, fund to A specia! Than.ksgiving service as e;tahlý)ish a gallkr\ 'r QChicago artists. held in ail Churches of Christ, Scien- Tick-et, are rer sale at (hiandfler's tist. Thursda-v, November 24. 'a i" tee. l > to . l.Subject,: 'Tliaiksgiv-ing" The golden text wýas. "I ,vill praise Prof. M[six Otto Next th enaie of God with a song, and, Sisterhood Lecturer i (Psalnms 69-:30). .~*ihco-I* The luthird In tue series of lectrs mn tectain spon0SOI cd Ibv ite Sisterliodof 'North prised the Jesson-serriion ,vas the, sllhrc Congregation Israeîülî 1 folloýwing from the Bible: "Let. the gienICsIa.Deccember '13, bv Prof people praise thee, 0 God : let ail the MaxC.ven . e- o-te dpa mntpeople praise thee. Thien shialilthe' orptîuopvat the Ln(est, at ildbricese n o~AIL CHILDREN SOILE FOR BERNIE Wisci'nIt: I-IS subjecî il 1w.: even otir own God, shail bless us"' TNw'init-, and New 1Ideas." Th. {Psalnis 67: 5, 6). S;trl'dboard of directors w~ill, The lesson-sernii-on also inchuded inc t ltc uiple Monday nmorning . the 1ollowing passage from the Chiris- 'vim.end and relatives who lovi I1celmb:r ;. dl 1() o'clock o isl î iaii Science îextbook. "Science and E*I~~~I ~~I plailn fra ;irr ae obeci'-H'ealth with. Key 10 the Scriptures "- -. <lu'ted Decimber 1l9. There wiîî by Marv Baker Eddy: "In divine' th r il ppr-.ciate this thoughi scwrug ai]il av for the benefit of 1s Science. maan is sustainied by God;. 1hei pitals and chlaritabtlle illýsituticorls, it divine Principie of being. The earth. fu-Th 15al(ufcd at God's commnand, brings forth food' u remnembranice T e gift hie ____________for naisuse" (.530). M r>. low'ard W. Kiiiglit, 'Di only you can give. Stonegate tertýace. Glenco'. %\-Il] be John F. Weedôn. 204 Fifth street. Ih<)stÇ55 îc; ber bridge and iicheon returnied Suindav iroin a twvo imontbs -'I club onm Fridav. Lecemnber 2. European tour. MRS. SNYDER Thr e Bif $ AnnouncesR#UrVle$1 tCANDY SHOP iYorPwG4»o '. E#tËMBttt Jus Eat .ofShemanAveuet'e ial Rts ontAU Open Daily, Incfuding Holidays and Sun.daysPhtgph