Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1932, p. 24

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An all-school assembly .%as held at New Trier on' M\onday-, Noveinber 21, for.the.l)urpose of, awarding let- ters and, trophlies won in fal sors M.Natthem7 P. (;affiiey, superintendent. presided. and with E. J. Pbel1ps of the scbool board. niadeý the awardi ýOther's on the platforni -for5 this oc-. casion were: W. L. Childs, bea<l of* the boys' athletic departuie-n-t- Wak-, ter J, Ascbenbacb. hiead varsity foot-i bal! coach. Paul Delaporte, assistant, varsity coach.; KennethFuhosr head. frosb-soph coach. and Robert- S. Ram. assistant frosh-sopb coach. The assen1bly. opened with the cus-: tom arv- class ýand schiool yells 'and tlhe lusty singing of the Newý' Trier loy-altys. song. BilI Cond. Frank :Crit- sen and Fred Workman were cheer-~ leaders tbrougbout the Two R*eewe Wt4ght Tr.phy *The Gordon Danforth Wrigh memorial tropby %vas given to Johnî Bell and Jack Gaither, wbo captained the winning intraniural scjuads. Har-- vard and 'Michigan, respectively. Boys on their teams who received their awards in their adviser roomis were: H-arvard-Bol. Brauin. F'rank Car- penter. Walter Cherry, ShernmanU Childs, J ohnt Donley, Lerov Fishier,n Walter Foslund, John Freihiage, Mow maI4y nv UU iftC tU IIi France and, taste ber delicioms food? h go to France ? Save mionev and. time by Yisiting the Food booth at, Ne%%. Trier and purchasitig. food at. a 1argain', vet just as (lelicious ýas French food, advis'e the sponsors of the Girls' Club bargain bazaar, to be- held 'ai the nmess hall ýon Saturda.y. De- cember .3. T'is vear. the booth ýwil1 be a' iboulangerie (lakery iii11- stead. of thi,-,usual I)utch ovenl. -French chefs" iwith. highlbats an4ý white aprons tyill selI cookies. cakeIs. bread. rolls. coffee cake an~d j)astries. The, real. .hard-crusted French brýeafl,.each i o ne yard in length. -will be ,seen on the sh e!ve s. 'Hôusewi-e,-. whN, not practice ecôt-oni\- an d buv votir bakerV goods for .Satu~rda. and Sunlday at the Food boothï the girls ask. The archery tournarnient has. been finished. Mrs. Abbott and Elsa Car- len report that it bas.*been avrs successful season, due to the cooper- ation of the contestants. WVin.nersý have.been determnined Iv. their total, scores. ln the senior class, the high est score was 650, wh0ich yas made b Jeaniette Post. The junior bigh scoreI was, ?41, made by- E. J., Mole. Juine Stenson led both ber own class, the *sophomores, and' the- school by the bigh score of 1,091. The-second' school winner ,.vas Cecilia 'Moran %ith 893. Jeanette Post vas third and D. 'Herzig was, fourtb with 464. This tournament completes the archery for this .year. )t another, tournamnent will bc held nexNt spr-îng and lessons wil! pro:bablv -be giveii at the same tume for those w-ho f eel Fist BailTourn y jthat thev need theni- Has Record Entry~ The fist-ball season at 'Xew Trier Surprises W~i1I Spice began this week and is alreadv- wel on the way to a successful finish. it* Bargain Bazaar Dec. 3 is. announced. Both this week and Surp.rises of manv kinds w i be in next' will be devoted to practice- store for those who viSit. the White gaines. The' tournarnent wl begin Eletihant booth at the- Girls'- Clui) on December 12 and continue unltil bazar Decemiber 3. You rnay find' Why December 31 Is Important Day In advertisement of the lazaar to be 'held Saturday, Deceniler 3, the. Girls' club of NewTrier hüld an as- senil ,lv Tuesday, November 22. Janet. McNultv, the president, led th'e meet- ing. Trhe firs.t speaker 'xvas Dorothy ShielIds..w-ho represented -tlie Food booth. -Cynthia Hioîres. told of the advaptages. of eating. at the Tea Rpor booth where,. shet statcd. de- liciouis refreshments xvill be serve.d, and bv the best of %vaitre.sses. Rô-. berta Schilbach wvas thbe speaker for the Candv booth. Next Barbara OIson remind.ed the. girls to buy cider and doughnuts at the cider-and-douglhnut table. M ar- jorie Weil represented -the, grab-Iag and said there ý%'ould, be a 10O-cet bag. a 25-cent one,.'and one e.speciallv% for children. Gladys Pancoe urged thle girls to hring 'tribut ions 10r the White Elephant booth xvhIj j- Î a nei-dea this vear. Tells of Frenchi Booth Grace Ellis spoke about the Frenicil bootb which usually is the best pav'- ing booth. of the bazaar. Mary Letr» Neev-es told of the Silk-Stoékingi table. whicb is anôýther new idea,. NIancv- Durgm'n represented the bogk nook vvhich is expected to be nios profitable, as the entire mnonev takei \Iichign-Emiil Anderson, Robert Brown, Robert Clark, Walter Die- bold. I-arrv Emrick, Rollo Gullickson,. Jack Harris, Frank Hooper. J ames Kraft, Leo Kraft. Burdette '-\ast. Ni1ck Simon, Claude Smith. John, Speréde sý Bill Stackhouse and Fred Popper. Bailev Shlearer coaç.hed the Harvard teani, and «Miles Geriiiger and Bob. Thorsen of the student bodv coached ,,the Michigzan teami. Other facultv any sport, breaking the record set, last 'vear -hen girls' fist-ball \\a-ý; inaugurated at Neiv Trier. Miss Nixon. stated that i the help of the headj of fist-ball. Cynitlixa. Walsh, she has div-ided the girls MILO thirty-t,.lo tearns. w,.-ich will play an intet-adviser room. tournarnent. The winners in this mieet .ill plav an in- ter-class tournamnent as w-as donc this, year in soccer.1C The advisers have been urgedl to1 sign up with the giris for thîs sport. -This booth wil1 be filled with grand Christrnas giits. and at s'ncb bar ains as never before. or prob- ahly nJIU\er .again %villappear," the :Girls' club states. "Hiere, there will be, plenty of variet- and choice and alrnost anytliing you could disli to.such as bridge prizes, Christrnaàs gii'cs aiff thinigs to inake -rhoe l)eautiful. So. eeryone, when voli corne, be sure not to miss the White Elephanit and the splendid bargains." r- lorence LCarev, the neaa of cuanc- ing, gave a general idea of the dance- miatinee to be .presented the after- noon of the bazaar. Betty Berger represenited the kitchen booth which Nvill sel! aprons, kitchien uItenIsils,. anid. important of aIl, the NXew Trier Cook Book. Planning Snapshot Booth A newv plan is stili forming to have a booth for taking snapshots. Theii in thep.pvenincr here is tro he a 'Te O'Kean. Lawrence Buckmasterre- Sloan, Tom Suliivan, B illSuI1 ceived his senior manager's letter. Bob White, james Wilson, and Certificates, cards awarded to ,boys Zoernsch. - C orne t. 1the Bazaar to Buy Your Sunday Cake! jeanMaxz ,IIL thre piano, . 'tie en- tertainmlent wasý under the efficient direction of Neil Chambers,poga chairman. g'

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