Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1932, p. 32

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we hear the aflair will b e a jolly and gay, oîe, assuming a c arnival air. It will be a Monte Carlo party with the' games ow in, vogue and exceedingly *ppular ini play ini different, the attractive new homùe.of the. host and. hostess. A 'crystal, gazing bal, aid. other divertissemients will be *provîded and tables, will be set. up for thoPse wishing to play 'bridge, Re- freshments, too, will. add'to the even- ing's pleasurqe. Emiphasis -is niadet'ha ~tickets vil1 be Isold onlv through me ibers of the commîittee ini advance of1 the ben efit. *None wilI be, obtainable at the dooir the nlighit of the party. Mrs. Kniglit Blanchard> headls-the committee in charge. Its mnixbers are others on the ex-service men's comimittee, MNrs. -Willis Hutson; rs R. IL C£ampb~ell, Mms. Du4,s, Mrs. H. 0. Veishaar, Mrs. Villiam i olines. Mrs. S. I., Kaufinan, M.\rs, J. W. Brashears, Mrs. Leonard Starkel, Mrs. George Lowell, Mrs. E. P. Fatch, MNrs. A. MN. Anderson, Mrs. C. G. Smith, Nirs. Lawrence James. Miss Alice Hattermnan, and Mrs. Pauil Renschi. Episcopal Ciàcles'HaVe Next Meetings on Dec. 3 The ineets at the home of 'Mrs. Charles C. Carnalian 700 Central avenue, with NIrs. William Page and Irs. H. R., Hall assisting hostesses. The Northeast circle %vill be enter-- tained at the homne of iMrs. Thomas S. S. Hardwick. 757 Twelfth street., Mrs. George H. Weaver and Mrs. Alice Peaslee will assist as hostesses. The WVest. circle is meeting withi Phioto by Hýaveman Wihbundies', slîazvs. imîîbrella and suit case7 these two occupan ts of a qlwio old id )2nlisl, railroad m-acih make theïr appearance jin the opening.scepre o-The Çýccret Garden.- the Ch ica '(o Junior Lau'.diqht fiPlav for chlffidren produced at the, PlavlIousc in Chlfraqo ei Saturdqv ,nornmn~g t 10:301 o*i oilck . C',hIl c'chtug ber 'iaïho. ris IMary, Pert anjd imu idet ani s,'ieand cdd'erlv Porfra-vtd hY .Mrs. Robert, Jr., the' former ImiyPopc (?f Glc;,coc. 11'r pî, p n cpanion u'ith bonnet tied under lier chillin 110-Is. Mt'dllock ,( .V1rs. RoPý'crt Curtis) whîo is taking lier f roin India té- her- clscouvtr -v hein1' lu iu<îland rw'Ire she disco7'ers lte secret gar- di-u. .1I.ç thi-Yvride in»titejck h al/j» gtrain zuitl ifs ral*in-beaitei windows, tlwv-ý argue 'avd f uss and /'artake of' their cold-chicke& lunch. Sup pet Bridge E vent at Kenilworth Club A supperi bridge with progressive coiitract thie gaine, is Friday's event at the Keiiilworth club. John H. I.awsoii, Mrs. John A. Carter, and Nfr s. WVarreu K. Hathaway ill he hostesses. -The lat supper bridge *.was suiclia s.uccess' that everybody Nvanted a re-. turn etgagenlent inïmediately.*' the coin- niittee status. The club announces its Y'oung People's committet>: Mrs. Wil- liain A Moulton, chairnian ; Mrs. Armand H. Peycke and 'Mrs, Clyde P. Ross. \Vith this group in charge, a series of initeresting parties for young Subscription Dance at, Woman's Club for Building Fund The second subscription dance ini the series sponsored by tIe ways and means commTittée of the Woffa's Club of WVilmette will be hield at the clubhouse at Tenthi street and Greenleaf avenue, Saturdav even ing, December 10, at 8:30 o),çlok. Ralph Williamis' five-piece orchestra. which, it. is. said, wvas greatiy enjoyed at the club) dance on November 12, will provide. the music. A novelty dance and soine Christmas surprises will furnish anothêr. feature Of entertaiinnient. L"Al who atteiided the first affair in this subscription series well under wvav and which. will' be * held at Stevens hotel, Satitrday eve- ning, December 10. "Sha.dows of Paris," the intriguing title of the fete, 1suggests the atm-osphiere of theý gay Frenchi capital which wvill be cre.ated with iiew and novel appoint-, ment, and decoration that, will. in- clu de Wall shadow. grotesques. creatcd ini effective lighting, an1id color, xnid- night ýsupper and a. fashion show with the season's deb.utantes mod el-1 ing, a. game room, which, promnises to be one of the popular places of con- gregation. M rs. Richard' Ganùhrill, who lias made a reputation as 'music -chair- nlli nii forner seasoi s for the 'quaI- ity of the orchestra, provided, lias pledged rnusic that will surp'ass' it for the party this year. Tick ets, in charge. of: Miss H4elen McNair and Mrés. f.awrence Nelson, Jr., ivere in the mails the day before Thanksgiving and n¶emblrs rof the Cicagor com- mittee have had thei for sale for severat days and report a lively de- mand for theni. Mrs. John MacLean is in charge of the advertising and the sale of program space.: NMrs* *Frank Thiies is planning thie fashioti show ; Miss Jean Spens is debutantes chiairmian, and the invitations are in charge of Mrs. Charles H. Brown and Mrs. James Haclley. M-rs., Edgar F, Btircli is honorary chairman of the Chicago committee and the chairnian is Miss Elizabeth Alger of Keilwortli. The' latter is serving as generàl ehairman of the ball coîmmittees.. Mrs. H-er- bert S. Nock of Winnetka is vice- çhairman of the Chicago corninittee, wvhich includes chiefly youiiger w-omen wiýho -bv means of this annual frolic raise Chicago's . quota for Arden Shore. Miss Elaine Blackman i treasurer. The corresponding secre- tary is Miss Jane' Ltcey, and Mrs. ,Charles Brown is the recording sec- retarv. *Mrs. Edward avenue, was h, friends last Mc benefit of the r in ~ ;AT TEA Hoffmian, 1635 Lake ýess to a group of lay, at a tea for the thodist church., cvçi

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