Toistoy, youngest daugbiter of Count L.,eo Tols.toiy, is to give.the afternoon. p ,rogram at the Woman's club.of Wilmette on Wednesday, DecenWber. 14. "My- Father and the Revolution" is the subject upon wbicb she wil speak. The occasion also* wili be the, annual philantbropy. food slbower,,and al club members are asked .to b)rin g donations of canned foods and cereals for distribution aniong those in want. A review of the rnost recent fiction and biograpby will be given by How- ard Bozarth at 10:30 in 'the.niorning, and :at 12. o'clock. Mrs.: Bernard Brown will gîve tbe reading of a play. Sucb is the day's.prograni to be. Countess Toistoy was secretary to her father, the great novelist, drama-, tist, idealist, and was with bhim until 'his dçaàth. She left Rljssia sÔmè tWo years ago Mien pressure was brought to bear upon ber to use the influence of the school shé headeci to spread anti-religious propaganda. Slhe was on more thani one occasion thrown into prison and deciares she wilI not return to rîsk arrest again. She lived in japan for a time, but lias been ini the United States a year, living witb a friend on an old fam, in an old. press. The Pictorial Re'view accepte seven of ber stories of Russian prisoe life and used the first in the Septeni ber issue. Vritally iinterested in the humani tarian side of Russia and stili carry ing the banner of ber father in hib desire 'for community weifare ini' li lectures and writitig, she paints W. a...0 . a . - , J . .YL,'. C chairman, is geiieral chairman of the dinner. Proceeds f rom the dinner will be used for-the urgent philan- thropyt work the departrneént has;' for its emergenicy cails which. corneal Most daily. Assisting Mrs.' Joyce ini carrying out.plans for' the dinner are the mcm- bers of -the department, Mesdames . H. Waiker, J. P., Budinger, W.. P. Bermingbam, P. B. Birong, Charles Broad, George Downing,' John Bud- inger, Thomas Chambers,. Edward Cummniskey, Charles Englehardi, -F. Joe Koza, W. D.* Leary, H. E. Lerscb, G. E. I<udwig, Martin Lyncb, P". J. McArdle, L. :McCàffrey, P. J. Mc- Gurk, -B. F. Patterson, .Carl 9cbroe- der, J. H. Walker. Mrs. Henry Schmidt is offering ber home. for a silver tea on -th~e aftr- noon and evening of December 14. Quits of members of. the philail- thropy department and a few others, will be sbown in the studio, tea wil be served in the dining room, and tables will be arranged for those who wish to play cards. Such was the an- nouncement madle by Mrs. Joyce at the meeting of the club last Friday. The club chorus is meeting- every L V would- be tbe occasion of a canned ulgoods shower andc urged that, eaclh )nmember- bring sometbing for the col- lection of gifts for charity. "We would like to make this sbower a niontbly affair," Mrs. Beaudin eni- Spbasized at the meeting. Gladys Hight, fained teachter,,of danciti, recently returned from the Orient, is presesitiug the entire pro- qrant for the Christmnias meeting of the Junior au.iliary of the Woln- ýajj4SCahoilie Cu4i -Of J.:Inette Tursda v evening, Deccember 6, at 8 o 'dlock. Miss Higbit. wbo opened a branchi of ber famous dancing scbool in Evanston in September, goes abroad every year to study native dances of other lands. She bas, this fail,: returned from a tbree montbs' ioiurf the Orient and is imbued with the cbarm of Balinese and nigIJI. Thc. progran, wili -bé preceded by a short ,business meeting. 'Tbe club wel- cornes alniothers and fathers of tbe juniors to this meeting. The bostesses for the occasion wili be Miss Margaret Benz, Miss Geraldine Peacock, Miss Daupbne Bjorklund, Miss Rosalie Adanms, Miss Marceila WilmetteV Sew for' The Garden Club of Illinois an- nounces that tickets for the Seventh Annual Garden and Flower show which they are. sponsoring. at >4avy PeCbicago, March 31 to, April 8, 1933. wiIl be 'put on sale Monday, December 5. It has been the, custom ini the past for many patrons to1 purchase these tickets for Christmasigifts, hence, tbe seemingly early -distri.bution,of tick- ets' to: Garden. club enthusiasts throughout, the entire state. This Flower show gives every promise -of far surpassing, any of the previous shows held., Garden clubs, ýpri.vate, estates and many comnmercial bouses have, reserved space six months ini advance of the.opening date. Mrs. J. Ogden Armour wbo bas ai- ways ýgiven 'sucli whole-hearted and generous support to tbis project is ggain making an exhibit. Joy Mor- tôoN bf Lilte,"thë ifthûder of 'the Ar- boretumn bearing bis namne, is again making an educationai and beautifiil exhibit and in a letter from Jamies Norris of Lake Forest, he tells of plans for a larger and finer exhibit than any of the Iovely 'gardens lie has made for the shows in previous years. Many other owners of large private estates are contemplating en- tering the show. The estate exhibits are aiways among thie linest put on mnost unselfish devotion, their one idea being t 'o give Chicago and the Mfiddle-west somnetbing unusual and edlucational as wveii as beaut-Iful. Business Women Plan Christmas Meeting The Wilmnette Business and Profes- sional Womnen's -club wiIl hold its air nue, at : on n. c et" ' cago