Time: Five days-Monday noon, Dt cember 26, to Saturday noon, Decembx 31. Place: At ",Camp" Oh-)a-Ka-Ta, 'the Kenosha Council Boy Scout caii between Lake Geneva and,,Burlingtcý about 50 miles f rom -Highland Pari Cot:- Six dollars'for . five days. Tii does flot include transportati.on.. In mtoî cases bojys can get together and get the parents to take tliem out. The féee hn cludes aIl meals. and inside, sleepinI quarters. Open t'to: AUIl first class scouts 1, years _of age and -in good standing Oîxlv 30 scouts, can be accommodatei from the Nqàrth Shore Area council Register now! Program: Just f ullI A kinds of things scouts Would like i dn in winter camp. The weatber mai predicts snowv and ice; this means sled ding, skiing, hockey, skating, skati sailing,. winter ganies, winter scout' ing. Just a great time. See your scoutmaster today! Eigkty N. S. Men Attend Region Meet More thian eighty men f rom the North Shore Area council attende' the Region Seven annual banquet Tues- day of this wveek at the Drake hôtel. e- DJr. James Ei. W est, chiet scout ex- )er ecutive, BOY Scouts of. AmeriCaý f" made' .evcryone ,very favorable to np the shift, it 'is cleclared. . p, The next 'meeting of the Univer- 'k.st of Scoulting-tlie final one: of Isthe -fali term-wïll be held ýonMon- )t day, Decemiber 5, at. Lake, Forest 'r college. A fine ýmeeting is: lanned n . and it is hoped that ail the inen1 reg- 119 stered for the various courses- will he present. 141 y certain types of:'Aniet Velers. The program for the week includes a dinner in the doirmitory oit'Mon- day mý orning, an introduction to the students at the asseMbly on Tuesdav, fo1lowved by tea iii the Alumnnae réom. and a drive up shore. On Tuesda- nlorning Miss ZwergerwilI be pre senited to the New Trier isudents at assembly; and on., Thursday she will be the -guest of Northwestern u niver-1 ~iLy. v n Fn'vanston .she wîil be lb.T onNa edthe guest .in -the homes 'of'- several Pearsnng menesro' teantena S stainicu ng membirs o-thae Itra Scoutmaster foIr. toa lb adwl aethe oppoir- tunitY of visiting several of the o W ilmette Tro p i. en 's.,guilds and other church orgaý- Troop. 1 of Wilmette beld its weekly nizations. meeting at the VFirst Congregational ~chiurch, Thursday., Novepiber l7.After N. .M scasCu salute to the colors and inspection, the ~ ~ CU oficers for the coming year were. an- Plans German Program nounced. 'The' North Shore Musicians club A * G. Pearson was named scout- 'vilI bave a. Germiat programn at its master. Three junior assistant scout- Iext meeting, Tuesday afternoon, inasters were chosen: John Pearson, Ed Decembe 6~ at 2:15, at the home of Andrews and Vernon Brown. Jarvis 'Mrs. Ralph Horween,. 654 Garland Brown was announced as senior patrol avenue, Winnetka, Mrs.: Otto E. .Gep- leader.' pert, Mrs. W. 'L. Stockliri, and 'Mis., The leaders of the varions patrols are Albert _- Page wili be the assisting. as follows~: Phil Samuelson, Silver hostess-es. Fox; Bill Grinnell, 'Eagles; Gordoni Ernaui Akely and Anna Chifflun il han i ftty north shore realtors %were sent out this week, and A. R. Eddingý- -ton,, .secretary ,of the. Northi Shore. board, anticipates.a à 1 .1large turn out. This type of con- A.John Bgege ference is a part of the service offered b-the National Association. of. Real E7-statc Boards .ad will be'.conducted by A. Joh«P Berge, sales c ounselor of >that * organlization. Mr. Berge has had, a wide experience' as a sàles mnager,, bas trained more than 2,000 'salesmnen. and - analyzed more than 8,000 selling Plans. .He is author of "CI.sing Real Estate .Sales," More Sales With Sales.Kits,"' 'MpCharts and Graphs as Aids in Sellinig,' and other publications. Mr. Berge's subjccts are: (1) What kind of 1'salesmanship wili. produce result ini 1933?- (2) Facts, Fancies and Foibles'. Exchange Ideas The meeting bas for its purpose the .exchiange of ideas in selling real estate and introducing new methods which are being used successfully in other parts of the country. The prograni has been condensed into a compact series of )rass-tack talks and an important part u)f the conference will *bc a round table discussion of local problems. nignîy inspirationai .character, ini stated. Two addresses, one by Dr. James E. West, chief scout executive, Boy Scouts o'f America, and one by tiDr. Allen D. Albert, assistant to the president, 1933 Century of Progress exposition,' were considered especially fine, as was the pageant play, "Mightier Than the Siord," prescnted by Troop 98 of St: L1ouis, Mo. wîith its new leaders this year and we .' ' "T hese conferences help the realtor, 'o *hope to win'an award given by Presi - Ihr, Die Ihr Triebe . ..Mozart change his merchandising methods to> Hove t ay rop bih asIch tiebe Dieh .... .... fleethoell*keep pace with the changing conditionsý dent Hoe oay topwihhsDie Stille Wasser-Rose... von S1elltz in the reai estate .market. New ideas, heen above the average for the years 0 Hoiy Night ...... '. Adami new rnethods, creative seiling, these arc- of '1932-1933.-'Stailley Cochran, Troop ' <Viol obbligato by Winifred the basis of successful selling' today.. Townsend Cree) The open discussion also helps to make 1, WVilmette. Sarah~ Ida Perry Mish (soprano) these conferences bighly interesting and MI. intenseIy practical. We want ail the Sonata, Op. 12, No. 1 Beethoven people in the real estate business to -Groups Seeking Award 1. Allegro con brio (te n orne to this conference with thei- Must Re-register Soon 'variations) "itenivo e vstud ng tdiusini0 eteda trnn ~rg2n' qmQ CroyHrsbrer(ioiis) selling niethods and with a deteriina- The, r -regitratio pape s for artiy natns ehuirlvioli i't) -ihnn IA AT~ ~q W V N L ,r ' ~ ' Mrs. Samuel' C. Goss,5 .]r a 8 tor Mele tor avenue, Glencoe, a I »,, wma.n. Ave. I ~~~group at luncheon and 111WletsA.we o e ap [nima road, Kenilwoir h omne Iast week. returned, to uer ýàii tra- 1