Watson discussed the sculpture of the G,'reeks anid Romnans an.d then that of M.\iclhelanigelo; the paintings of CiniabUC. ,iGiotto. Boticelli. Racfael, Leonrdo(le Vinci, the Pre Rllaphiael- E .Kye .~ eutc ites. \Iotiticel.1 Pouve de Chiauvainne 11.1 and. Chicago's owni Lorado Taft. The Kenilworth, Realty company, inot. l'ie chariiing mutsic of the earlies 1t iiicorporated, b as: openled anofce at Cireek Ca-ntors was likenced to the art 1450O-Sheridan road,, in No Man's Land. of the early Grceek.folîvdby that JohnI E. Weinstock. wdio has been ac- of Pale strina. Mlozart, Schulb ert, tive ini the 'real estate business for the Brahmis . -St ravinskyN, . 11d Saint Saenls past five years, will be the real estate -ail bearing close]%»t the character broker ini charge of sales. Re foreý enter- and color toiles of later works of art. iiig into the field of re *al estate Mr. "Conitemporary',At"i'.vili be th~e 1Wciinstock vas in the retail 'businessf ~1)jCtofNIr.Wasossecondl( e.- t or muiie years and lias a wide aéquaint-ý enb lance amng north shore bulilders, andi tite.wlicl ~vllI)rset nw nte- rclhitets. Mr. Weinstock .resides ini pretaions ol leïsure, speed, and space, an, analysis (if modern paint-eat.niorh iing. andl music. I Iartinan, Knath, Edixin A. Kavser wills be asso- Picasso. . Matisse. Oînanskv, TYHote, ciated with 'Mr. \\eins'tock as manager Kadnk.ad Irrsh ,%veill be of the renitail ammnthaving badi atiiolg" the painters to .be discls.sed. iight years of real estate experience.,Mr.. Whîle tlhe musicianls wiil be Bloch,, Kayser,. who lias -specialized in the Goosirs. Glershin. W, ernier, and reniting of homes, wilili andie homes for M\1aisowskî. rf f firom, Wilmeteto }Highland Park. 'llie thur( lIecture. scliedulled for Mm. Kavser resides in W~ilmette. l)eceinîer il, wil lile entitled -Ruis-ý Mr. Wreinstoci, and Mr. Kayser are sisContributioni be fore theý Rev- both wmell acqutainited with iiorth shore olultiotiaami Sinice» O01 Deceniber1 properties and have- a v'ery complete 18 Mr. WVatsoni will take as his sub-Ilist Of homes for sale and ent, it is jeet"Gensisto Revelait1is.- the -explained. lctuire being a discussion of the mc-- ligious art through the cenituries.i 'M. and Mrs. Fergus M.ead. 3201 fig-k41U L8 fttI; f lf l ectu es .. h)e ottii< t thedoor: Oxford road, iSeilortli', enrtertaîi her mnother and fatlier, '-\r. anid Mr H.T H.T Rhjç. and her two hrother 9x12 Domestic RIUGS nce Cleaned t fur trimnied, ,avy, germent$. flo L a tw4 LI i oni8LLflhtU i il,' i'0 Tenn.. and lias taken an apatmient 1 Tedy oeie 2 Ms at 40 Fast Oak street.O T~dyNoebr2,Ms -~ Hugh A. Foresmian, 515 Essex road. jackCoae. 22 euilort avnueKenilivorth, entertained ber club at Keniil\\ortlh, spent Tlianksý-gi.%itig and luncheon and bridge. tue ýweeK--enu wit l us i>areIis.vi GeorgLe NM. Cae. a i., a freshi- mail at Morgani Park Militarv aca- demny. -o- Mr. and Mrs. Burt J. Dennman. 21 Linden avenue. spent the past week- Mr. and. Nrs. A. B. ,Forýest avenu-te.'spent tfle Guli Lake, Mich. Seibold. .522 weèek-end Iat that mausea 14saviug H ere is a real bargain . . . fot just another advertisement to get you in the store. w. GrE. 050 116 S. borbora St Garnients DYED Ar $298 Shgiht extra Ché g eon pleated, velvet or hçe Pbo .ne: WIN NETKA N hLJII'ILM ~4 £ s I 73 0 ELM STREET phone GLENCOE WINNETKA a great