WALTER HUSTON, LUPE VELEZ CONRAD NAGELp VIRGINIA BRUCE Ntu*ts 7;:13; los$ FRIDAY and SATURÉDAY. DECEMBER'2- RICHARD ARLEN ANI) THE ALL AMERICAN 1931 FOOTBALL TEAM Starts Fr!. ;:&4; 1l0.Il3-storts at. 3:14; &.I;5:40 58; 10:10 Skeetrn algher-"ýTbp Fimlbtnir Touh'... Cuilegfty ý.. Mtedbuiry lu Ah~sa1a. . Mtrotone -.ews Sat. 3[atine- Cliter il-Thie jungle iMisery"-TO31TYLE R SUNDAY. DECEMEER 4' 1 ADDED ý libd . U ca U . J4IJIio l- _ .--.. an Jak-Barynoe janCrwfr b as released in two years. Constance andJac BarymreJoa Crwfod.Cuninnîings plays opposite hiii. Wallace Beery and Louis, Stone a re Harold. Lloyd islse en as a hapless fecatured in this mighty attraction. ogmnenagdint nae0 driday and" Satuday, Decemiber, 2 a mnoderm picture studio.,Ili fact, lhc and 3, wll provide a feast for laugli- betonies so einltes'led in filI le ta hiungry iovie fans wlen. they. sec one -faction" of: "Movie Craz.y" lin- the riot -of political' farce, "The ciglît minutes: of consecutive laugh- Phaton Prsidnt" wichinto- roucing in>cidents. Previolus to the duces. George M oin itetakn naiins coat sequence in. "Movie screen.;. George, is1 a sceain in a dual Crazy," which sets,-the. new% lauglh- role that allowýs.lîini to play both a making figu res, Lloyd rated his -great- batik presidet-a presidential cati- est 1series of continuous laughter, the didateý+-and his. double hotltitks. football'.sc>eties and the hasted suit this country necds.more, pel) and 1épisode ni he"Fresliiuani." ,lui perfonallity ini poliics. "M ovie Crazy," one gag rolls iiito an- JÎ1i11m% Durante is, the douîble's pal. o ther. jile numiiierous 'laugli factions who crashes the convention liall and including the. test scenc. the , na- causes a riot. His songs are great. gicians coat el)isode, atnd the1 fight- donle ini the "onie aind ,onilv" Durante whN'ich i cliiniaxes the storv. inîai-Oer. Claud1ette Colbert tds-a ÀriaPrayFnace toicili of. beautv to the productionl. Singing and dancing a(ld to the This Thursday an~d Fridav, lu., ~af1èofth~ hi~wlic ~ camied1'Wîmeteplese'nts. George Alisas %%*itli utter nonsense of. just thue kind a noted financier with a reving faîn- to give oie a great session of eni- ilv, Ili**A Successful CI:nt'a tertaininent. Iwli!eome picture tîil of :ntcrestîtg and huniorous situations. -Xrliss fiuîd> At the Fridav andl Satuirda.v miat- .efrr-i ii lsfilk 1 iea recipe o euitîghs a1 l inees only, the Iast chapter oit whih cosi-t of ary str Ea serial, "The Hurricane Express.' m-tli Ivn Ki cnpp and WilYiasto, Ja provide the finiale and nîiglhtiest Hardie Albright is great as tîte na- thrill of àn. exciting story. i mndcci suitor of Evalvu lina The Varsitv theater 1br11g,, hack iv a.teKig a h V11 Clark Gable 0on Mondas- and Tuesdav mt Paltengat fli Dceil-ý Decemnber 5 andi 6, in one of tlio s c 1 . ber 3, features Tom MNix and hlis b er plantation in, the jung 1hole of red, dust, coolies cornes Gene Raymiond %vi Mary Astor. Gable, th( the plantation, fals ini Mary Astor., and the troi This film is recornmende lent aduit entertainniient. ~A romantic ghost storv, by many critics as the-i that Kav Francis and XViI Stuairt um-v-ý%iave s nrillîug kmagic in the African un g(.'lOJIs -., !T lT u AI _,; lhl I l V 1t JtU r.. ~Ie Votils ikes h' robes and crovii for onie andi storins. thrilling dav at 1'M1ixsWi'ld \Vcst tih his bride: show., e owner oi' Human Beings Pis Prey love ,vithi ýublé be Fnluinan beings are the prey ni a ýas excel- s"nister hunter, Leslie Bak, i1"Ilé Most Dangerous Gaiine," .ilso star- ring Fay Wray andi Joel McCrea at cost idere thie Xilnette theater on Ttiesdav andi Ilst Powtuel ednesday, Decenîber 6 anid 7. Love lia Poellis put to the test in this film, for "Olne Xlav x1' ýý .. ro-, iwhiclh j3oel 1M of J Wrav, Leslie Banksa Arrnstrong are featured. kfl il, ôlàý,kfiljz 01 tinv Who forý ,