q'uwl'uy and discriminationfor as inuch or as littie as we care to spend, Ch Oose Your Type First choose your type, -then buy your books at a. good ,sbop where they -wil belp, you-fi nd' wbat .yau îieed, and 1not *substitute, something just as good! 1hIi buying for others, do you .ever, tliink of the little knoWnl classics and tuîîc -proven 1 books tbat aniother iiiight like? For example there is no s tory more ;charining than, Dr. Thlornie" by Anthony Trollope. It.,is suitcd to those who like charactcrs 191, familiar situations. It can bebought, for ither 80 cents or $3. Beautifully wrapped, and tied, it is a perfect gif t for mnany women. Thien for those whose wit and* charni you admire is that 'little'gem "Go ( and iny Father" by Clarence l)ay, and this cani be bad for offly one dollar. Some Suggestions XVith certain qualities inii mmid we 1,ae selected the. following books as guide posts to selection. -Man or woiian initerested in the situation of the world at large and in ideas lead- ing to action will like: Bv'nt-Iustice Oliver WendeII loilies ~i.oI~y-iflerBox of Aslaa lititchit»son-Stornii Over Asia Flynnii-Gods Gold Stefenmý-Autobiographly Colo-Guide Througli Wurld C:' 13<,wrs-eviidq~a lme 1rog ressdve. Adventure For" those %vho liké' adventure, ex- citeinit. and out-of-ivay places, the. 'folowing are good: I;tvlzick-BI.ack Prince l uilber-t-Fgorty Niners 'TIriiiits Arabia Felix Duguid-Tiger Mait BI3a~d0Lanes own N.1dhoff-MNutinly ointhe Bouîaty. lit. Kri-e Against De&th 3îoirrojvBeyofld the Blue Sierrit For the manm or woman iiterested in literary personalities, style, and tchniiique, these are irresistibie:. 13cnsoni-Charlotte Brote, Verse Jping' People out,of course. Whuat a pity! W ho woulcl ever bave suùspected eve.ry mouth fui. of that juicy turke- gobbler to contain so many calories.. N ow you will. bave -toQ get serions. about the, business of sbaving down .,your silhouette. You f eel de- cidedly depressed..We al do, ouen.or clothes beËgin to' .binid'and bubble' amiîd- ship. But tbinlk bow much. more depressed you, would bave.-been bad: you just. learnied you had contracted tubercuiosis, Ind, bad neither the money -non the kinowledge to, combat it. Fortunateiy for. you, you, have only. to diet a. fewj weeks, and presto! the five pounds will1 meit away. eut yun uforunate neigbbor witbout funds or ýtraining can- flot so easily solve bis proéblem.. Soi that hie may receive intelligent advice, and tbe proper nursing service tbe Chicago Tubearulosisi istitute. is raisin'g nioney by nieans of a Christipmas scal carmpaign. The 'drive -ends on Christmas day. Al'tbe nmo;ev nealized will be used to benefit Wiliiette people thus afllicted. 'Whilc you are dieting you 'are. saving considerable mioney. XiiI yeu convert this money into Christinas seals? L'elp a. fellow-citizen to win bis1 -hattle against tuberculosis. This cam-1 paign is nation-wide. It is sponsored by1 the national state and local tuberculari~ instituites. Siiport it! Keen the wave oï f I o un 'z mn'ufate i»CI Ht'>UiSs A wvheel chair' is needeil for 'a tublercuialr patient, wholi as bee i in l>e( for fifteen miouiths. The doctor bas now said that sie nmay be" up. If tlhere is anvone iii the village Who lias a ivheel chiair to' ban thiis worthy patient mili lie please cali Mrs. linez Bliss, Wilmiette 2402 betwecn tbe hiours of 1 and 2 in the afternioon. Mrs.. Robert G. Halliwell is the president of-this. littie group which meets the third Monday of the month at bier homne at 1133 Lake avenue. This is flot in any. sense a closed mreeting and anyone %%boô:bas any suggestions. ideas or criticisnl to offer is more thani welcoine to corne and join in. the general discussion. lirs. Hialliwell and >her associates. make it a point to Pre-vitiw ail of the attractions that, are billed to be at our local bouses. and, in conjuction' with. our two managers, are en- deavoring to pr esent the creamn of the m ovie, crop. They carefully. select the Pictures tbat are to be sbown on Fni- day nigh'ts and Saturday afternoons, as, of course, those two performances are inainly for children of the village. They aim to eliiniate the objection- able and unsuitable pictures. As bas Itenn..ieOtined, the5r have the- splendid cooperation of the two tîeaters. .Nlrs. Thomas G. WVinter is the associate director of the 'Motion Pro- ducers, hIc. She 'sends a list of the fine. pictures that are in the niaking andI iii that way prepares the %vay for the conittee to bc faiiiliar witb thein before presentation. You know the movie bias been called the nurse mnaïd of the nation and, if such, which wc hope. is ixot the.case iii our com- and Saui Frner, guards. The 1088 of this trio will: force Coach Dutch Lonbong to rebuiid bis teamn this year around Capt.. joe' Reiff,, fonward, and Ilner Johnson, center. Don 'Brewen, a reserve forwand, last seasoni s the other letterman 'available. Botb Reiff and Johnson rank among .t'he leading conference play- ers: at their respective positions, but it- is. doubtful if. even, this. pair cana carry the- Wiidcats through a'heavy schedule ini wbich. ail the Big Ten teams except Michigan, Ohio, and Iowa are met. Last year's, nesenves and tbe incoming sophomones do not seem.to possess among their person- nel any players, equal to, those 'lostý tbrougb -graduation.« The developinent of two guaàrds to re place S ' mt h and 1Farber, is the iam-. mnedia te task facing Coacb Longbong. With the new 10 second ruie in ef- 'fect this yean even more nesponsibility is placed upon tbe guards, thus mak- î.ng Nortbwestern's situation ail the more precanious. Amnong the leading guard candi- dates at this time are Nelson Culver, Ken Moeller (of Wilmette)' 'Chet Perry and Marvin Moonshower of last year's squad. The first two ap- Omie feature of this group's 'work niemibers 'of the football team, are bas beeîi to become acquainted witb both expected to make a senjous bid the conduct of 'the cbildren at the for a guard assignment. Manske did mnovies. Sad to say there is room nfot play basketball last year because. for improvemnit. Oneie aniager tells of an appendicitis operation. Kawal that at . a certain performance the is a sophomore this year. Both won boy-s came armed' with siing shots. iinerals as fresbmen. Another Nails, beans and like iniplements football playen, Lyle Fisher, a brother Were shot at the screeni. The resuit of \Valdo Fisher who starred on was tîmat a $500' screen was utterly Northwestern teanis afewyears back, ruined. In an other instance the will be out for the center position. 'manager fomrid ninty-seven radiator * * * * ~ Madison Gat Xma Selsare now on al! picture. 'Mr. the featuru in t reports then jthe 4s