Don't Overlook these Statistical EYE OPENERS! able showing quality car ownership in Chicago Suburban Quality Group territory and in for 1931. greater cities throughout the country l Territory Se.ved by Chicago .Suburban .Qùality Group, Cadillac . 1,565 Buffalo, N. Y............ Cincinnati, Ohio ............. Hartford, Conn . ............ New Haven, Conn.......... Omaha, Neb............. Syracuse, N. Y.......... Dayton Ohio ............. San Antonio, Tex . .......... Scranton, Pa................ 903 554 422 532 256 445 752 319 193 La Salle 1,192 448 300 168 205 102 265 183 118 66 Lincoln 853 318 294 57 100 170 84 121 79 50 Packard 3,495 1,233- 1,455 628 601 426 744 600 512 658 Pierce Arrow Total 315 7,420 981 3,883 240 2,843 168 1,443 162 1,600 46 ,000 267 1,805 53 1,709 137 1,165 117 1,084 What do these figures reveal? 1. There are nearly twice as many quality cars in this territory as in the great city of Buffalo, New York. 2. Three times as many quality cars in this territory as in the metropolis of Cincinnati, Ohio. 3. More quality cars in this terri- TALK If you seil to, markets like these, here is a rich and fertile field. Don't overlook it any longer. Concentrate your advertising-without waste-- in this 100% field of prospects. Advertising in the Chicago Sub- urban Quality Group is the cheap- est advertising you can buy because Each publication has a minimum life of seven days ... a maximum of many months. Each issue is closely and thoroughly read because of the intense local interest of each com- munity in its own social and phys- ical welfare. Your advertisement in these publi. • ( Ciicago Office-1016-17-18 WILLOUGHBY TOWER-CENTRAL 3355