~ze.. flot possibly have suggested anything drawn curtains suffering and hiunger were in comnd. This is not a SOR 'story. -It is a staternent of fatts. :Not, more than opie person, so far as I knoWv, knewv the truth about that home last WVednesdày, evening wheni three w'omen, whù had prepared, a generoùslyý large basket which >included ,a* turkey .anîd al the other. good 'things .that go to make a SuinPtuous Thanksgiving dininer, sud- *deil discovered that they did not klow, where to send it. Cause for Thanksgiving 'rhose women k-ept a telcp1fione ini action uiitil thicy Iearned f rom a f riend titat shle knewv of **a family ý0io' were MI (lire necd; %vho did not actuàlly have. a 'loaf of 'breàd in, the" ious'e."' , That basket waý rilshed to the f riend. Neitlier of the tlireu wvomn-nr and thie fainily dIo not kuw4oh sent it. AI! thiat 1I know is that it was eaten, ax1id thiere wvas real cauise for Tlhanks- gj1vni<- 'il thiat hlomle. Buit as irnllQrtaiit as that incident of ~iwîviualrelief mnay 1e, it Etuggests sonîtietlinig thiat is more vital. NVilmette will be called uipon to- dIo a- grcat deal more tlian f urnisli a few nieals THIS winter. I arn confident that the _people LiFE to give me their viewvs on this matter. 1 received a reply f rom. >a man -who said he vould f urnish Nvork as suggrested. Did you write that letter ? Seek Payrfor Ingenue Role in -Threshold Drama An opportunity to try ont for the ingenue lead 'in. the ne, Threshold play ini Glencoe which>goes inito re- hearsal imimediately is offered this week by the casting c ommittec 1headed by Nancy (M'\rs. J. R. )Pershall of Glencoe, .vho will direct the pro-ý duction. The part can be plàyed.by an amia- teùr actress betiween the ages of 16 and 25. She miust possess not nec- i essrily a culture but a4. ieast. a 5,iîg- ing voice, capable of rendering sini- 1le tunes; The vehicle, a brand new pla.y con- sidered a deiiarture ini drama, will have its premiere vvith the Threshol Players, and the ingenue lead is thei third-imôs important c-aract'er ini the cast.' Those i.nterested in playing the part rnay obtain complete informa- sb-v ohoW FRIDAY & SATURDAY *Plain R1181, 8 varieties...dz.150e SATURDAYI ]DEC. 3- *VELVET CAKES-, 4 layers... -eadi >90*.. Aâsorted icings and filling-' marvelous special *Cotee Cakes ....... .....ecdi300 ALLIGATOR-ALMOND ROLL-PECAN BUTTER Try.our woriderful * FultCake, Plain 600 Ib. Decoate4d'750 Ibo 1129 Central Ave., WiImette Phone WU. 2998 A niost-vital 'need TODA Y is to furnish IPO 'IE T to those who> CAN work, are WlILLIN\G to work, but who have no work to (Io. For that reason 1 want to stress the importance 1)f COOi>I2R\ATJONV upon the part of theIDIVIU1 citizens,. who -are niow receiving incomne from any. source, in digging up-in CRIL4TING oppor- ttinities for work to be given to the un- employed. Action in the direction indicated will Child Study Classes The Central-Laurel Parent- Teacher association announces the following Child Study. classes to be held ini December., The class at the Central school will be held Tuesday morning, December 6, from 9 :30 to 10:30 o'ciock in the enlarged quarters on the first floor .of the Central building (forrneriy J. O. Miomeis *Willuetteý I ýKAE'S Wlluzette 28-29 508 Main St, Evansfom PhoneoGr. .6132 10th A. L Ve* Duwm years eds of .1