Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 14

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h~1drs o ourtIUi iiu~v-when he becarne- unemiployed and bas hodr forconimunity. been unable tu secure work since, al- None of thfese famnilles are of the though he bas trl.ed very hard. Mr. so-ca'lled *begging" sort, it is ex- Saniucl -tries very hard to- care -for her plaiied.Xfos of hen y bavel hidchîdren, (3 boys and 3 girls),, George, plined. Msutilof teraely hid 15 Margaret, 12;-,Laura,' 10; Sarh, 9; thei ditres util litraly cllas- e7ne,, 5.; Bertha, 1. She has been talc- ing under, the burden, they Were ing. them to Chlldren's Mlemorlal hos- brougit to the *attenition of the United p 'a ormdcacae nd hcku Charties The. prvzýc andprie eaminatops. Soine of the eilîdren:arg! Chartie. Te pjv~y ad pîdedolng, nlcely but George and Laura seein. of :these families is carefully guarded. to- showe the effect of, a lack of ade- The stories, of some of these iiuate dlet in the past.. Thére Is alack familles are published below.Ohrptet. A new bed, extra bedding will appear ini next week's issue of and Cooking utensîls are needeti. Soin- NNlVIETTE LIPE. Youi may choose colorful miaterlals for curtains and table the family you are best able to he1p. covers would brighten up the bouts. e*The family would. be delighted to u TelePhone Mr*. De.maId MaxLwell4eiv toys for the children and a Christ Wilnette 2986, wbio wili help you mas dînner. m11ke the contacts. with -the case,< i der fhthe iak e Ase"ue Mr. George had been able to. do only digtrict of the U iitdCaits or edd jobs for a year irevious to the receive your gaf t. tinie of bis utiemi)le)ymient, due to ill- \\'ilniette lias beeni asked to assumne ness about two yeirs ago. He bas Iieen theresonsbilty i prov4irg hli-j ceii gtreatilient at the UniverNity day cheer for the faiiés indicated 1 ondltloîîhatd impvroved so miuch that below. Several Nvomen in the coin- iiitie sumincof 1'J31 lie seured work muiystonsored t1ils project lat m a 1mkery %% lere lhe followed bis trade' niUIUty ~~ Ilof bikiig. Mrs. Core so-i 3 er, year and arc cager again to interest c ae Se Ws ried at 1623 anti Wilhnette househiolders ini the niieedv bais the. appuara nue of a frail, lookilig faîiie a tisseso.- - youing gir~l. !-li as bier bands, full with Pleae chose famly ad pln .5; Marth;i, 4, atnd Paul, 2, but giv ita rai hritma! I VO cal)-, seflîs exceedlmigly' ubeerful and con- not undertake that responsibility, any~ liti-lt t thît if lier liusband couldl get well contibuion ill begratfuly r- md uotild secure, work, al would bu- contribuion wil be graefulsy lothî.ng for- the cblidretit ceived, \Irs. INMaxwell explains. Here Ild -a Chiinias dimnei' woutd be gratte- 1 are some of the contributions **ou fu11ý nèvived.1 CA$E 10 NIrs. Smirola and lier children. Anna, 19; John, 17, and Paul, 12, livec ini four bare roinis. Mr, Snrola died a year ago and the faitlly m nisses hlmi greatly and mournW ocier its loss.-Work la bard, to find, 'though Anna bas a few hours ofwork flow and then and ne goo«d times. John lis doinig well in Cranéî High school and Paul l uschool, but moeinterestied,,lu machiner,. and elee-, trlcity than iIn book. Â ntin la lonely and discouraged and nîight be cheeredoL by something pretty 1te weitr, or a little MoneY toe l, îîiuk.ethe homne lCsbanc. Moetoc, would help John wlth, hia sebool supplies. A mvc(hanical gaine wouldl pe-use Paul antid àgeed dinnenU wouldichiceur ttijenco! thée whoe fanîily. lni the Taike t.anîly tlheré ar-e four chlldren, Julitis. 10;Egîî, .llttIv, i elilpld oyBruîlqe, 7. aîîd I1,reilu, aged vo. l k-eBruîîî> îvîe îustwearkt lieg cast sufere( ma pin Iul accidunt 1la>t %vvek anid imuat hv a uîu-w catst ;11 d furtiier hospital treatînvnt. .ir. Taiko, i after ioi is t f Un Iel yIit tiast bas olue day, et %oi-k eaceh wee, w hichii pays the ljiiusu rent. . I s. T:itko ketepq, thit. hloileand tt1i ub1lîdrein deil ialfli ileat alid, hut is tiiel'u te bu;111- Chr1ist- tashappîilluss .f4r tlît-e (lîildrvn2i, allyl l)e~sue < r.iulusaniL)1- e frlit-5 lierept'?'in aff CASE 1- àegSon: 1î Foulowing is a Est ofth re letectiï*c storics in the rentai collection and à number of other books, added to the library recently wvhich are on the frce Iist: etective Storles Balley-Mrl. -Fortune, Please çpCnnlngton-Tragedy at. Ravensert il Connington-wo Ticket Puzzle Crofts,--The Cask Eberhardt-'Murder ny an Aristocràt Fieldlng- 'Net about Joan Ingillby% Harnmett-'Maltese Falcon, Le BlanicAr.qenre Luffin Intervencs Shore-MuItrder on the Fls loor ]Becker -Golden Orales of.-the 1>îaiie States Douglas-Fôrg>!%e.Us zOu rTrsase Robertsc-Hatunted Mirrer Sterrett-Years of A(ubitveniet Whipple-G reenIa nks, Benson-.As We Were Sedgwick-lEdward the ll.îk rizice SedgwivWý-Henrv of N trt Lucas- -Chiaies lanmh Carswell-S.t%,agte Pi lg mn.î ge . Sand bu g i'Mar Liii ctîil Royd(e-Smlith-,The , Dolîlt.' Helerion-Berna rd sopIa woinsr .JaCksonI-OUtwýittinlg (uri' ve wwnex cd Young-Let's stalnt Over Agiaýi Kant-Critique of l'unert. j ci.n Confessions (of st, zAugu.-tin, 1;econd 1Indu.s't-i;tl I.~lte n il, Sign lale 4.1 r1hlà11-11w te) Oct a .ieb i tring tIh. nz a> îe Prof. Max C. Otto to ., fathler and! ka nl l . Give Lecture Tue 1,', -- à,,- .-, . - , . iast nrîatin.s, when ilie %w4s hfliiiut. C-ases referredj to abovc are cîted Uîenîpioyniîeît and illness, no doubt iii- as follows : fluenced his actionsý. Mrs. Morgan la -CASE 1 flot feeling very Wvell but is r-eceivlîig Six yeairs ago Mr. and Mlrs. %vogej,. uare~ at Central Free -dseis.Site a: iewlywed couple, came to the Ulliteti takes her baby, Margarét -Mary, who States witb the gbowing hoipe of a was born last %I.irch, to Infant Wel- brigbt future,. but their drin bevanie fare station. Mrs. Morgn la attractIve shattered by Mr. Vogel's illness which andi appealing in a ppearaflce, sinall. becamne cbrofflc and tbe doctors thin], wltl dark eyes and hair. She Nvould that be will probably never be abIle t(, welcome elotbing for the baby and sorti support bis fainily *again. The faiily bright furnishings for ber twc rear attic j.4 middle clas Germian, reliable, aie rooms. A Christmas dinner and a fe selfresectng.There are tbree lovel3. toys for tbe baby wvould be gratell chlldren, Latura 6, G_'enther .5, Rost. receiveti. eeplg boseto -~uemeed y tne î'nitetxi - vialn etfrled~. re are four cbldren in ber sujppÏie!s ' Thë home iýs neazt t t are. i Lll1.UII i ilU v eCi 'lu it iesC, '.31C Clotbing, coal, food, would bring v4mi- coe. Tuesday ;ývcinig, December 13, fort to these motherless boys and their at 8 o'clock. His subject will bc:-, widowed invalid sister this wiiiter. -N eîx Times and Xciv Ideais". This is the third of a series of lectures Kappa Kappa Gamma isponsored by the Sisterhood.. AIumnae Giving Tea -. Professor Otto ivent to Wisconsin in 1904. He bias a suingular capacity The Kappa Kappa Gammia Alm- for objective tbinking an id for sym - nae association wiII give a tea iii patliy with the intellectual struggles bonor of the active chapter WVednes - and trials of bis students and for this day, Deceruber 14, froin 3 :30 unitil reason succeeds on a larger scale ý5:30. in the KaDua Kanna GA<,III,.- -,,, __ -I ._- which the Friends of Am, Ilur H. Howard, 1O0;1 Vil- writers are sponsoring. No me, was bostess at lunch- are being given out as the pr( lay to twelve memibers of is arranged so as to be a delil g circle. surprise," the club announces. Il i. vision of friends.

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