Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 18

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show which was loaned tbrougbi the courtesy of the Studio gallery of In-, crease Robinson in Chicago. By scattering ber point of vîew Miss, Spears paints masses' of people and quantities of background, Somle- timies 1inidoors and' sometimes out- doors, -and' usually lu chties sitîce there crowds .of people iost fre- quently gather. The thob of humnanity-ife- is, the message re- peated over and ýover almnost evcry, time, the artistpicks up bier 'brusl., Thià is remnarkable since so m iany of our present-day. artists, white of course they can paint, ail too fre- quently have notbing'whatever to sa%> -no message to bring. Style. Origisnal Ethel Spears' style is as original as her subjects. Endless delicate detail and -qua.n4ities -of. oft, si.btle colors are condensed into very sinall space. Yet regardless of .how smnahl the figures and how distant the per- spective, 'action and aiivenless are neyer sacrificed. Composition is f re- quently woven into fascinating, pat-. terns of figure and litie. Seeing humanity wholly, as shes does, Miss Spears. understands ' itsC huniorous moments too and injects i The- Logan-Howard,-Pre-scbool cir- cle will meet Tuesday evenling, De- cetniber% 13. ýat, 8 o'clok at the lhomle of* Mrs. Raymond Robinson, 1606 Speceraveue.This will'bhé a com- binetistudy imeeting'anti CIristm as party. The A--doles*ceênt Study class will meet Tuesday morning, December 10, at 10 o'clock, led by lirs. Rollo Gullickso. *,au: aiiu Lcri ea2in ro dl 1ai1m top. The volley lall. team aàlso *rates "6rst Place honors. at this, w-ritinýg. Wednesday night of this, week the "1A" league Florist quinitet. was sched- uled to engage ini a crucial gaine. with the State Bank fiveat Howard gynî. At présent both teanîs are undefeateti ini their classification. Botît tanis possess former college andi prep stars inicluding such notables as Tony1 Varney and Clyrde Grater. Chuck Laiier, Dick Huck, N.Vally~ Mil- 1ýer. and others. Kenilworth Womnen. VoterslVr eoe are Told of Tax,.Situation in -K n@lworhDc i Trhe Kenilworth. League. of ýWo- Miss :Vera Megowen of FV'aniston men Voters met ýThursday,. December was miarried to Dr. Auguist F. Daro ., for lunchieon at the Kenilworth of Chicago. Thursday. Deceniber 1, club, Mrs. Walter Benson of Win- at 4:30 lo'clock. 4t the .bQ:ne of lier netka gave a most interesting talk brother and sister=in-law. 'Mr. anti onthe present difficulties of Chi- Mrs. R. Lee Megoweni of 197 Oxford! cago andi Cook counity and tolti of froad, Kenilworth, Tbuirsday-. Decet- the possible solutions that are being ber 1, at 4:30 o'clock. Dr. Frnest suggested. There are 438 governi- Fremont Tittle of the First Mtoi ing. organizations iii Chicago and i st churchi of F.vaniston pIerformieti the Cook county that are. taxing bodies, ceremony. so there must be a reduction anmi MiSs 'Megowven wvas giv~en in inar-ý consolidation of these before there ng ybrfte1L .Mgwn is ny opeof axe beng eduedHer wedding .dress was fashionéd oif is ay hpe f txesbeig rductifuchisia lace and lier bouquet was of Mrs. Benson emipbasized. There ar illes of thevle. nirah 4 -.1--. _eie alvadocdsA service in K~en,îworth. The Public Service companys oki franchise ex- pired jJune L. 1932. Sitîce then, tiegotia-' tions %with reference to franchise hlave l)een conducted between 'the offi- ciais of-the company and the. public, service anidbiiildiiîg committee of the Village hoard, but thus far t!he two groups have been unahi.e to corne to terrns. *The original f ranchise for electric current in Kenilworth wvas given to: Joseph1 Sears, founider of' theë Village, to runl for '25, years starting from June 11907. Mr..Sears superviseti the con- struction of-the Vil lage's distribution1 sN.stenl, which wvas unique at that tiinte' ini that. all 1vires were placed under- grotund.,thus avoidine the niecessity of having electric liglht poles on the 'pub- lic park%%av. There are.fnom, onl.IVa fewv or these pi des in Keilwý%orthi. and thev are located in a part of the. vil- lage m.hich wvas iiot within the KeniI.- i worth Iimiits wheti the distribution s-vs- teii wvas inistalleI. 'l'lie original f ran- cliise hield I1w Mr. Sears wa., later as- siviiel tlirogh--l an îniterinediarv to the Public Servicc company. The four companies submitting pro- .Toa~on the appraisal %vork Mn(a -ýltwere: l'le lBemis company o'f Chicag, Burnis and NcDt pl f b\antlsasCîtv. the .Meter Service cor- 1nor;ltioùt of Chicago ai Frank F. .,«.i La ir, . of 1320 Cthestnut avenue ai Sonie conception of ber art cati F. Snyvdacker of 1340 Ch( quickly bc. conveyed by listing anu ectehsses number of the subjects displayetinaue _et __e_______ the Winette* exhibit as folows: et~~ar1P -The Fair Store," "State Street," eta-arlP "The Glencoe Station" (interior of Meets Tuesday, the electnic station), "Central Park." The Central-Laurel Pare anti "A Back Yard ini New York." association is having its'ne Choice rural subjects sudh as -XIIm- T 1uesdaN, Decemnber 20. nesota Fan,-" Gold Hill," andi "Goli Hill Stage" are not overlooketi. nents have been madie tg WokIsillful, adult - ini charge, of a .roon j tt.tç...,.atSri Mrs. Charles Klcitz, 550 Ridge ave-I friends at luti iue, Kenilworth, ententaîneti ber du- ' Miller is a plicate at tea Thursday. %N'cese. tnut ave- T. A. Dec. 20 ent-Teache r ext meeting Arrange- o have an nm provided .Mr.. andt Mrs. Lh. U. Megowen of, AI-: ton, 111.. wio iwere the guests of thieir- sont andl bis familv in Kenilworth. left Satundai, for their home, SELL HOCKEY TICKETS For the convenience of nonth shiore hockey fans, reserved scats for al games will be on sale at The Hiib's Evanston shop. Mai. Frederic Mc- of Mrs. Hlarry parents, JKai- of *and Mrs. Rl Cbestnut av, Prairie Fires, Auto Furnish a Busy Day \Vilmette firemen respondedtit six calîs last Thursday. Five of thie runllI were mnade to extinguishl) rairie fi res. none of ivhich resulted inl anv daml- age. The firemien also madie a mun to the North Shore Chevrolet Sales, 611 Main,. street, whiere an automobile catight fine at the rear of the. builti- rom the Mrs. C. A.*Carpeniter, 601 Wash- )ecember ington avenue, returned Tuesday with bis of, last week f rom ber former home «t C. Mc- in Warren, Pa., Where she was called bY the death of a cousin.

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