Grade. Separation Wil Save Life Let'a Hasten the Dagi Tbe*re's oneç institutiopù in our north, shore qoniiuitnities wbicb, 'liefo n tirely indispensable.stl contributes so ilutcb tO -the lives Of TheVilageaduits. and cidrntlat Library ij may .be ,called .alinost ii(ispensable. That's the village lhbrary* Of 'Course it -would be liard t o find -a north shore home in i whIicb tiiere vas no reading matter of any kind, not a paper, ma~gazinie, or book. But we suppose that the average home library is flot so large as to 'reniain suficient for the needs and desires of parents and children for many weeks., This lack of the home library is supplied by the public library. Having on its shelves ten or twenty thousand books, and often mopre, it can provide for its pa- t rons an abundance of pleasure and p)rofit. mation on various- subjects. In tlîis *way the library becomne.s a valuable ally of the sehool. Incidentally it is unfortunate that the average village library cannot, for lack of funds, keep) its doors openi ail day and evening every day in the week. Newcomers are especially urged to make theniselves acquainted w~ithi the re- sources of their public library. Tlîey are "Mý,oreover," our un ifortunate f riend cotinuiied, "nio iii ventor is really trving t0 invenit someithiîîg. He is rcally t'rving to rid iîu self of soinetbing thlat troub)les Iiii. And when lie does invent anelectric liglit or a phionograph he, ofteni fiîîds that the trouble lias gonie.'l Just bere ve .noted an atlariiiing light ini Our friend's eves ,and t.ried, to:(lraw inii away f ron the subject, but he ivas îmot tobe drawn away.- "Hlavc ),ou ever inoticed,"lie continuied, "that the best %vay of sôlving manv a -prol>- leinîîis to lose' int-erest in it? Take. for. instance the problemi of free,.will. It uscd to e ngage most of the.tune and èeergy of seriputs-minded youing meni.: But todaya- mpst nobody cares to' discuss it.. And w~hy? Sinîply because. nobody ' feels dis- turl)ed in -the regýi.oof.bis .stoinach when the subject of free will is broached. What ive -van't is flot truth but satisfaction." Our trai approaching, we left our frienid aloxie with his queer ideas. The concert given annually in New Trier assembly hall'a fewv weeks before Christmnas bas been given so mnany fimies and has become so The Chzristmas popuilar tîiat now i snore people, old ani young, plan to. at-, tend this inspiring concert. This year. the concert w~ill take place on Sunday afternoon, Decemiber 11, at 4 o 'dock. Four buîîdred bigli school stu- dents including aluii .will take part, formning seven groups, of singers, four gîce clubs, two choruises, and the Madrigal club. The Nev Trier symphony orchestra .4 barreni, Ioely strip of grounid To u-ficj tihe f lames maY Coule Bvt wili. not pass;. .4;d if a blazing bit of grass Should blow -across -lnd scatter bra;ids-ý 1W beat thli',» Ouft with blackeiied havnds. -Josephi11c 1P. l 'Ii'r, WI Jinu'tte. 'Ihose lame ducks just. nouw. asseci lulf i Wasli- ington, ve. are reliat)Iy iniorrncd, were uiot among those that got ini the xvay of some stray sliots <lowin the Illinois river a* Àew wvecks ýago. Notý a fvýv of those ",Noes'*. wc hcrd. via radio in the roll ealf on Repeal at the npcinig iossion of the bouse of Represcintatives1 appear ed Io have heeuî keyed on a d1ctiant inote that tmay or niay not. have heen directed at the conistituents back home whc> but recentlv shifted their affectionis. *LITTLE PRAYER The qclec h ltanv rof rai», 011ral,inih;g siiuiinn eIaélvs .-lld 1Ilî1irsitv arth. risc s is donic. The sc ic lias <han qed, J! itii(uh usls step of dealli. Jsliider ;-in this barren rcoma, Ifangjling (ike a pait, M len inight tise» see tlzsngs aice-,, Sep iuishghcr tha» thic.' uisiall.v do> And on ne-ice path7c'ayIs iap. Perhaps in. ron g-, P;i t(hinhk fields and (rees, Should flot bc naked in the' brcc.ze WVile iwiler sings lus Son g. -Bell. One Republican Congrcssmnan, responding toaa it jf bhznter (conce4rnn> i-hi, de.., 4iii tli When we ventured the opiïipn that he was slightly cracked, he replied, "0f course it may seeni so, but let nié tell you something. Most people believe that Be sure te go1 next Sunday afte Christmas concert ~5aywe:~Wbre avewe heard that before?" Nevertheless: Good luck, Mr, Courtaiey. -MIQU&~