a. malu or an nour, or tuo. hotirs or a j. day -each -week, or- th ýVtrs * Blaylock stat(s, that she lias i found 250 places for Workcrs tlhus, far since the start of' this caipaignl. Mrs. Northamn reports that, there are now, ninety famhilies on lier reliefli st. The Local' Board of Charities. is, giv- ing tô its ineficiaries an, averag e o f ab)out $.3pèr. week per faniily. That s0oinds as if they wvere f eeding çanary, birds,, with , crumbs froni tîmier the table. ' James, C. Anodrson Heads MasonicLodge Wilmette Lodge No. 931, A. F. andl A. M., 'WiIl hold its twenty-third an- fluai installation of officers tonighit (Thursday) at. 8 o'clock at the \Vil- mette, Nasonic temple. 1010 Central ave nue. James' C. Anderson, 1741 Washin- ton avenue, will be instalied as nias- ter of the. lodge for the coming vear. Other officers to be installed are. \V. Edwin Richmond, senior \%ar de; Orville G. Daily, junior warden , EarI E. Orner, treasurer; Charles C. Schultz, secretary; Albert M. Long. chaplain; Raymiond B. Swigart; se - nior deacoit; Stephen M.. Brownileu. j unuor deacon ; Normn W. S111i01, senior steward; joseph J. HowNard.ý juInior steward; Harold \V. làm- Dy vavu i . -oon. Ie N%111 ne assisted by Ernest C. Cazel as niar- shal, Irvin R. Adkins as secretarv, and Charles L. Hosken as chaplaili. Music for the- occasion will bu furnishied hy the Imiperial quartet. Wilmette Girl Annexes High Sehool Essay Prize Frances Barnett of the Mrwo AININVUINtrL XSI A Il Mr. and Mrs. Lester Raipli Bec, 411 Prairie avenue, announce the birth of a nine-pound son., Robert Warren Beck, on Tue sday, Decem ber 6, t the Evanston hospital. ®GIVE A GIFT, ha. WortwhI Give a gift that rectstiyu houghtfulnesadgo tat.It will be more'sincerely appreciated than aIl the trinkets youx çan biy. Choox>ýc o»f our smart new Elgins or a beautiful piece of jewelry. Corne in and sec us. We will be glad to show you our complete display of fine watches, rings and silverware. New Elgm.trap.watch. '. 17 jewels, 14 karat whitc or yellow gold filled case. $4750 1 166 Wilmetle Avenue ~IN I Phone WiImeffe 1061