Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1932, p. 10

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haix . mat ai the est record of the year, naniely April, whicli 'was $715,180. In comparison with. . Noveniber, of Iast year this November also shows a loss of. nearly, one-half., Bad as this is. analysis indicates tlîat it really repre- sents sonie improvement. XVhile No- vember peËrmits -of. this year are onlyv one-haif -of the permnits issued in. No- vember, 1931,, suburbati building for this ear as a w1iole is orily a littie better than one-fifth of tlie anîounit of last year. In -vords November's comparison, Witlithie sanie motihof last year is. more .thian twice as good as that. of this year as, a wlîole coi- pared witli last year. .The other bright featnres in the Éur- vey are the volumnes: of permits 'Pro- duced by severaI of the suiburban coin- munities. Gary îeads witlî over $66,- 000, Niles Center is only a teck be- btnd with $64,O00andi Evanston shows the substantial suni of $45,000. It mniglit be noted tlîat EvSanston througli- out the year lias colisisten tl vtnai iitained a dependable volume of pernîits with lierhaps less fluctuation thlat av other community1 and four o'r five peaks worth talking abolit. Very few worth *w~hile gains are sbown iu the November sre ether in comparing îliis iiiijnth ivitliNovein- ber. 1931 or Nwithflictue rceginsz nnntli this year are, more. nimerous, Crystal -Lake leading witli a gain of 783%. The percentages in practically Al cases, however, represent inconsequential amounts, Gary being the chiief ex- ception with approximnatelv $20.000 of new building ini October and over $66,000 in November. the Iast three înterweaving issules, jaccording to the speaker, and Philip- L pine independence, wiere the suibjecr' of ber talk. In discussing tbese, miatm- ters of world-wide import, Mrs. Wriglit announced that she would talkou "What Congress acts otn aan wliat. -Congress ought> to, act onl." Witb lucidity resulting . froni thoughtful, intelligent studv ýof the questions discuisse-d. and froni lier. abilitv for facile .presentation, Mrs. Wright, gave lier hearers anl under-, standable, interestiig, broad-uinded. and. brief. resuié. of world probleîs of today down> to the then-present moient. Her informaI manmnér of presentation and .hler persolnalitv 1lag charni. Prpelet's Power The speaker. flot ol rsditof *.f' co ounty T,egu*' of ~Wow-'re Voterq, but now a memhc'r of. the Nai- tionail eague board, brfce er ouf'- line, with an analysis of the, »owe.s l- vested in th(, President or' theTnltc'i Stite. and in rongre, sw-hen unatter- of foreizn questions are ivle.amli the wirt th(- Laine Duck i' ffa ' ing. She hased lier disoussion )f international and foretgn affair.,, um)u its' relation to the three exepi n o b- litiiited powvers of the President la hand1inL- international iffair; a: n iv.. ;n th(, ratifictio"n of tre-atie,; linaiîi' financiali in fth' ecari of wvar. Tn those threo instanreç., fh. d .nevotnng no)t of liert tli<ta th(, war [debt quesýtion: Its beginning. deht re- fiînding commission, the HTooverMrat I rum. ancithé, present Iloover p flan 1'. sretni pa cnmpdnto consider th(, entir- dehbt situation. "Thle ffousze made le h- ietii.' theDeht F'nnding cmmission, ami the H-Tose' ratifieri the IMoraitori u."ship eniffhasied in lier discussion. andiem mentedi upron th(, aresent situation îas heinz an outstanding example of whi happens wvdiei-an feuledoes not hi-,'iocomplete powver. . Whatevor Pre- GENERAL NEWS New directors on the ' board of the Illinois., League of Wonien Voters are annoôunced by Mrs. E.- W. McCready oôf.Oak Park,, secretary. as follows: *Mrs. Francis E. Broornel Of 'Chi- cago, formel presidenit'of thc Wel- lesley club. andactiveè on the board of. the Ch icago Collège club. Mrs. Broomeli is also a mnember of the ad- visory committee of the, Northcrn dis- trict of the.United Charities, itid" has been a. board menîher of the Parents and Teachers: association of the Sulli-. van Junior Mrs. Lawrence Stepp of Paris lias had valulable experience as president of the Edgar County 1.eague of Wom- en Voters before acccpting directorý' ship on.the state1 board,. and lias for the last'year been a miemnber o the state. organization comrmittec. Mrs. Anton Johauniseni of Chicago, the third new board niember to be elected, bas been very active in the Wonien's Trade .Uniion leagile, i which she bas long heen ;in enthusias- tic worker. The radio prograin of flic leaguc onf Women Voters, as prepared hyN Mrs. Forrest Ray Mouton, radio chairmian,t Jeads iup to the leaguc's legislative pro-1 grani in Springfield anid NýVasintgton. December 20--Hopü Centrali'zed on ,Springfield - Mrs. I.aura Hughcs Lunde.* December 27-Anierican Ideals-Pro- fessor F. M. -. Merrifield, Uniiversity of. Chicago. Januar.y 3-Current Events in thîe League-Mrs. Patîl Rittenhouse. , Three girls, Zo de la Chapelle. Edith Gillett and Charlene Driver. will take the parts of the Thre Wise mnen, Donald Stilinian, Ar- thur Cruttenden and Benjamin Nlac- Kinnon will be the wise nn's at.- tendants. Jolirii Veese,,Burton Siith and Bill Stebbi.ns wvill play the l)arts,- of thrce sheplherds. T.Ihe programi, which is the sailleý as thiat preýen-tcd at the school two y ears ago, at Christmas tinie, is un- der the direction 'of Miss, M. LýouisC Robinson; head of. the art depart- ment at the joseph Sears s c.ool, and Miss Marga-ret Davenport, . io h1.a : charge, of the music. w ork at the Carols will be stnei -in the' school halls on the last day of scbool b 1efore the vacation, and tuie rograni takes, place lteé sanie day.- Fridav 'of- this week. The Knloîîpisiils wvihl reti irii after thevatinoTes d.a>,- Jantùarv 3 High crest Cagers to Engage Niles Center 'l'he Hilhcrest schoiolbos basici hall team Nvill go to Nules, Cejtit-! Fridayv of this wveek to play. theCe< land school five. Mndvof next ýccek thle, I-ighcerest bovs will incut flic Niles school teain at the T-ighcrc,ýs izvmnasitini. A gnT with Coillegu to the Croatian school -ofDePait. last mwcek. 18 to 2. and wvere schliel to plav the Niles school girls MNo"- dav of this week at the Highicre..î zvmnnasîum. An altmniigirls' teainin acle luiif girls, who were g-radtîated from Hiighl- crest last vear, will plav the school teani somnetime before the Cliristinias vacation.,.which starts on \Vedhies- day. Decemnber 2'l. Df Mr. and Mrs. ake avenue, liasJ :a.the past week.1r, beben il r the eve il spn( 1by Wil-I with Mis ni ifor a1 of 128 Laui iew, -Ernest W. 1avenue.. II, Mr.'and Mrs. ays 249 Cuninor roa( vitt, tertained their bi Saturday. ,eiwortn, en- ClIUIi at dinner

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