ilng alppears as an, advertisemiest else- %'here ini this issue of \I.MiFLin. Fùr twenty-thre years Mr. Horky .!ias heen ni, the méat market: business. He perated one miarket for fifteen yuéars at 3336 Lincoln avenue, Chicago. 'rheti. whein thc« opportity .presénteA itsel f- eighit yeaes agi). he decided té branch out and topeti other ffarkets. 'hle ilfnette xmarket ilI he the iortieth to he opened- under, his per- sonial supervision and management. Mr. Horky announcesthat hie will t ifer to: XViineie tresidents quality inerchandise at Iow prices. 1He lias in- vited villagers to Visit luhi ew store. 4. F. Birchwood Injured, in Automobile Collision L,. F. Birchwood, 751 Maclean ave- niue, Këni1woÉth stuffered miior' bruises and straiined ligamients Mon-: day morning about . 8:30 o'*clock when the car he was (lriving wvas struck by another machine. Thc ac- cident occurred at Ridge road aud Cummings avenue, Kenilworth. A s Nfr Birchwood was making a riglit îuirn onto Ridge from Cuniminigs avec- nlue his car was struck b%. anothW.r automobile iwhich H. *0. Marks. 019 at OurNE LAKEIEW .-QUALTYME openting SATURDAY, DECEMBER l7th at 1123 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ille of, Our Christmas Seal Drive 'l'lie Chri1stmas seal drive in Keni- worth closed Wednesday afterneon. As ha-, heen the. custom il, the pa, pupils at the joseph Sears school sold the seals to help the Chicago Tuberctulosis ï1stitute in its fight against the "white pl1agLIue. ' Thé Ken ilworth pupjls have wo tany prizes for the higtîest per capta nd highesttoa-le fte Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. 234 Sheridan road, e',"-tainle guests at, dinner Tt,'-dav, ber 13. Swift'& Preanium, IL.. 1........... .12e IL..... CALIHAMSFOWL, No. 1, 7 gs Swift-'& "Golden . ............7jeWest"lb R. HOR KY, Proprietor 19c 19C