Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1932, p. 12

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~efi Organ 1 Lern This' Sunday afternoon, Deember 18, at 6 ocIock, there- will be. a special Advent Vesper ser'.'lcè on. the thene. '"*From Darkfle.,-.s to Light." Trhiis a' unique ,service ofmsic ýewhich' opens in the éornpletely darkened chureh, ayid as ýthe -service moves on the light in- creases, .symbolic of the comlng of the Llght of the World. Ail memùbers and frlends of the church are to be in -lt- tendance and to invite othersto partici- ymate In thhi ,niunùl servc. 1 The Nlid-Week service of fellowsliî for prayer and praise .%*il be held WeÈ nesday evenlng at 8 o'ciock in the Juit room. This service will be definitel keyed to. the expeetation that the Ad vent etirs In, the hearts of men. Trhe .Wt-sleyain Service (Iuild will nee Tiseay, evening at 8 o*elock in' th Womnans roorn. There is tog be a candie llight devotionial service, a Christýlma play, a Christmnas tstory, and special mu sic. The hostesses for the evening ar Mat*l Téal, Margaret ýArmstrgong-,ai Martha Pennington. The spevlal .guest of the evenlng are tht-. nîembters of thl Aokiya The Youtig Peoples group auîd H Iigt school league wil hold no mneetingso their own this Suniday evt-ning but wi! ail attendthe Vesper servýice at -)5 ouol, There ivili be e îg.for thle Uc Cross eauli Tuesday miorning ait 1 ,o'cioc-k al the churuh. .Ail won ai- iiuvtetg,ù hellp out ill this Wv Fddav t~. 7 :1.3 )edOek. o'clock at the, Worna.ns club rooms; I - . J ~Menbers of the Chica.go Neilhborhood Ke iw th L no jSunday fchool hlsra programl re- housés of our church wiII furnish the K nl ot no Saturday morning, Deceniber prograrn. ames wlll follow. Food and Warwvick, road anid KenIlworth avenue' 17, at 10 o'clock. clothing and toys for- the needy wIIl be Dr. Herbert L. *Willett, minister - ~placed aothelreCisnas tree.- Co nfirmatio.n . lass net .Mod-Y, einie.yo t 1ae hiary1it Dr. MWillett's subjeet for Sunday, De- afterndon at 4, o'clýock.- US. ceniber 18, will be',"Home Vistits.'* 'HIT. S SRThE iie J ttiior, hoir wilI 'rehearse on,. 1- A cordial invitation. i,,extended t10 da$- at 4 Deémer 2 3othose flot attendlng church (dsewlîer*e tu I'Auri, eembWleer 2,' 10ji .mofle and.worship wlth us. Thi.s' 15 a "A Chistma Welcme")b the Sun- Si)çkle No. 8- will, hold a, Christmas Union churh.Isnebrhpncue day school ,6 . . 1 1ýpartyat the home of' Mr s.,Russell Frei;. people efront ros emsinainl. I <'rsmsDy6a. nm.Earlv service-- 1501, Spencer avenue,' Friday C-eefig,, prolaims the essential truths of Chris- il a. il.-W,%or.ihip srie-Ac)4, ecembere 16. MNrs. Hoefer, will eUc O- tian faith, . It désires to provide for the or ewninîer) hsîss .nimunity theservice of worship, re- ligious education and social fellowvship. dV A A&42 L L l elo. te D)oào tin * iii- St . A rgustines I~pist(.lUr fle of good will who wlsh to pon lit), ecernbteî- 18, nillI be. tIht- Wilm eîte and Fore -st avenues the weifare of the neighborhood. thée d ud fuuthSn Dayi deî hr ilb lereD juomnserealization of effective methods' of orHov munjon adt8. Ten i., C - . . 1)hiilanthropy, -and .the. extension of the 'Iy~ ,coos ndý Bible case t i45 nd! *Achuro. hta **Uospel into, alltewrd C (onfirmation at 1il a., m. ..-ThWoesuldiI etMda Uur Christnmas atvttsti~wl morning,. December 19. The hours a re Wen'daDcmbr2,beînk ,;t. 1 unhfrr %%wivth ail organizatiouîs shar- f rorn. 10 to 4 o'ciock. The wvoren art h ië asday, there wili be Hrbly Cuin-t- Uîg ii tli~I't5iPofflSiiio.litih-.iatiidas miy'tim)a le- iitiflonat àt.m. te '(On.Po-,sible. The invitation is pot only for fles mbers of the guild and: congregation Nex, Sunday encilî.suliday shuide- 'nf U_ The. Rt. Rev. Geogutrigforerî any in the village who mav b;ei re IL). D., Dishop of tbe Chicakgo db>(-e_1 partmè have ils own piograuii interested. There wvill be rio meeting of i flvisit S. uge nesSud. s D- ted tL-te age ofthLe pupil. The ses- -h ul'frtovek -e hsnet ts f reUer 18 at Il . m., o ~ 'lons areý ail ut 9 :30 iiîcluding the Adult 1 gUfoto*eka-titl'e- 1'. crbr 8 t l .n. o confirn ea tnn. i nabes t.- o l aru r ýit who lhave been prepairing for sever l prnen. Ti nalstei- îgth ok ilbêsare gano iweek.s. There wiii Uc a service of Con- tUenil t be together in the Scîtoeol ; tid uar-. fimaio.Af~rth eric 'fCon-the ciurch iser-vie following. The Sundav sclhool wil mêvt. tt u(suald Biitin tij> tt:4.etwhch-)fa hIt Crit l irmnation BshpStewart vîli îueachl. Dr.Allison îvill have a -sermion 'M- nia9:4er. At wul iii U ceea htd.Ithis of Teewl ca etn.o h Pai propriate lu the day for the inuriiiukl igas beun the e for the hilr îmi T ere ufb netn o h Prs worship ut Il o'clock in the sanctuair3, lu aYIl deuîrn teo.ionfr lt 2ide 1- v niit fCtnivassers in. the Ass,.,ern- Critmsdorations are intevidence tE)b ring gifts of th snda3 schilgorl iýrou i in the e ar of the panishu, ugh oute .uc, dgngt tleof htosaid lthig.fiî d ton ighlt (Tlîursday) at 7::0 îp. nm. sgnificance oif lhe season thi-ough their il atlesu ii ie TU e1l ognîe ii-uy BotUl Junior and Senior chOirý<------- grotuj>wiîî . mccl in.te l tt-Ue . fasnd usic msth ae DChrister St. John's Lutheran unaafterilo>n ut 5:3». R4-freslîmnenit fUi ýth±Wl.e e ail1ra; Ue.~i fe w;.j bei !Iic afler which the rttî The Yug.tolsmetn una _liriu ..Merja.o wilprovide. the progr4îmn. . Yonngutng:3..wIllieled y 1 Ito 1rirh.a.1*ne. Villal u '%%kAi hseWsi H te euar-- - - . oWi .iWupractcemore carol tlon. oii ai<ni. - is "vc and ~ an hallsea)t 5u ulng 1l41 îlthat o w .JUtV- of ntht 0ea.Uia.- Uidice '#tu s.1an . Bibl ing tl enlertait onie, two, or thnlee OC (ta&s 1g prL h tg()ý )t i '1-et :ýO a these cblîdren are asked t1> phon,. Mrs. ,.,* classe llaskln, Wilmretle 700-MN. j irst I Ii. ii.-t(i I ic auri()ro 1 ,u& rs» das~y .e\enig, itxi. te1-Surin -~h esis'fJohnis On hritma Ev, Stu'da', T~Womnsclub rooms . eiOîroiw iiiagain furîtish U 110 -(41proti On hritma Ev, Studay Deeni T-llst4re-t at t rvenleaf : 114,tli- grain, tlUe- une t Uc tUle Singing î.t t llu ber 24, at 5 o'clock, there ivill be -t îuîcsT eeiaen uiut1 dl' iy U alMilorneme-lE ETIN ( medieval Candle-Light service in the Jnand. fiiýe1 i iend-.l Al u church. Traditionai .carols froni various ~~~.u~,<~ .'nhî evc- ad fied, are urgcd to atten,l i n-Iii y jt uiîe -~uiîr-.1JUriîdi,î countries will be sung b3' the choiri in huld oni Sundàav nt(irninig ut Il o*clok Itra t~ .ii.-lse o Ulr the candie-lighted church. The "Creche-T miustrwlIpeal o foti- <Utttîîe i'chieeumlr.24.wdwti i d wil be builtin the transept and wil becifs111ut(l Pa.,i.-<lasses t- chf opnforthe frt~ time Christmnas Eve. Rîdst apies ,-Prt o -et î\ a saorSrice ofCarols in dren open or I~~t . . attother !se1.i1oilin the Series f srtî tesit> t a t 7a *::;1) 1. ini. -A liageaiti. In addition to the regular. rnornlng " (- eBvatitudus of Jepsus. Ih ii.It' y Rosanlltn imbl lU erTs-e xiSunjdaty AqIlIbUth e service of worshin on Christmas Sun- .. . . ..1.t cpttttd y eîsnaiv~ il~ eoete<hiîn w Prelude-In, n rat ' E 1% :45 a. nin . Spoke No. 2 wilI Ineet .11 a. in. Carter, 1227 Greenwood at 1 o'clock. riow-Jaekson Usie) Our prayet' meetingi ýenbr 18 Wednesday evening at .alve %Wornan's club rooms. w~ill be held o0-q S o'clock in the ti ,.seoniy niigW111. nie iounq lin o0XeS. There are more oid folk,- at Oak Forest rlstmas cheer is fromn '.Iir andu sOist-Watchrnan, tell u~s of the night 0 corne, 0 come. Emmanuel Cone, Thou preciouis Ranuorn, copie Corne, Thou long expected Jesus *Iark, the glad sopUnd, the, Savior cornes Lltup your hieads, ye rnighty gales 01 1

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