. . wi a gaiflnhave the opportuflty -of sit ig-' ing the time honored Cjhristmas 1aoh. Tht- Cburch school will meet Sunday There is -to be a second ser-vice oi 1 mornlng i six departments-Prirnary,. ('histma.s day àt 10 'elock. The Sundav junior, intermediate, and high school' at scoiwill have n0 session on Christ- ý i :30 a mbeginners. and' nursery at' 10:45. Alil are askedlo bring glfts- of St. Jon's itoys, clothlng. imone3y, etc., to ho used. , .Jonswishes to tàke this oIpo.' for Onward b ou-se, the settiernent In tunity to eXtend a very joyful andi cor- Chicago in which. the school is Inter- dial invitation to everyone to itsm Chriççt- .ested. mias %service. rthe joy of, Christmas lies far .aboe materlal things,. happily, ami Througlh the weekly activities for bo0ys is '>ffered to ail minkind in the angel *. ,tnd~ girls are ýscheduIed as. follows:. word- 'Unto you lis born this :day A, Tuesda-3 :15 p. rn.-BIuebirds Savior. 2 Cor, 8, 9-For ye kno w the tuesda-4 P. m.-Girl Scouts, Camp g-race of ,our 'Lord Jesug Christ, that- F Ire Girls though Hie was rich, yet for your sake.4 Tuesday-7 :30 1p. n.-Trooi) . 2,BOY 9t ecm poor, that y througliî i5 Sot tîioverty might be rlch." ýýThursday - 44-p.nm. - Juior Choir r'e- hearsal Firt C n r at f rhursday-7 :15 p. m.-Senior Choir re- John G. Hlndlei, mihister Thursday - 7:30 P.n.- Troop ýNoi t At the. Pre-Christmas. serviit-. net Boy. Scouts Sutnday at 11 è., m." 1Mr. Hin-ihv WilI Friday-3 :15 p. im.-Brownies î,rtach on "Chris*tnis anid thi.. EnAuring Friday-7 :30 P. ni.-Senior camp, Fire V:t les." he m il y-,gIani %vit] 1w il as f#illows: Saturday-9,:30 a. m-CbPack o.q Buy lIS Gift In Our Evanston Shop, Because somecone started it. we are not going to beconie panicky and, slash our priées .ont of feer that these others may 4deta lattie, more Ahan we.- We know, the milority of people stili Want qulity...end yvou can't- buy quality cleaning £t cheap prices, any more than you can. make a silk purse out of a 50w's ear. TAhat's common sonse!. Most' people are willing. to puy a fair price for quaity work. To this group, allow us >toextend oui in-. vitation to send their apparel bore ..where quality is.stili "et home.", Our Pressittg Is E NT IRELY. DIFFERENT W. are better pre pared to do qual- ity pressing thon many cleaners Pressing that 18: pntireiy different! Insteud of one pressing machine for cout, veut and trousers, we bave a separate machine for each. Each machine is buit for the. piece of apparel for which it is intended. No juggling of garments as when one machine does the whole job. Send us a suit or topcoat to prove Our claim of a better pressing job. Q U A L1T MEN'S SUITS and TOPCOATS, LADIES' PLAIN DRESSES- Evanstoa SA.> Opeun Evet is CENTRAL at MAIN WLET WILMETTE