MOST? MODEEN FOODSTE 618 DAVIS ST.- ECAST 0F FOUNTAIN SQUARE SPECIALS FOR THEUR., FR1. AND SA?. I SelecU. S.'No. 1.Wiscui to 4 :30 o'cJock at the J-ealth center. jirink, have been skating in their re- * *ces s periods and after s'chool.' Roi)- Scals JI'ilII Aid. the Sick ert W. Townley, athletic 'director at * *the school, said this weeký that if the The dental clinic hield, by the XViI- cold , weaher continues and sû mette Health Center, is open ecdi does flot spoôil.the skating, it'is plan- Tuesday morning, f rom. 9 o'clock unitil ned. to hold a skating carnival. for 12. The dental clinic cônducted by the Keilrt residents during the 1hol- Howard school is hield each Thursday days. rrning from,9 ù&clock until 12 at the One end of the, rink is beingý used Health center. i by the yocjnger, children,'and the oth- * *er end for hockey. Save a Lité Buy a Seal WatrRbisni M r.. and2 Mrs. J. 1..NMarsh 'oi Cih- WalérRobnson s*returning tIo- cago have rented. the James \V. morrow from Kemper M.iîlitary schio. .1 .Peaslee residence , 926 Lake avenuie. at Boonvilie, Mo., to, spend hi.s* and have occupiefj the hoube for thie Christmas holidays with b is parenlts past, week or:,ten days. Ifrs:. Peasle-e Ifr. and Mfrs. Alfred Robinson, 1724 and daughter, Saiiv-. will ps the- re- Highland avenue. :mainder of the. winterin Floridi. JLegs of Veal Cut from'MillE Fed Evanston Shop Buy In .Our d0.59e lb