SPRF.AD CHEER WH .BOOKSFOR*CR IST . M , This publiahîng. ae&ason, thé best for several years, offers a avide10ec t io n off delightful books for every age and taste and suitiug every purs.. W. ýwail wrap books as gifts and mail or deliver them at any. sp.cifiId time. GIFT STATIONERY JIG-.SAW PUZZLES, CHRISTMASCARDS1 Botter values at Iower price.. A host off "specials.Y , L~XIMASrR ES A II.w uov.lty. OnIyone élec- trac bulb lights the troc. Corne and see. 1724 OJRRINGTON AVENUE Orrlnigtoun ote! BIdg. EVANSTON Ipcei cery eveing until Xrnas tianity, andi witln a sense of the re-" generaxllot ot conservative British- of iniden and in the autnors ruly lgious fitness of his subject. lie has 'ers; bis heroes and heroines would tinusual style., offered througb bis pèn, the places calm1v and indifferently -tread upo "A Goodly- Héritage" is an account which the 'devout associate witb louir..!rnany of'thé social connion hc facidod on the Maine seacoast Lord, bis blesse, Mother, and the are so'tnear and dear to thle English of mnemories of early 'New, ngland Aposties;,one of the Ioveliest of bhis i people. ancestorsý through letters and famiiy. group of sketches is the "Via Cruels,J. Galswýorth a lassodfrrmnseces, of an extraordinary in whicb be depicts, as tbeyapa dvdal f re edomn, and be hbas family who, ýbecause of tbe renioteness today, the fourteen 'places whicb mark scorned the wall of conventions that of the smnall village in wbich they baci the "Way of the Cross"ý-the prin- Societv lias. built around itself ýand lived for generations, were still steeped cipal levents thàt occurred along whicbheli -says oftentinies stands'iii the li the Puritan traditio;' con Christ's road. to Cal1va ry. As '1\ri. An- way 6of hmn pneÉs. ýA therne which owes its 'vividness and srnt son has portrayed' tbem, they are un- ofnsoe sort. is always enbodied in1 to the author's love. and deep reverence forgetable, and he, has succeeded il his writings. He neyer preaches but i'for thepast and ber. quiet appeeciatio n kepig her elgiussiniucmé-istadsatirizes.' ntot .bitterix .but ilof the, beneficent influence of early, New always in, the foreground., umrousl%- with a delicate humor.'H-Te England traditions. Yét, neyer does the artist lose sigai is a wonderful storv teller, and knows 1 Ir le bs setle il of the artistic beauty of the scapes Just IO t od neetiof 4"- oO in-Blue Hill, Maiavlag 1e sees, and -With bhis contrasts of reader. Many of his early novers i s,,hadingst,4nd bold, black lines, lie are "sexy", but ini recent years tiiere er eo.so9a hihhdln catces he ystry f tat olyis a notable 'absence ofta. Hbeen the homeý of ber family and .wbichi Lad brermac sale tedakstories of late are more wbolesomle, ony recently could boast a movie-house a 'lly-ways, and climibed thelie moin- ve modern and vital. 0f this kiîîd or an automobile. Her great-great ta s ioiliiuaret ~. ~ thé -g-ye S~ai~w Wj ~ramdtnother-conr ler tnother"s side was Rqcking- chair travelers wiil recogJ Thoke, 1e SanSon g, aid ijjhefi white child to be borti on the nie tbsimne n nsieo h ~I1I aid 110w Flowcriing Wilder.. shores of Blue Hill Bay, and on ber vers' niodern hovels, ftic tier upon 0wSsÇ. 'lié last is a shilling ligbt of fte' iewr h is atr*o tir f oue ad hoscrwdngisatire peppered wvith biumor and sbiPs that, starting f rom Bliie Hill, the slopes, and flic massive clitircîîes ' Patillis. He skilliflW depicts a so- sie h vtr fee oen aii(l domes topping the his. *be jcial background and its inlunc p- Steadyitig the romantic influence Of thils wil realize that todjav niod0er, -tv on the destinies of inidiViduals,. sea-fari.ng stock wvas the long linie of combats antiqt:îty for doinlanlce of YVben Wilfrid .Désert vas lield i,) Baftist mithers fwicb Onasth boast Palestine anîd its environs ; and Jew, b¼ soine fanatical Arabs lii Darfur o e obrsfriy nht ie Christian and M\ohiaîimedàtn reacli a and forced at the point of a pistol to the nmen were omnivorous readers. han toclani hàtlan fo ils on-'turn Moslein hle neyer dreamied that MayOf thein being accomplishied* stui- band to aim.thatllfr.bi. owu!this li eh. in re ol ..i A !den1ts of rePk andI Latin, andthe wom- *AI<Y '.. 1: reig£ionIUI uvas lie cnanged to tlieirs the Ilai and tue uciyssey, troini\vhiçli t ituuE. il ,i order to save is lifc. But xvheiilie could quote freely. This love of. lihe ret-urned home and feullul love books lie soliglit t.o imipart to his eighit wlhitb itny Cherreil miaters look a children but bis entbusiasmis foilld the sudden turni -for the \vorsu.Ilie di.-_ greatest appreciation ini Miss Mary E- ýcovered that his turniugý Mo,-0en bas i leti Chase, who f ound time to- read branded hlm ai, utcasýt. W\ith this T backeray, Dickens, Hawvthorne, Scott, as bis thbnie Mr. Gals\\orthv %-billds: Froissart and so 0on wbile rocking the is soy u vîtXifi le n current baby i h is cradle or drivilig der the circumstàlnces one doesn't Constancy, the family cow, to ber dlis- kuow u'î util the end of the book. 'tant pasture. Her inother, over lber 11n this story Gal]Swnrtiw de.1 ts ..-. 1çrlnkot h- e u -t l.o., ivn.- L>3ell >Jvenings 1159 Wilmett, Ave. Ph. WiI. 1158 be giveni away thougbitfti ail to be kepit andcheris that is a ia book to vbut above ed.