.Beu& m v nounced tater. it was stateci. Y liprelin It on, a Duuncan jennings, 126 Broadwav, a Ssenior at the University of Wisconl- ette 28-21) sin, will returni home îiext Thursady for the hiolidavs.. SNIDEROCAZEL: DRUG COMPANY Serving North Shore Residents for'more than 28 pears Wilmette and Central Aves. Phones: Wil. 400-401 Free Delivery in WiIm ete and Kenilworth Open Sundays un*iI 10 P. M. RIDGE AVENUE PIHAR MACY Affiwed wth-Swtder.ýCgu1 I»ug f C.-J. B. Seylejr, Mýr. Ridge and Lake Aves. Phone Wilmette 316 Mesnber WiUmette Chamber of Commerce ýSEE THE (Contributed } 1T'le Harvest Mooni parties, looked together %vith the AiI-Anierica'n foot- forward to with suchi eager anticipa- bail hero, a baker in inimaculate white, tion for the past severàl veeks by.,a Dutch,. Chinese, japanese, Spanish, and host of Wilmette children, are now a]t f vl olnat eni~ u 1 M o themany and varied costumes.~ part of childhood's. memnory-a vivid, One of outstaniding-interest wvas that of happy exciting rnemory . The parties an Arabian Sbeik (wvorn bv William were the firist to be given this season Mody brought f roni jerusalem hy for the dancing classes sponsored by 1 the David Halls. Thie costumes in the Central-Laurel ParentmTeacher as- j mnan>' insfances (lernonstràted the in- sociation. under the chairnîanship of' genuitN; of the children who planned Mrs. Paul Lang and terininated Friday, tlbeni thmselves. Deemë 9, with a gala a«fair. The one hiundred and eighty chiîdren Stolp. Assembi>' hall was conipletel>' attending. the classes were taken care transformed. A tremendous moon,ý of in "three, separate, parties. The ninie f eet across, dominated the scene Iyounger group of fort>' children had and cast its glow on the dancers. its party at 3 :15, the next g.roup of Tasseled cornstocks, still holding full eighty children frorn4 :30 to 6, and golden ears of corn, formcd the back-1the evening group of about sixty f rom .ground for the larger part of the, 7 t 9. room, while pumpkins. squash, a From the bëgliinig of the grand inagnificient life-size turkey . sil- mnarch through the varied figures, houetted against the mnoon, a lowered .y ii, piio, içio ýInn m ore t* difference price. CLOTHES ARE MUCH CLEANER WIHEN SERVICED BY THE NELSONLANR & DRY CLEANING SYSTEM 1210 CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE 1800 - THE PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY KNVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH $ERVICESAND VISIT THE READING ROOM Red Riding Hood was thére withi her' basket on, ber arm, a miniature bell byini scarlet with man>' brass buttons, an old-fashioned school master, the1 much sung AII-American football girl, NEW CONTAGION New contagion renorted in W~il "sjPhiladeiphia and Wasbingtpn. was away for three weeks. term to wnicn the ch ing f orward, with i, 'more parties and . t the children will ai term be so tmuch be a. dancilng Party. Nu r Dece mber Slie them hildren. are Alo10k- ts .gay promise of leé realization that it the end of the etter, able, to enjoy 'over ing Fi ini Auto ( back for the Christmias lioli-, Willmette WlIhn 1 4 rlioto