action ani interest for tle. entire evenling. I)oîi't stay away beca*îse -ý uuuui ay cares rI>ecuUeC YZtl J 0f the pledges is as follows: don)t't dance, bttcoille and( brinlg thle .1 Missus. The expense is ýsight-j tîst W. G. Casseirian, W, W. Clutoni,.. 1C. Corcoran, J. F, Condon, D. M. enouigh to cover expenss-an(i aGrstoW C.[ehatLE. good time is ini store* for ou. If VOU rM sro, . . LenadL. - haeany oil and serviceable clothes eeRtR E esV that Vou doni't:ieedi. bring.them 1% 1iti C. WyIle A. G. Zinimerman, l. G v 'ou. eiM il ha îiyAains, .' -Bowen, C.Burkhardt, are: put tco go:o<.îtie. W' J Cousins, E L. DeKieffer, L. J. ______Isaacson. Satrda. ecebe 24Chidrîî.~ .V. Egan, F. Fielding, R. Forster, I)arty, at St. Agstn's E. b Holtz, 1-. E. Logan, D. E. MC- lb se,îroîpty a 2:0 ~ PaishKee, D. Robertson, H. E. MurphyR. .Hois_ irnitlyat2:0 P.M. ThisF i s a part% for the cildreii of al .ýmith,, T. E. Sullivan, R. s.- inemersof te Pst ad te Auil-brittoni, H. N. Bundeson, D. Cockrill, i a rxy and- there i510care h V. K. Lespinasse, R. M. Nelson, C: I-H. FunvClwnMaî vil e iiciare.Taylor, V. F. ýNVadsworth 'and, R. B. andl vii trodItice-nioie oterthan il las the %vel-kniowni Santa Cla'us.. in per- son.. 'Ihere iviill be enitertaiinment, GO TO ARIZONA grouJ) siflginig and refreshuiients. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Petersen and Please notc tthat this party is in St,..daughter, Marion, 222 Cumberland Augusiýttine'> Parisul Iouse-tb sec- avenue, Kenilworth, will leavýe..S4- oîîd bililding sotuth of the club bouse. urday, Decemiber 17, f~or Arizona. iii %\vhlçi hthe Post meetings are hield. Tbey wvill stay at the Flýing V ranch, .near Tucson. Thieir sons,- Hughi and 'l hursdav, l)ecenmber 29-Post par-' Philip, are in school in Tucsoni. They% tY at (Ireat Lakes. \fore about this will be together for the holidays. ý ini llcxt wcVeks issute. BACK FROM MICHIGAN Dmi )ut fail to atten(Idthie Pazi Re-. Mrs. Wiiliaiii KixMiller, 789 Nlich- ý \erc'-, meetinig at the Stoilp schooi to- igan avenue, returned to hier home1 igh,,t (Thu rsday). l)eceniber 15, at iast Tuesday fromn Battie Creek,h X P \.-lhnB. taton . Mich., where she had been, for lier ý On,1 satt(iday, Dcemiber 10, at il:15 o'clock iin the en9,Ms , <by Mac Wood,. danghtcr, of Mr. Mid Vr(s. Jaine,ç R. Wood of 1224 Florest avenue, Wl'lihne, becamne th bide of Af vid C. o#rsn~f Sunfuoio, Te.r. The Rev. Oscar Thomias Oison of the Wilmette Parjshi Methodist Episco- pal chu rcb performed the ceremony. The bride was attended by Miss Mar- jorie Post of Wiimette and Miss Ruth Kuehn of Evanston. The bride's brother, Forrest, attended Mr. Peterson as-best .man. Mrs. Vernon R. Loucks, 234 Sfieri- dan: road, I<enilworth. and their fam- ily,, are leaving todav for Nashville, Terni., to spend C.hristias with. ber- Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley B. Coiton, 354 Kenilworth avenue. returned Sat- urday from Mèxiico where they have been for three weëeks. blue crepe and wore a 'corsage bouquet of orchids. Miss Post was dressed lm. white lace. over green and carried lair- trnder sweet peas, yeiiow roses, and fiues of :the val ley. Miss Kuehn's gown was of tan lace and she carried a bouquet of violets. M rs.ý Wood' wore a, gown of grey crepe witb crystal trimming and car- ried talisman roses and i hes of the valley. Th~1e bouse \vas profusely decorated ini white carnations and chrysanthe- MitMS. Mrs. M. J. Melton, the bride's iliater- nal grandmother, camne up f rom Waco, Tex., to attend -the wedding and wilI spend the hoiidays with the Woods.. Mr. Peterson and bis bride left for Kansas City where they will make their home. The families of the bride and bridegroom have been f riends for many lUoihdvs WitLI lier rentsvîI~,i.ana1 Mirs. RuçloIp'h Tencher. 828 Ashland avenue. Her brother, o is a stu- dent at Princeton, wiil be home on Smndav for his vacation Mary per a soploiorc at Ne'ýN" 'Trier, datighter of Mr. and Nirs. Aaron Speer, 006 Laurel avenuei, - derwent an operation for appendicitis iast vveek at. the Edgewater hospital. She will retuiri to bier homie soon. Mrs. Henrv C. Hall, 500 Centrail avenue, wiii blave as lier house guests over Christmas ber tvvo aunts, Miss Jessie Field and Miss 'Mary Rheemn, and a cousin, Harrv Field, ail of O)t- tuniwa, Iowa, and aiso Charles F. Washburii of Chicago. Harry C. Kinne, a freshrnan at Col- gate university, Hamilton, N. Y_, and a member of Delta Upsilon fraternitv. Send tbem by Railway Express We'II cal for them On request, our vehicie wili call for your Christmas packages and carry them quickiy and safeiy to the recivrsat very reasonabie cost. Our agent has attractive holiday labels for you. Save Time and Troubi e-S hi> by Manior, N. Y. -~-o- Billv Healy, 205 M1elrose avenue, Palynia Lee Burpee, 815 Linden Kenilworth, is .retuirning to Kenil- avenue, who is studying at the Ober- -worth. Saturday f rom. Washington. lin Conservatory of Music, will be 1). C., where lie attends Georgetown home Wednesday of next week to universîty to spend the lholidays m-itli pass the holidays wfth her parents bis f.amily. r