for these. destitute people. lease tUt'n to p)age 8.. and, if at ail pos- SIble, lend %Ouir assistance tg titis w~Orthv cnterprise! Total. Christmias Seal Sale-Her Less- Than $450 Tot al .sales of, Christias seals in W\hlette up to Tuesdav of filis 1% eek amnouftc<I to' Iess thant $450. accordI- ing to Mrs. liiez I3liss of the Wil- iflîtte Hlealth center and Mrs. A. L GriuînelI. .wlio. is chairmani of .the center's Christnîasý seal committee. .1 e seals are sold for' the -beneifi.t of the Chicago Tuberculosîs instituite, %w-hicli coflducts a -con stant figlit ag4inst tubercjj1osi, 11.1 thae ,Ic'g area. 'l'le $450 worthl sold ini '- il- 'nmette i> les: than hiaîf of *what the ins-iltute speuds for its work ini \\Il- .nette eachi y ar, Mrs. Grinneil states. * Pup il the public anid parochial scehools of the village have been sell- ing- the seals. Manv fami lies have b een reached also bv' letters de'!ivere-d b-v the Boy Scouts. 'lhle sale w1ll ('OfItititUC util -Christmas fitne., it is announced. * The nuniber of seais solil this vear lias expressed. its appreciation of. thje cOntributjons already mýade. - V are in , desperate need. of fuuids,- M rs. Bliss said this week, ..and Nve hope that many more seaîs ý%ill be sold before the drive ends.- Kenilworth Launches Its WeIf are Campaign The Emergency Welfare fund dIrive 4, Everyone bas a soft spot in his hear for beautiful, fragrant flowers-they bre'athe a Vuletide sentiment of their 'Merry Christmas." Greens HOLLY BOX WOOD HUCKLEBERRY for Chrîstma1s, SMILAX BALSAM SPRUCE Deco rations ARBOR-VITAE WINTER-BERRYS, RIJSCUS P LAN VISTA DANCE Mir. and Mrs. Marvin Harns. 102) Miami road, are in charge of the ar-, rangements for the Christmias dance to be givert by the Vista del 11-go club Saturday. 235 RIDGE ROAD Rememluer the Food Barrels I