lumber, were welcomed by Village Président C. P. Dubbs, who. was introduced to the group by. R. M. Johnston, chairman of the Wilmette Playground and Recreation .board un.der which auspices the carol serv- ice is conducted -each year. Throug h the cooperation of the Wilmette churches and civicý organii- zainthe Recreation board, re vived the custoin of a, community Carol sine seven years ago and now it is a village' institution. For several years the custom bad been allowed to lapse because of the- intervention of the World war and the attendant dis- tress. The purpose of -the carol sing, as outlined by Daniel M. Davis, direc- tor of reetft.n, is to provide -one service on; Christmnas evç where everybody ini the. community cati gather for a short - tue and meet neighbors, forget troubles, and par-i take of the general Christmnas cheer.1 -The caroling' was led by George T rier ýe band MJss j Methodist (25) P. !Reinhold C. Varney F. Waidner M. .Ling, M. Boyajian CV Lundberg, R. -pence. M. Y. P. D. (22> F., Quayle 10. Oei9n .)E. Goodwin G.,Stone J.. Moore S. Ryerson St. Franciis'(34) B. Moran D. Sulli van J. ONeil J. Blaha Stat e Bank (38) H.. Stone -W. Miller T. .King T. Varney B.; Robinson C. ae D:. Evans K. of C. (35) 13. Meibye J. Harrison V., Meter, B. Hurd D. BIameuser. H. Sieren Yorks (20) L.'Schmldt M. Knlep E. Braminer 1D. Evpns1 Tream standings ln, menes'*A!' Bas ketbal league. Hftfmann ?iorist, Lynarn Texacos State Bank KC. of C. Yorks... .. M. Y. P.D....... blethodlst . .... St. Francis .... 6 1 .857 5 1 .83?. 3 3 .500 3 4 .429 2 5 .429 1 6 .143 1. 6; .143~ 'S 46B", LEAGIJE ast week!s games ln men's Ml league: January 80-7 :30 p.m. P. T. A. vs. Swedtmh Bushmen. 8:30 pin. Baptlst vu. Methodist. 8:30 p.m. Yt. P. C. vu. Hoftman Flor- ist. February .6-7:30 p.M. Y. P . s Swedieh ,Busbmen. 8:30- p.m. Methodist vu. Howard, P. T, A.; 8:30 p.m. Baptist vs. IHoffmannFir lut. GIRL'S BASKETDALLI 1982 Games will be played at Stoip gym- naslum. Teains whose opponents are flot réady te play ten- minutes atter the gaine ls scheduied may, deciare a for- feit. January-9ý-7- p-.m. BroWnies -,vq.,Kudas.. 8 pan. Six Bits vs;']Porter. 9 p.n. XYËZ vs. Y. P. C. January 16-7 p.m. XYZ vu. Porter. 8 pan. Browhtes vs. Y. P. C. 9 pan. Kudas vu. Six Bits. January 23-7 p.m. Six Bits vs. Brown- 9 p.m. XYZ vu. ICudas. January 30-7 panu. Six Bits vs. XYZ. 8 p.m. Kudas vu. Y, P. C. 9 p.m. Brownies vs. Porter. I Winner j The new teain, which bas been termed one of the strongest on. the north shore.. will meet Hoffmann Florists, one of the very strongest of the Wilmette teanis, at, 7 o'clock, and at 8 o'clock :.a fast gaine between Huf Boilers of',Evranston -and the, Bahai"'teain of Minmette -wiIl bë Pl ayed. The even ing will be inished off with a gaine between Schultz and- Nord and the Wilmette Life tearn, which, will begin at 9 o'clock. Tickets for the' charity garne went on sale, last week and the preliminary sales indicate. a nice donation to the Cbest fund, Dudley C. Stone, recrea- tion assistant in charge of the garines, announ ces. Both: the. advance sale and the gate receipts will1 go tÔ the f und. ,Since a ticket-selling contest has been inaugurated for the school chul- dren the&ein each pupil who 'sells fi ve ticke ts may obtain a free ticket to the garne, there is littie likelihood of any, Wilmette resident lacking an opportunity to .purchase a ticket for the gaines, but, however, in such an event, Mr. Stone announces that tickets may be proc.ured at the recre- ation office, 914 Central avenue, or at the door on january 6. Arrange- ments are being made to, seat 500 spectators at the gaines. the musical scores ot the carousu. Following the caroling, Lemuel F. Owens, 725 Greenwood avenue, gave a short Christmas address to con- clude.the prograin. Take A. Sebinler Heller, referee Horne ts (17) Hoffmrann F A. Russo E. Young J. .Aiworth W. Young R. Green E. Wolff, referee Y. P, C. ('21> Winberg Bramiii R. Ev Tuesday, Janmary 3 7 P. m. Men's basket baIl. "B"l league. Hoffinan Florists vs. Y. P. C. H-oward gymnasium. 8 p. mn. Men's basket bail. " league. Amierican Legion vs. \Van Deusens. Howard gymnasium. 9 P. ni. Meni's basket bail. "B" league. His Service station vs. Winberg i>rugs. Hioward gymnas- ium. 9-7:30 Methoýdtst - s. Champion~ Büshinen. 1 heChiea 1Y. P. C. vs. Baptists. drtr P. T. A. vm. Hoffman Fier- clu heb ing hb dçfense.' IE" I I .rd gymnasium. e, Systel I