i.s -ër. as- ln ail otner north shore tow#iO. IasL ear.3. Those who have already mnade a * Captains have been appointel in maximum subseription în thé city, but who. will want to.make an addltional two of the four sections,,into which contribution to help iustain Kenilworth's Kýenil worth ,has ,been -divided .for~ th~ .-local ivelfare ,work, No part of their* pturpose of.- expediting. the drive. johni brv~ssbciton nCiaow Carpeter be available for oui, own village chari- Carpnterheads one section; and",ties. Marshall Davieis, the other., An- nounicemenit of the appointmient of D. A. R. to Hobld the other. two captaâis is ýexpected anuary Meting The following letter, surnrnarizing, l'le regular monthly meeting of the the purpose of the carnpaign, how the SkOkie Valley chapter of the D., A. 1R. 11101ey wvil1 be *distribýuted, and the, %Vill) held aury1attersidence spirit of the appeal, hias beeîn ad-; of Mrs. Harry P. Harrison, 307 Ab- dressed to solicitors by Gilbert W%.l bots ford road. Kenilivorth. W. fP. Dur- Keilv, chairmian, and K. ýB. Korrady, lgin w~ilI deliver. an illstadtak seeretary-treéasurer:, -Kilow Illinois." -upoe of the; Cauipaigim teto fte .A .i en 1. To provide funds -for the Atenin fth ).A.Rl-sben wort'Welarecommittte," the pern-n calle(l to an "article entitled "National euit gro)u.p of about fifteen mienibers who i )fne~in the Decembher numnber of invest igate condition.s and prvide re- 1thu 1) A. R. magazine on file ini the fit reS 1d~.ud~h -as 1a ýWflh11tka Pulic 1ibrary. rh'lis article,i thecomitteunder the chaiirimanshlj', i is stated, shows miîe asp)ect of the! aouts Jh $4.00 Carjenter,. exlpt-ided, Riissia.n Five Year plan. abou $1000in ca.rrying on this woî'k. 2To Contrîbute a s;ubstantiLk sumi to Radio prograrns sponsored hv the til, ~E Ile rge ney Welfaire fund"' cain- D. A. R. fromn Station VBMare: pa.igr of C'ook *county in its effort t'o asfhl's rzI1st* $7,500,000 for sustaining the con * asf>mos bino~d ativities of 9*8 imiportant. 1hnt - Januarv 2-MNrs. Edward KeIley, oil-~rgaizîktions throughouu tiw 'Chi- "Ftidamienital Americanism." Sarea. Jiow money ivl11 Be'])lstrl,.t. Jatiuary 4-Dr. Alfred L. \Vilon The Knilww>rth i, ilte .bIutf~ Gl ini the Mountains.- *rt1 aliion i.s w.orthn incls (-o Januarv 9=1frs. Francis J. Htiwen,.i JACK CHAPbMAN-S ORCHESTRA, and Me. NIGHTHAWKS. Famouis En.r.nr Breakfast will b. s.rved Comm.ncinq Tha.. Aý. M. FOR RESERVATIONS, Telion.e New Yoers Rîeervafion Offie LONgb.ach 6M0 There wili be aWccommo.dations in aur Garag. feor'a LlM?*ITR.D number of cars, se ,pake reservation note LEOGER SHEETS DYouble Entry 100-79e TYPEW:RlTEýRS REPAI RED - RENTED - SOLO Ail repair, work is donc quic&ly end reeson- blinOur ow0 modern. compl*ely equlip- ped shop. CARBON PAPER.~ $ 9 Tommys Varsity Srand. A ral buvl INK BIu'e Black or Jet Black, Regularly $1.25. qt .............93c' YetIow Second Sheets 1500 PRINTED ENVELOPEJ 3008 C 24-1b weight with yor $100 Tommy AIRTH, Imc., 1627 Sherman Ave., Evanston - opposite Postoffice - Davs 2M0 -----------------------ý 1)1tllroad, Kenil-worth, returneçi Saturdav is the ,,ie as the one successfufly fol- f roni Vassaiboro, Mairie, wvhere she Enwred istyRealien mite 'enilr.tattends Oak Grove, to spend lher lho- proxinatey $1,000 inoui, c-mmuntty. idav vacation Nîth lier parents. The comimittee realizes that nim Ms.FedLut'f %-lvo Xi, Kenilworth eitizens niay have already 1r.Fe et one1 fgi%,en to their maximum capacity dui** netka, i-as the guest .of honor at a ing the canipaign now being carried o'n. luncheon and bridge o*ti \Wednieslav,. in Chicago for the "Emergency Wel- teho.stess beingMr. Albert tare fund." rhere are others -who w,uld teen vs r zPn-rously cnntribute but who areflot 'Scarratt, 521 Kenilworth avenue. , IL .L1 I~N uz.ý The SPORTS SHOP of HUBBARD WOODS (976 Linden Avenue) Beginning This Week LU ' 3-5 0 a RECUL AR se, a pair 55c 'I