Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Dec 1932, p. 26

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The Wi1rette Garden club will tneet on Januarv 0, at the home o \frs. Mwar'l .. chclefnhelM, 7)4 Ca e avenue, The speaker.seltcted f or thii meeting, ik Artbur Palmgren of the Palmgren nurseries. He will talk on "Trees and Flowering Shrubs, and the Winter Pruning of Tfhem." M rS. C. P.> Berg, the newly electe<l president,, will assume ofice. at this time. Thrise chosen to serve with ber arc M rs., W . Clark, vice-president.; Mrs. Mward L .Scheidénhelni rcod ing secretary; Mrs. Charles Van r)c«r- sen,, corresponding sécretary; Mrs. Thomas C. Mouldîng, treasurer. Mrs. Berg bas name<l h(r xecutive .board. Mrs. C. N. Hurîhut, Mrs,. Hayes McKinney, ani Mrs. Nathan P. Col- 'W.l are the n.emnbers at large. The standing , mmittec chairmen, irc \Ir, JP. ", agner, r'r,,vm t, Mýr-. Frank J. Scbeidenbeim, membersbip; ~Mrs. J. l3enton SclIaub, pul)iictt; Mr,'. John F. Weedon, printing; M rs. Char- les 1). Ewer, custodian and librarian; Mrs. Wallace Kerr, Plant, Flower, and Fruit guild; Mrs. Walter Gore Mit- chell, civic improvement.; Mrs. James S. Moore, telephone; Mrs. E. IH. lurge, telephone. Mrs. D)avid Cookc, garden prohlemns. The special crimmittee 'bairmen are: Mrs. C. E.. WüIls, SprinM ,Flowcr. sbhow Mrs. J. BntnSrhhb, p ;s etM rs. C. 11, lerg, vice-president; Mrs. Don F. Wiley, rccording secrctary; Mrs. Charles R. Norman, corrcsj)iùdÏ(ing sec- retary; Mrs,. fayes McKiinney, treas- Mrs. lEdwa,,,rd J,. Scbiifeidenhelm, Mrs. Charles 1). E-*wer, Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm, members at large.. Cliairmen of standing cmltes serving the past term werc : Mrs. Wal- *At 1( :30 o.,' the child and homne Irl':parttnent., ,xr-àst;chai rman is Mrs, Ray' S. W'arren, iill pre5ent Emetry UW Bajiui, dean' oi the Central Y.ý M. C. A. Cleeo Arts and Sciences of C;hicago-. iHis talk-wil l e the ,first of a* course riro-ur lectures dea!ing %with psyVchr>logyý. His firý-t talk %viii deai in glýnerali wýtith the dangèr inher.nti in the aduilt to ger- along with the. education u.shich }c~lie etî i usyuh * Flloingthe cane o'cAlock luncheon, i faroii A. bhrensprýtgtr, directoir, au- thofr, anr! actor oi thet Little Theat.r, ,will be the, speaker. NMr. E*hrensperger hasý bad. widée experience in the fiei of laukc.eis Kathleen Sauerwtaldj, ot Xiiwaueeic<ntralto, will iurnish the mnusical ntitimher, on -the pro»gram. Catholic Club Juniors Spread Christmas Joyj Weinsdya fte rnoon, December 21, a group o.f the girls fromi the jun- ior auxiliary~ of the Woman's Catho- lic club of WVIlmette, accompanied by .Santa Claus, svent to Alil Saints' par- ishi of dwtw Chicago to givec poor cbildren their share of a mnerrv. Chbri stm as. Tbe girls had worker mati' v ek repaîring cast-off toys, to give to heeunfortunate ones on Christrnas. 'J'le chiidren iverû entertained by a .ý)aI<a iy the'.1-hrist1inas. (I1c ad ieTI greeted tbem cheerily. All svere most appreciative and had a good timne. "ihe girls ani Santa würc cordially entcrtained after the children's partY by the nuns at a sinail tea. Tbe auxiliary inembers participat- ing were the Misses Mary Elizabeth- Burns, Dorothy Bichl, Marion, Ort- seifen, Vivyceu NIMo ri1 n , Cecelia Benz, 'Virgiu ia Salerno, .and .1 orraile. .Çanvel Thaz'iu o! T4iInette, violi)ni.çf anzd a prq>il of > lischa prograni at the sle anniversary prograin of theWInne.tka WDrn4>e's club. nexi We,'dnesdav aflernoon. Mrs. 'Maurice H. Licher will rea d tbe histrory she has written of the club, ai Mns.-lames F. Porter is giving a reading of the poem written by Mrs. Williain A.. Otîs. Kendlworth Guilds Meeting J road, Keilworth; the - Whitehiousec guild, at Mrs. P. E. Çonnor, 549 Cedar street, Winnetka; the NIc- Laren giiild, at the bomne of Mrs.) G. Raymiond, 210 Abingdoni avenue, 1enilworth; the Anderson guild, at Mrs. Herbert A. Lunidal's, 224, Raleigh road, Kenilworth, and the Stewvart guild with Mrs. L. E. M ten,. 159 Fuller lane, WVinnietka.' \\Wilmiette chap.ter, iiurrnber 753, Or- (f~er of th~e Fastern Star, bas sent ot invitations f-or Its public installation of. 'office r>s on M\onday evening, Jan- Uary.,2, at 8 o'clock, at. the WVilmette * Maso;nîc temple. *The, new officers' for 1933 art Caro- Ille lIrwin Converse. matron ; Josephi o.Conver.î é. pi-ron ; Iorotby L. Kuélzow%, as.Sociate inatron; August J. kîelow.associat-e-patron; Grace M. Skelton, Secretary; AMherta K. Orner. treasurer. M lav * Woodhead. conductress; .Ny.rtle Hopkins, a.sociate cOnduct- rt î.,- May Saville, chaplain;-, Grace ills. marshal: Lillie 'M. Hoff maan, or- ganist; Bessie Smith, Adah; Ina .NieÇ(,ýrs. Ruth.; Agnes Green, Esther; Clara Nelson.. M\artha; Ann'aSandlers. Eect ra. LihaCbristy, wvarder; ThomiaS F. Cook.. sent inel; Martha A. Keel. instructres.s: Bertha Darling, solois.t; Eva G. *PN-fer, correspondent. The officers of installation are: Nlartha A. Keel, lecturer, installing, officer; Anna H. \Voidt, staling marshal;, Eva G. Pv fer. past natron, instaliing chaplain ; Elliott V. " Younigbe)rg. installing organist, and a iinemiber of Wilmette chapter: Cor- rine Johnson, a remi)er of the Lake Forest chapter, mwill be soloist. Henrv C. Keel, Richard D. Schuettge. RoY A. Hopkins, past patrons, wilIl)be es- Gladys K. Shellman, past inatron, and Bertba lHi. Darling are ini charge of flomwers, -and other escorts are to be past matrons an~d past patrons of the Wilrnette chapter. Clara J. Joiles and Williamn T. Jones are the retiring officers. Dancing will' follosv the ceremonies. Art Exhibit, Open House at Woman's Club Sunday The Womian's Clul) of WViImette il real estate loan de- oftbte un1idergraduates, wbo, as w Wilnette State bank. as alurnnae, will .bc present. 1"'T of fortel of tindei iary son. - ing. par le sewingý

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