Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Dec 1932, p. 1

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Village President Dubbs Out- uines Procedure in Defray- ing Waterworks Cogt 1'owiuch niolley will: thel.Village of XiniereceiNefroiiitflacReconi- struiction Finanice: corporati(on and liow .will thiis mioiielbe païd ack im the event XVilmette's proposed mnuni- cipl atr orks is constructed- are. two questions which villagers inter- 'ested i ii the project are askiing,. Village President C.ý P. Dubbs wvas interviewed on, the subject this week. His anîxvers to the questions iliav ble .suiinaii.rîzed as los 1Udrthic agreem~ent bletween 'the finiance corporation an1d the Village. Wilinette will receive îlot more thaii $580,00(). Village officiais aniticiipaec, howeveür. that this large an amotint wil1 flot be needed., silice the l)idS ' re- cei\vecd recetlv oni the N-ar'ious pae of the %%-ater-works,- coinstrtict'ion joli 'total le.Ss thanl $400,000. Buy Revenue Bonds Whatveramwunt is receîved 1wv the 'Village ýü jl he loancvd tu it by the voters 'at' the specîil election ini Decenîbler, 19)31. Thiese bonds will not be 1oughit,' howeer, in a îumpj suin of 'S580,000, but 'the. Reconstruic- tion Finance corporation' will pur- chase themn iii blocks as the nionev is llee(le(l 1w the Village. 'if the Village flL'C(s onlv $7.0 or $500.000 to huiild the Water Nvorks, that aiount' "Contiuied on page 9). By W. C. Reinhold- (FOrI. l i/»u'tt c d iiit o Theyre Off! (as of January I. 93. N. inetten hundred and. thirty-tbree *.starts" have, nàw héen recorded on Fathier Time's "Aunty Domiinoe'" race track,..gand .he ireat question -is-is it goingto be another "'Sec what 1 turnedý out tobe" event? Some 'f the "starts". iu the past have been fairly brilliait. -and somne have finished pretty weli, but *Nineteen '32" sntanything "to write homhe about."t He started "promiising" just like a poli- tician, but lie rau ptiorly and, just flike a politician, li e tlelivered something thiat 'Sounds like ,othing. and. looks like zero. OQue of his otitstanding feats . bas, been the, cutting out of the "aire" for many. This îa~s heeni called' the "'massacre of the. millionaires," which lîistorical ly resembhles. ir)re or less, "the massacre 'of the Inniocenits," (In-, cidentally, you \\Ill have to look up vour old almantacs tR) read about the latter.) But "Nineteen 32" wvas at least im- partial, and lie didn'it cxactly nleglect thno!' wiii et 111<1 io t "nnt ou aires" I 'have heard a lot gof pe;)p'le say that those of us who have' leariied the les- sons of 1932 have inuch to 'be' thankful for. Perhaps tlîat is true, but, to get righit dcwn to hrass tacks, what about the millions, wvho -ere not speculators, whlo did niot live "Ihi"h"but whose major knowledge, and 'lessons gained f rom 1932, consist of the loss of jobs, (mnaty good, ones ), and the loss -of * Nabbed by Police Paul Foster. and Jolin Brady, both eniployed bya' local automobile con- cern, were ' arrested by tI)e. iimette police after a car 'which one of the two Was, driving -had. crashied- into a parked' automobile last 'Saturday night.: The parked,,,car,,vas owned' byi F. G., Waggett and wvas parked ini front of hlis, home 'at 1604.Wilmette avenue, when the accident :occ urred.. Foster and Brady. were using a car Nwithout g. license whlen thev ran into M .r. Waggett's automobile. Each, ac- cuses the other of being the driver at the. time the, accident occurred. 1'hey took the- car without the per- -mission, of their employer, it was stated. Investigation by thie 'police ire- vealed that Foster, who gave several addresses,. hid served a year in hc Kansas state prison under the niare of William Boswell for stealing anl automobile' and also that lie is wanted by the Tampa, Fia., police on a similar cliarge dating back to 1928. In Tamipa Foster wàs knowNv as Paul Turner,. according to the'. Vilmette police. Brady lives at 501 Illinois road, MWilmette.' Botll men were chiarged Nvithi leav- ing the sceene of 'anl accident and they wvere also charged' with taking the inx the village jail. Money Order, Savings Servic e Hours A Itered Starting Tuesday, January 2, the money order anid postal savings win- dow at 'the Wilmnette postoffice will be open from 9I o'clock in the niorn- ing until 5 o'clock ini the afternoon, Postanîister 1ncseol E. Siantz, an,- Maie Ens emble to Give New Year's Day ýProgram; Inter- national. Favorites Patrons of the Winmette Suniday Evening club: will hearý the famous. Welsh 'Imperial .Singers at, the ' first programn, of the -new'- calendar lyear, January 1 This group ýof celebrated artists is flot strange to the north shore, hav- ing. previously appeared. before the .Sunday Evening club. Directed' by R.» Festyn Davies, these, renowned singers have1 gaineýd the reputation as Britain's greatest -maie ensemble. They' have béen an out- standing success for several years in England, Scotland, Wales and Cana- da,a, m~4or~e recen4ly, have .ohieveil a distinct triuniph on American tours. They have appeared many tilues be- fore royalty and were characterized by Sir Dan Godfrey, England's great musical genius, as *'the finest coin- bination of maie voices." lieart. Prais.d by Critie "They are a pieturetsque and mnellow throated organization. Twelve singers,' an acconî and a conductor, they are costumed in bright red swallowtail coats, tight trousers, puffed shirts, black stocks, the conductor, R. Festyn Davies, varying the theme with tan coat, black. knickerbockers and stockings. Ini other words, their garb is 'of the era when he-meni were permitted to. be ornia- 'mental in dress without imnpugning re. marks. ~0i~* closed A day Monday, jani when the New Year's day ivili bç_observed legally. last' Thi fluenza. pl pot'aLIc, was Ldice .iii l oi rypnwuid ever was reported the sday with an attack of ini- previous' week, but there are. noutew cases of this disease.

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